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May's POV

My head was pounding and I practically saw red everywhere I looked, my fists were balled up and I was just about ready to hit anything. I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that he'd do this to me. But then again it was my fault for trusting him, oh what cause he thinks I purposely messed up his last song's music sheet he decided to get back at me by STEALING my bloody song?

I took in deep breathes as a paced the aquarium blue rug on the ground of my room. I rotated my shoulders to try to ease the tension but it wasn't working, I really wanted to give him a piece of my mind.

"Bleeding hell!" I sighed in frustration, throwing my hands up in defeat then sat on the edge of my bed.

I was stunned by the sound of knocking on my door, it was soft taps and for some reason I already knew who it was.

"Come in" I said in a forced tone. His brown hair was the first thing I saw, then his pleasing brown eyes and then a pout on his lip. He walked with his hands shoved into his front pockets after closing the door tightly behind him.

I was afraid to say anything in fear of my accent getting thicker and him not taking me seriously, people never took me seriously when I was angry, said I sounded "adorable", adorable?? I'm raging here, hello!

"Hi" he said gently in almost a whisper as he stared at his feet. I didn't say anything back to him. Hi? Hi? What the hell?

"Look May I'm sorry" he sighed as he lifted his head to look at me. I looked away, not only was I brassed off but I also was on the verge of tears and he'd already seen me cry once, no way was I letting him get a show from again.

"I don't know what possessed me into doing that" he ran his hand through his hair "I am so sorr-"

"Do you have a good reason for doing what you did? Can you explain why?" I crossed my arms as I turned my attention on him.

"I-I, I don't know" he shook his head. I got up and walked towards him.

"How dare you? How could you do that to me? In a moment of weakness I confided in you about something truly important to me, you know how important and meaningful it is to me yet you pass it off as yours? I mean just when I thought we-" I stopped, shaking my head I turned around.

"When you thought we what?" I gently turned me around to face him, but I pulled away.

"The kiss? God I was such twit! What made me think that someone like YOU would ever kiss someone like ME?" I nearly choked on a sob that threatened to escape my lips.

"May" he sighed, shaking his head he walked towards me.

"Don't touch me, please, and leave, cause I have to come up with a song to hand in to John in two days,it might not seem like a big deal to you but it's a great deal for my band mates and I" I sniffed then headed towards the door and held it open, signalling for him to leave.

"May.." He tried again, his eyes were glossy but by the time I looked again it was gone, must have imagined it.

"Please Calum" I pleaded, he walked towards the door but before he left he stopped and turned to look at me.

"I'm so sorry" he whispered then left, I closed the door behind him then fell to the ground, the tears that were too proud to show face were now streaming like rivers down my eyes. I clutched my chest tightly, bunching my shirt in my hand as I cried.


           Calum's POV

I felt like shit! To say in simpler words. I needed a new song asap and the one she wrote was just there, in my notebook, it was so easy to take. But now I regretted it, she regretted it, our kiss that is. Kiss? We had a full on make out session but the bottom line is that she regretted it, I mean she thinks I didn't want to kiss her? Each time I see her it's a little thing  called self control that kept me from jumping her bones.

I groaned as I kicked the football that stood beside my drawer. I had to fix this, I had to fix her being angry at me, I had to fix her not being able to trust me, I had to fix it!  I don't know why but it hurt me to think that I'd hurt her.


"Mmmm, great supper love" May said to Genie from where she sat opposite me.
"Thanks, it's a lot of hassle you know" Genie laughed "picking up that cell phone and ordering it then having to walk to door and paying for it" She laughed rotating her shoulder blade dramatically.

"That's right, cause ordering pizza is a heck of a lot of work, like why don't people get that?" Lucy laughed along before biting into a slice of pepperoni pizza.

All night I've been trying hard to make some sort of eye contact with May but she kept avoiding it, which made me even sadder.

TRY HARD//C.HOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora