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MCAS is over forever...thank God!! The school year is almost done as well, for that praise the lord hallelujah!


"I'll call you when I get there" I smiled down at her. May had her hands wrapped around my waist, her head looking up at me, and a weak smile played on her lips.

"I know Calum, you better leave before you miss your flight" she chuckled, her hands slowly slipping away from where they held on.

"I forgot something" I sighed, she scrunched her brows and turned around to check my bags. I grabbed her wrist, turned her around and cupped her cheeks in both of my hands. Slowly leaning down, I placed a slow kiss on her lips, it deepened for a few seconds then she pulled away.

"You better get going quick or I might change my mind and decide to start undressing you" she bit her bottom lip.

"I don't mind that too" I smirked, she slapped my arm, "hey!" She handed over my bag and kissed my cheek quickly.

"Have fun, and have an awesome concert. Keep everyone in line for the time I'm gone" she waved, I waved back. Smiling I picked up my bag and got into the über that was driving me to the airport.

It was a long ride back to the house from the airport, it was an extra 30 minutes or so trying to work my way through the massive amounts of fans that showed up at the airport. I passed the time reading and replying to tweets on Twitter.

@ calum5sos just announce that you're dating @ May9XO

@ Calum5sos we know you lowkey went to go meet her parents, aka the in laws

@ calum5sos forever shipping #Maylum @ May9XO

There were so many tweets regarding whatever relationship I had with May that I didn't notice the über pull into the parking lot.

"Calum!" I could hear Michael before I even saw him. I tried to enjoy the few seconds I had alone before the door opened, Michael practically pulled me out my seat and pulled me into a hug.

"Chill out mate, you act like I've been gone for like a month" I pushed him off of me.

"Feels like you've been gone a month" he wrapped an arm around my neck. Ashton walked out the main door and basically copied Michael's previous actions with the whole hugging.

"Here, thanks for the ride" I paid the driver, brought my things out the car and waved at him as he drove off the premises.

"Wait where's Luke?" I asked, shading my eyes with my hand held over my forehead, from the harsh sun.

"He apologizes for not being here to welcome you but he's on a date" Ashton shrugged. "Come in" he grabbed my bag and lead me in.

*.   *. *

"So everything alright?" Luke asked me. We were at the venue for the concert for sound check and I guess it was noticeable that my mind wasn't there.

"Yeah, yeah from the top" I nodded and reposition my earpiece.

"I love that accent you have when you say hello.."I started off the song.

"....walk my way Mrs. All American! Say my name no need to pretend! Don't be shy Mrs. All American! I'll show you why, you're not gonna walk away!" We got to the chorus and it seemed to be going great, that was until I played the wrong note.

"Calum? You sure you alright?" Ashton asked.
"I'm fine, I'm alright" I nodded and sighed.

"It's been a week since you last saw her, if you want to go down there for a visit, it'll be cool, just come back in time for the next sound check mate" Ashton said into his mic.

"Is it cool with you guys?" I looked at the rest of my band mates, they nodded and I could physically feel myself get better.

*. *
"Hey babe! How's it going?" Lucy asked me, we were on Skype, for the first time since freshman year.

"It's going okay I guess" I laughed as Genie's hair,which was now white silver with dark brown roots, popped into view.

"Hey May!" She squealed, I could hear Ariel ask if that was me and a few seconds later she showed up on the screen.

"Hey look, the gang's all here" I laughed.

"We miss you a lot, it's not the same without Mama May" Ariel frowned.

"I miss you lot as well" I fake sobbed.
"So how's mother?" Lucy asked, referring to my mum, she's called my mum ours ever since we became friends.

"She's...it's hard to explain laddie" I said, I looked at the book opened next to me that had song lyrics written on it.

"I bet" she sighed "I wanna be there" she whined.

"I know but you all need to handle things for our album release" I half smiled.

My bedroom door opened and Harry's jet black curls popped into view, I see he couldn't be bothered to straighten it out today.

"Dinner in 5 minutes" he was about to leave when his eyes spotted my computer screen.

"Hey it's Genie!" He smiled and sat next to me.
"Hey Harry" they all chorused.
"How's life in California?" He smiled, his eyes glued on Genie's image. He's been crushing on her since she came over my house 3 years ago, they met, he fell for her, but he'd been too much of a wuss to do anything about it.

"It's great, extremely warm, very cultural" Genie smiled back at him.

"Thanks for stopping by kiddo, you can leave now" I pulled him off my bed.
"Hey I'm older than you!" He sputtered as I shut the door in his face.

"Well I gotta go, dinner awaits" I waved, they said their goodbyes before I ended the call.

*. *

"Hey Calum" I answered my phone, it was 8 in the morning and I didn't appreciate being awake that early.

"Hey guess what sleeping beauty?" He asked.
"What? I hate guessing just fucking tell me or forget it" I said groggily, I'm not a morning person.

"I have a surprise for you" he said, I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"What is it?" I asked, now intrigued.
"Come downstairs, your brothers have it" he said.

"Whatever" I got up and walked into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth before heading downstairs.

"Calum just tell me" I said into the phone.
"No, it's a surprise!" He whined.
"I swear if it's a puppy I'll..." I stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

"Surprise!" My mouth hung open at what was in front of me, Calum freaking Hood.
"You're here, why? How? When? You have a concert in 3 days" I stumbled over my words.

"I know" he pulled me into a hug, "I just missed you is all"

A/N: it's a short chapter I know, please bear with me, I just had a lot going on and I need to organize my shit.

Thanks for reading and please keep reading, cause you guys are the best!
Also vote if you liked it and also id appreciate whatever comments you have, any input is better than none.

TRY HARD//C.HOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora