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So this is a weird chapter cause it's kind of an interview. And it's a way to answer the questions I've gotten, I hope it helps. (Also I watched suicide squad in 3D, it was sooo good😍)

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It was 10 minutes before the interview started, the guest stars were all getting their mic on, I noticed the tension between May and Calum the minute they both saw each other. I shuffled the cards in my hand, the nerves setting in, it always happened anyways.

'' Ready guys?'' I heard the director call ''we start in a minute'' he clapped his hands, I sat in my chair that faced the guest stars and also the audience. May, Genie, Ariel and Lucy on one couch. Calum, Michael, Luke, Ashton sat on another couch. And Marian, author, sat on a chair right by me.

'' In 5, 4, 3, 2...'' the camera man pointed at us to signal the start of the interview.

'' Hello, and welcome to ' Talking with the stars' '' I smiled at the camera and also the audience that were cheering.     '' Tonight we have the boys of 5 seconds of summer, the girls of Nine Times Over and also the author of Try Hard, give them a warm welcome everybody'' I cheered and so did the crowd.

They all waved and smiled at the audience then the camera, nodding here and there at the cheers.

'' I know it must be hectic for you guys, with the tour and all, and having to travel back here for this interview, thanks guys'' I smiled at the boys '' and I know with the tour preparations you ladies are still learning to adapt with life on the road, so thanks for being able to be here'' I thanked the girls, they all smiled.

'' yeah its all good, it's great to be back here, I miss California anyways'' Genie nodded and smiled, they all agreed.

''Also thanks for taking time out of writing to be here, it means a lot Marian'' I said to the petite lady with the thick framed glasses sitting next to me, she nodded and smiled shyly.

''so tonight we've got questions from your fans'' I pointed to the author '' and yours'' I said to the 2 bands sitting across from me.

''Let's do this then Lila'' Ashton giggled, I smiled then looked down at the first card on the stack of cards.

'' Alrighty then'' I said '' first question is from a Try hard fan, so this question goes to Marian, it says 'What made you start the book?' '' I turned to look at her, the camera zoomed in for a close up.

'' Well um'' she sat up straighter on her chair '' It started from a day dream to be honest, and at a place where I get most of my inspirations, on a bus'' she laughed, so did the audience and I ''it was weird, and I was like oh this might be good as a story so I told it to a friend of mine and she was like write the hell out of it and I did, I just switched the names up is all'' she shrugged.

''It's a good thing I did 'write the hell of it' cause there are amazing people reading it and it makes me so happy that people actually do read it and it's so freaking awesome, like wow people actually read something I wrote, it still amazes me'' she mouthed a thank you to the camera and the crowd, they cheered.

'' Awe that's so cute, and its a good thing you did write it'' I clapped ''this question is from a fan, who wanted to know, is the baby a girl or a boy?'' I turned to look at May who giggled nervously.

''um, actually I don't even know yet'' May shrugged '' I'll be able to find out 2 months from now'' I noticed that she'd be avoiding eye contact with Calum the entire time.

'' Calum would you want a girl or boy?'' I asked him, he shook his head slightly like he was getting his focus back to the interview, he'd been staring at a certain someone the entire time.

'' I really don't mind if its a boy or girl, as long as the baby is safe, and happy, and loved, that's all I care about'' he half smiled, the crowd awe-d, so did I because that was the perfect response to such a question.

'' The next question is for Marian, which says ' The characters for the new band, is it based off of people?' '' I turned to her after reading the question.

'' Yes actually, they're based off my three friends Amanda, Miranda and Arianna, Amanda is the oldest so I made her the oldest in the band, Lucy is the wild, band obsessed one and she had blonde hair and she tends to call her self queen of hell so I made her Lucy, and also Arianna is the shy one and tends to be quiet so I wrote her in as Ariel''

'' Hey kinda sounds like us'' Lucy laughed and we all laughed as well

'' yeah I guess it does'' Marian nodded, scrunching her eyebrows and laughed.

