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Ashton's POV

It was 6 in the morning and their bags were packed, I was on the phone with my manager who had been stressing about our world tour since the first day of preparations. He was pretty much telling us to have our personal belongings all set before we pack up the tour bus the next day.

''we've got this okay? it's not our first rodeo remember?'' I laughed, he sighed and said 'okay', then hung up.

there was a knock on the door as soon as I placed my phone on my dresser.

''come in'' I said, I saw the silver hair before the green eyes, she had a smile on her lips

''hey Ash'' she said, she shut the door gently behind her and walked towards the chair that sat against the wall next to the window. ''we need to talk'' those four words, I dreaded those words when they were strung together.

''yeah, I guess we do Genie'' I sighed, running my hand through my curls I sat on my bed.

''I'm leaving in about an hour and half or so'' she chuckled, but not out of amusement.

''yeah, yeah you are'' I folded my arms and looked right at her, she tucked her hair behind her ear. I noticed how much she changed, physically that is. her skin had gotten tanner, which made the silver hair seem brighter, she'd gotten fitter and her eyes were a lighter green, reminded me of emeralds. The past few weeks she started having a thing for jewelries, some of her fingers were dressed in simple rings, and her ears had gotten new piercings on the top part and sides, also she had a very small nose ring on. I kept thinking of how one time on a date she told me of how she was going to get an infinity sign tattooed on the side of her right middle finger and a henna tattoo on left hand. I thought of how good it would look on her, how she always looked good whether she'd just woken up.

''you know what this means right?'' she asked as she pushed down the white bead bracelets she had on her right wrist.

''do we have to?'' I whined, childish I know but still.

''I don't know if I can ever trust a long distance relationship Ashton, my last one didn't exactly turn out the way I hoped'' she bit her bottom lip.

''I'm not him Genie and you know that'' I shook my head which made my curls bounce.

''I know that Ashton, you're way better than that'' she got up and walked over to sit next to me. she placed a hand on my bicep and sighed. ''I hate this, please know that I hate this''

''let's not end this, I'll do anything to keep us alive, I swear I will'' I turned to face her, her eyes were watering ''if I have to travel to wherever you are cause you're sad, I'll do it, just don't end this please'' I ran my hand through my curls once more.

''can we do this? can we really make this work?'' she sobbed '' you're gonna get sick of it, gonna get sick of me and end up breaking things off'' she took her hand off my arm and looked away, I turned her to face me.

''Have more confidence in me, in yourself...in us'' I wiped off her tears, and pulled her into a hug. '' I don't care where you go, or how far apart we are, I'm not ending this'' and I meant it.

*.*. *.*. *.*.

               Ariel's POV

''how do you burn popcorn?'' I laughed as I looked down at the burnt bag of popcorn on the kitchen counter. Michael pouted and picked up the bag and placed it in the trash, a look of sadness on his face.

''I wasn't paying attention'' he said, I laughed again ''or I put it for more than a minute''

''I'll just order pizza, it's fine'' I looked at the sad burnt bag of popcorn in the trash can.

''great idea'' he nodded, we both headed to my room, Mikey's arm around my shoulder. we closed the door gently and quietly behind us, so as not to wake whoever was still sleeping. I rang up the pizza place and ordered for a large box of pepperoni.

''isn't a bit early for pizza?'' the person on the other end of the line asked

'' Is it too early to earn money?'' Michael asked the girl on the other end of the call.

''whatever dude'' she sighed, damn she must really hate her job. we hung up a few seconds later and sat on the plush rug that placed the foot of the bed.

''Damn the attitude'' I chuckled ''sass master much?''

''It's a gift and a profession'' he ran his hand through his hair that was now blue-ish grey, it reminded me of the colour ash, pretty.

''I swear one day all your hair is going to fall out if you keep dying it as much as you do'' I ruffled his hair.

''well till that day then, and besides if I get a bald spot maybe I can dye my hair all white and a senior's citizens discount at stores'' he shrugged.

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