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Track is the devil.com, seriously my legs hurt 😩 hope you all having a much more better day than you did yesterday ❤️ also Calum sorta looks like he's got a nose ring on doesn't he? Or am I the only one who sees that? 🤔


Calum's POV
Brighton was busy talking to me about the basics of playing the bass but I couldn't help but eaves dropping on May and Josh. They seemed all too familiar with other like they had a whole lot of history than I'd want them to. The way she looked at him, the way he smiled at her, he even knew of her struggles with cupboards and was there to catch her when I couldn't. So yeah I felt a lot grateful when her dad called her away, it pained me that he had his arms around his waist way longer than he should have.

"So it has less strings than a regular guitar huh?" Brighton nodded, a piece of his hair falling into his eyes, in one swift move he brushed it off.

"Yep, and it's got more volume, being a bass and all" I chuckled.

"Oh hey Har-bear" George cooed then laughed. I turned around to see a very tall skinny boy, he seemed to be almost as tall as I am, and had his hair in a fringe which reminded me of back in the days. Harry wasn't all skinny, I mean he wasn't buff either but he wasn't skinny. It seemed like he visited the gym like once a week.

His eyes were a bit red, evidence that he'd been crying earlier. He nodded a hello to his brothers and smiled at me, muttering a 'hey' in my direction, not even fazed by the stranger in his house. He walked towards the fridge but once his eyes landed on Josh he stopped dead in his track.

"Who the fuck let him in?" Harry spat, hmm, he doesn't like this Josh character huh?

"Harry cool it" Brighton said sternly, taking charge as the older brother immediately.

"Cool it? Have you forgotten how this fucktard treated our baby sister?" He fumed, I took a sip of my soda.

"It's been a year Lad, chill" Josh scoffed, I swear if this were a cartoon Harry would have pulled a gun out of nowhere and shot him right there and then.

"A year? It's been a YEAR! A fucking year! Is that how you're gonna justify your stay here?" Harry screeched "get out! Get. The. Fuck. Out!"

"Language Harry!" Brighton scolded but got the dirtiest look in return.

"Get out! And you better pray that Maybelle haven't met you yet!" I could tell that he was just about ready to get physical with the guy that was twice his size.

"What is going on here?" A heard a voice boom from the door way. May's father walked in with her trailing behind.

"He needs to get out!" Harry pointed at Josh "the sooner, the fucking better" he growled, grabbed a drink from the fridge and stormed off.

"Harry! HARRY! HARRISON CARTER KRUM!! Get back here this instant young man!" May's dad called for him but he didn't return just slammed his door instead...oh shit.

"You need to leave" May said to Josh, smiling apologetically at him, he nodded and smiled back, saying a quick good bye before leaving. I didn't know what to say or do seeing as I was a stranger here, so I just stood there and watched it all play out.


"What's up with Harry?" I finally decided to ask her once we got up to her room later that night. She was unraveling her hair and also bringing out her pajamas, and stuff she'd need for a shower.

"I-I don't know" she shook her head "it's a weird story" chuckling nervously she grabbed her liquid soap and towel. She didn't even wait for me to respond before disappearing behind the bathroom door, weird.

I was almost startled by my phone as it rang, I pulled it out my back pocket and answered it.

"Calum, what happened? Is May ok? Is her mother okay?" It Was Michael on the other end but I could also tell that I was on speaker phone.

"I don't know how to answer any of those questions, quite honestly" I flopped down on her bed, my arms and legs spread as I stared up at her ceiling with the glow in the dark stars painted on it.

"Help me clear out the things I set up in my room please, I won't be using it any time soon" I ran my hand through my hair, playing with the curls at the end.

"I understand mate" Michael said, I could tell he nodded as well. "Take care of her, and also stay on her dad's good side, who knows? You could be his future son-in-law" he laughed and I could hear stifled laughter in the background, Luke and Ashton, ass-holes.

"Shut up! All of you" I said through gritted teeth. I hung up the phone and placed it beside me. What was going on with May and what wasn't she telling me? What happened between her and Josh and why was Harry so pissed at him? I needed to know so bad it hurts. So instead of worrying about that, I placed my attention on the stars on her ceiling.

A/N: Hello all you amazing people, thanks again for being patient with me and also for reading...and also thyanks for getting my story to 600 reads!! 🎉🎉

Please keep reading cause you guys are the bees knees, wait do people even say bees knees anymore or is that just me? Meh who cares!

I'm tad bit upset cause I can't afford to go see the boys at SLFL but please don't be shy to share your experience if you've seen them live. ☺️

I'll update as soon as I possibly can and also please vote if you liked it cause per always it'd mean a lot to me.

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