''okay the next question is for you lot'' I turned to the two bands '' when did you guys start dating or is it something that just happened? we wanna know'' I said, the crowd cheered in agreement.

'' Well May and calum were in New Hampshire and I don't know, Genie and I were at the studio getting things together, taking responsibility as the oldest in our bands and um I don't know it kinda happened, I'd be wanting to ask her out for a while but she was dating someone else, so um I waited a week or so after they broke up to ask her out, it was the perfect moment, we were sitting right next to each other'' Ashton said '' and um, I just went for it''

'' Yeah, by kissing me first before asking me out'' genie laughed, we all did '' uh huh, he was nervous, mumbling something or some other then he kissed me to quit his mumbling then after the kiss was like 'will you go out with me Genie?' I was still in shock so I just nodded'' she stared down at the ground shyly, there was another chorus of 'AW' from the audience.

''That's so cute what the hell?'' Ariel squealed '' I wish it was that simple with Mikey, he asked me out in a literal game of charades'' I laughed, of course he would.

''What? I thought it was cute alright?'' he shrugged

''we all went out for dinner, May and Calum were still in New Hampshire yes, um we were playing charades in Apple bee's, we were probably the loudest people at Apple Bee's'' Ariel laughed.

''Probably? we WERE the loudest people at Apple Bee's'' Luke said and they all laughed like there was some inside joke we were all missing out on.

''so it was Mikey's turn and he started and by the end of it all, it was ' will you go on a date with me Ari?' and I laughed and said yes, he was standing in the middle of the restaurant, God it was just, it was such a Michael Clifford thing to do'' Ariel buried her face in her hands.

''Cuteness overload I swear " Lucy cooed '' mine's simple, Luke pulled me out into the Hallway and asked me out on a date and I said yes'' she shrugged like it was no big deal though the splotch of red on her checks gave away the fact that she didn't really see it as that.

''Okay you're all goals" I fanned my face as I squealed "what about you guys?" I was referring to the most shipped couple in both bands, Maylum.

"Oh um, I just" May scratched the back of her head and so did Calum, they both looked away, a smile on both their faces.

"I asked her out during a concert" Calum finally said "the song 'I've got this friend' was my way of asking her out, then I later called her up and asked" he smiled shyly, his eyes crinkling at the corners and his stare pointed at the ground. There was a bunch of "aw" and "oohs" from the audience, cheers and clapping too.

"I can't even get a text back" I wiped a fake tear from the corner of my eye. "So this question is for you " I turned to Marian, she nodded " will there be a sequel to the book or is Try Hard the end of it?"

"I can say that there will be a sequel to the book, it's really fun, it's fun for me so far cause it's just so emotional and a bit on the cheesy side but the emotions are overwhelming and it's fun to write"  she chortled a bit.

"Will we be getting more stories in the other's point of view? Or is it just the main character's?" I asked her, reading the last question off the card.

"Yes there will be, after the sequel I was thinking of writing a story on Luke and Lucy then later Genie and Ash, Mikey and Ari. You know get a deeper understanding of THEIR romance in THEIR point of view" Marian explained using a bunch of hand gestures. "Cause those couples have things going on as well besides the main couple of Try Hard"  She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose and smiled as the audience cheered.

"Well there you have it folks, there will be more stories after Try Hard, we'll be right back, stick around for more fun" I said to the camera before the green light went out.

A/N: ASHTON CUT HIS BLOODY HURRRRRRR💇🏼 ndhdhdhshsnbsnndjdjhdhdhjdjjsbvsbsbbsbdb KILL ME CAUSE FUCK YES😭😩😩😩😩😍😍😍😍😍
Thanks for reading and please keep reading, also vote if you liked this chapter or any other chapter, comments are appreciated as well❤️ love you guys a ton and hope this chapter helped with the question❤️

TRY HARD//C.HDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora