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Alright girls talk boys is my new jam! Hands down! Like its sounds so good....and feels good too (;

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May's POV

I woke up to a splitting headache, never knew why they called it that till that morning. Clutching my head, I groaned and made my way to the bathroom.

I looked into the mirror, I looked like I've been put through the bloody wringer. I turned on the tap of the bathroom sink and splashed water on my face, then grabbed my toothbrush and began to brush my teeth.

I'm tired I thought to myself, I don't really know what I was tired of, still figuring that out. Probably tired of getting hurt, tired of everything maybe.

I got dressed, baby blue shorts, a white tank top, all star sneakers and tied my hair up in its usual messy bun, too lazy to fix it up.

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I walked into the kitchen, the aroma scrambled eggs, bacon and toast wafted into my nose. My stomach Instantly grumbled.

"Morning, how you feeling?" Calum asked as he turned a bacon the other side on the frying pan.

"Calum please don't" I shook my head and sat down on one of the bar stools.

"Where's everyone?"
"When I woke up they weren't here, so I decided to make breakkie" he smiled at me. "Hungry?"

I shot him a stink eye and then rolled my eyes, but my growling stomach gave me away.

"Here" he set out a plate in front of me and placed a toast, two pieces of bacon and scrambled eggs on it.

He walked to the fridge and pulled out a gallon of milk and then a glass, he poured out the milk into the glass and set it next to the plate.

"Bon appétit" he smiled cheekily, I took the time to take in his appearance once his back once turned.

White T-shirt, black cargo shorts, hair all ruffled up. It seemed like Calum had gotten bigger for some reason. Stop it! I warned myself. Why should I be checking out the guy who doesn't want me anymore?

"I've gotta go" I said softly, barely touching the food placed in front of me.

"Wait May-" he began to say but I was already half way through the front door, I grabbed one of the car keys that were hanging, not bothering to check cause I had to leave.

"May!" He called behind me but I was already peeling out the drive way. I can't do this, I can't bear being close to him if the next thing was going to be me breaking down in tears, I couldn't ever let him see me that vulnerable again.

I didn't know how long I drove for but what I did know was that I ended up on the cliff that over watched San Fransisco, the spot Calum brought me to a few weeks back.

I don't know why I was there or how I ended up there, but I felt like crying. I broke down into tears, clutching my chest as I sobbed.

Yes, it still hurt. The guy that, even though I didn't technically lose my virginity to, but I let have every part of me, dumped me.

4 days, I would be out of there in that amount of time. No longer having to bump into him in the morning in my pajamas or him shirtless. No more nostalgic memories of what we've done in his bedroom or mine. I'd be out of there to start anew.

Wiping the tears from my cheeks I headed back to the car and headed to the studio, I needed to clear my mind the best way I knew how, drumming.

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"Talk to him May"
"Stay out this Lucy"
"You need to talk this out with him"
"Can we focus on the song please Genie?"
"We leave in 3 days! Talk to the man!"
"I will not Ariel, he made up his mind that we were done"
"God you confuse me"
"Now do I? Do I Genie?" I groaned "look if we're not rehearsing then I'm heading out"

"May! Come back" Lucy sighed
"Fine! Let's rehearse, no bringing up Calum" I warned then headed back to my position. "One, two, one two three four" I started off the beat to 'Hello and Goodbye'

"Blue skies never last as long
I cry when I hear our song
And you try, to get over everything.
I hurt when I think of you
And I'm sure that you do so too
And that's why I keep telling you this.."
Ariel started off the verse.

"Hello and goodbye, the loving was nice, for a while.
Hello and goodbye, it was nice to see you too, but not now.
Hello and goodbye, I'll miss your memories, and everything" Lucy and the rest of the band sang the chorus.

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I felt two hands grab me by the arm, panic the first thing to settle in.

"Hey! Let go of me!" I squirmed, I was being blind folded by someone else. I'm being kidnapped, yup, it's finally happening.

I was led into a room and a door was locked behind me. I tore off the blind fold to see Calum tied to a chair.

"What the-" I began
"Talk. It. Out!"
"Lucy you fucking bitch! Let me out!" I banged on the door.

"We'll unlock it once you talk it out"
"How will you know we talked it out?" Calum asked
"Oh trust me, we'll know"
"Luke you cock sucker, let us out" Calum seethed.

"Bye" I heard their footsteps retreating.

"Shit" I sighed and slid my back slowly down the wall.

"Would you please untie me?" Calum asked.
"Nah, you look better all tied up"
"Fine I'll untie you" I got up and walked over to him and untied him from the wooden chair.

"We have nothing to talk about"
"We do"
"You said all you needed to say, we're over, it's over between us Calum" I sighed. "I don't want to talk about it again."

"I care about you, please know that" he sat beside me, backs to the wall.

"Okay" I scoffed
"Look May, we go our separate ways in 3 days, please talk to me"

"Longest 3 days of my bloody life" I said softly.

"Talk to me!" He groaned

"Fine let's talk! What do you want me to say? Huh? How I'm hurt? How I trusted you to never hurt me again? How I fucking fell in love with you and you broke me?" I said angrily, on the verge of tears.....not this shit again.

He sat there, not saying anything, just staring down at his feet.

"You wanted to talk Calum so talk!" I got up and stood in front of him. "Say something dammit!"

He didn't, his eyes not leaving the ground.

"Fuck it I'm outta here" I sighed, I walked towards the door and started banging it. "Let me out!"

"I love you" I turned around
"What was that?"
"I love you" he repeated
"I'm sorry what?"
"I fucking love you goddamit!" He said louder.

"What?" I ran my hand through my hair. "You what? You're just saying that"

He got up and walked towards me, placing his hand at the back of my neck and holding me by the waist, he pulled me in and kissed me. It was different, the kiss, it wasn't like he normally would kiss me, it was fireworks and a whole lotta sparks.

"I love you" he panted after detaching his lips from mine. Was I speechless? Fuck yes.

"So don't you dare say I hurt you, cause it kills me each time I think that I possibly might have" he still had his hand on my waist. Was it the lack of skinship the past few days or the heat of the moment that made me want to jump his bones?

"I so wanna fuck you right now" I pulled a corner of my lip between my teeth. "Did I say that out loud?" I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks.

"Yeah you kinda did" he laughed, eyes crinkling at the corners. "We have 3 days, wanna make the most of it?" He winked.

"Don't tease me Hood"
"Do I look like I'm joking?" he went in for another kiss.

Right when he was about to pull off his shirt there was knock on the door.

"We're coming in" it was Luke....asswipe.
"Fuck" I sighed as I pulled away from Calum.
"Later" he whispered in my ear.

"You talked it out! Great!" Lucy smiled
"How'd you know?" I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.
"Camera" She pointed to the sole camera in the far right corner of the ceiling.

"Creepy as fuck" I said
"Definitely" Calum nodded "well we gotta go" he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me out the door.

"Use protection!" Like called after us.

A/N: girls talk boys? Yay or Nay?
Thanks for reading and keep reading, please vote if you liked it and also comments and opinions are appreciated.

I'll update as soon as I possibly can.

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