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Hiya, well the weather here is so confusing, Mother Nature is still on her period it would seem, I mean come on! It's spring already. And also I know I spelt "you're" incorrectly in the picture, I apologise.


May's POV

Leading Calum I walked into where all the chatter was coming from, my father had returned but without my mum. He had on his beige blazer with the dark brown elbow pads, he said it reminded him of England back then, but he just resembled an old professor. His hair was nearly cut, per usual, but grey hair peaked here and there, signs of his old age. What worried me most was the fact that they were noticeable, he always tried his best to hide them, be it hair dyes, or cutting it all off.

"My darling Maybelle" he wrapped me in a tight embrace, he smelled of day old cologne and cigar. He only smoked cigars when he was stressed out, or was over thinking.

"Dad!" I smiled up at him, his eyes usually dancing with joy and playful, now seemed somber and dark. He smiled back at me but it was a sad smile, a pitiful one.

"And who is this fine young man?" He stepped back to look at Calum who was standing awkwardly behind us. He's fine alright I thought to myself, mentally scolding myself for thinking like that at a moment like this.

"Um, dad, this is Calum Hood, Calum this is my father" I introduced them to each other.

"Always thought that the first guy you'd introduce to me would be your future husband" my father laughed "wait, you're not pregnant are you?"

"Father!" I gasped, he laughed like he meant it, it was nice to see him laughing. They all laughed, all except me whose face was burning red.

"It's nice to meet you sir" Calum shook my dad's hand and smiled fully.
"Yeah, same" my father looked at me then back at Calum.

"Well I'll be in my study, Maybelle darling I'd like to speak with you after supper" he nodded lightly then disappeared up the stairs.

"Supper?" George laughed "who's up for some Papa John's, bitch?" He cheered.

"George! Language! Told you not to swear!" Bright scolded.

"Whatever lad, oh and uh, Josh is coming over later today" my heart thudded at that name, I turned to face George who didn't even realize what he'd said. You see, Josh is my ex-boyfriend and having your ex in the same setting as a potential boyfriend was not great for me, that and how we left off wasn't exactly on good terms.

"Josh? As in Donovan?" I asked to clarify.
"What other Josh do we know?" George said as he walked away, heading to the kitchen, we all followed behind him, well they all did because George was the one ordering the pizza.

"Blimey!" I whispered to myself but somehow Brighton's ears heard.
"Maybelle! Language!" He said, not sternly, more like a warning.

"What do you guys want?" George cupped his hand over the mouthpiece of the grey house phone.

"Pepperoni" Brighton said, his usual order which was basically the same as mine, so I nodded in agreement.

"Calum?" I nudged his side, his eyes were scanning the family photos hanging around the kitchen, they lead out to the hallway. My mum's hobby was photography so she took pictures of us whenever she could, that lady always had a camera on her I swear.

"Oh, um, anything is fine by me, as long as it's pizza" he chuckled, the corners of his eyes crinkling, one of the few things that made my heart melt.

"Two large pepperoni pizzas and one large bottle of Pepsi" George spoke into the phone.

"Wait, where's Harry?" I asked, my hand reaching for the handle of the fridge, a habit I was accustomed to when I had nothing to do in the kitchen.

"I think he's in his room, he seemed a little distraught when he came home with dad" Jake ran his hand through his wavy brown hair. I stared curiously at the full sleeve tattoos on his arms. I remember he got his very first tattoo my age, how he did so was still a mystery to me, over the years he added more.

My eyes landed on the word 'Topaz' on his wrist, a smile danced on my lips as I remembered how mum always called me that name growing up, she always said I was her most precious jewel, probably cause I was the only girl in the family I guess. She'd been trying to get me to do all sorts of stuff with her, female to female.

"You still gonna get a tattoo, right love?" Jake smiled at me, pushing his spectacles up the bridge of his nose. I scrunched my face as I inspected 3/4 of my brothers. They all got the good genes, my brothers. Jake, all though he's incredibly smart, looks like a Calvin Klein fucking model, he's tall, hair cut perfectly, a strand of his hair falling into his face, accentuating his high cheeks bones and jaws. All of my brothers were similar, with the high cheek bones and structured jaws.

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