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               May's POV

"Wait so your name's May and you were born in the month of May? Makes no sense" Michael scratched his head that he'd already tilted to the side, he had a puzzled expression on as he tried to wrap his mind around the fact.

"That or her parents got too lazy to think of a name for her" Lucy laughed which made me hit her slightly on her arm.

We were all gathered in the parlour, well except for Genie and Ashton who were soon to return. We decided to play '20 facts about Me' a game we invented out of boredom.

"Next person please" I groaned and rolled my eyes.
"Uh, I guess it's my turn" Calum smiled at me, he was sitting so close that I was practically sitting on his lap,practically.

"Let's see, I play bass" he joked
"We already know genius" Luke sighed then rested his head against Lucy's, who in return ran her finders through his dark blonde hair.

"Okay, um, I'm vulgar at times, okay a lot of times, and I love football, went to Brazil to get better actually" he shook his matter-of-factly.

"Hey look at that May plays soccer too" Ariel pointed at me, she had had her head stuck in a bag of chips the whole time so it was nice to hear her speak.

"Blimey!" I sighed as Calum looked at me in surprise. "There's nothing surprising about it Hood, I do play football, and I'm good at it" I humped then crossed my arms.

"What position you usually play?" He poked my side.

"Defense or offense, depends" I shrugged.
"We should have a one on one sometime" he smirked. I couldn't believe he'd do that in front of everyone.

"Something tells me that they're not talking about sports" Lucy said. My face turned a bright and fierce shade of red and I put my head down as they all burst out laughing.

"I- I have no idea what you're talking about" I huffed. "Wait they're going to be here on time right? Today's kind of important " I looked at the clock that hung on the wall behind the telly.

"Yeah, we know, and I'm sure she wouldn't miss your birthday May" Ariel swatted the air lazily.

"And please tell me you lads didn't plan anything extravagant?" I eyed Lucy suspiciously.

"Get rid of the male strippers" she mouthed to Ariel which caused us all to laugh.

"Lucy! You hired strippers?"I asked her in shock, I could feel my face burn up with embarrassment as they all continued to laugh.

"They're not just for you, ya know" she relaxed more into her seat, a cocky smile wormed their way on to her lips.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Luke scrunched his brows as he turned to face her. He had feign hurt written all over and we all laughed even harder. She pulled him into a kiss and he smiled when they pulled off, she still had her thumbs on his cheeks, his face in her hands.

"I'm kidding Luke" she grinned.

"So are you guys like officially a couple or what?" Michael groaned. He was sprawled on the couch next to Ariel, one arm hung loosely on the top of the couch, right on top of where her back rested on the chair but not quite touching her.

"Uh, yeah, I mean you guys know we're dating and in a relationship but.." Luke trailed off which by the looks of it, got Lucy concerned.

"...but what?" Calum chuckled, straightening himself on the couch, which made him tower over me, yep, one of the many perks of being smaller than a bug, anyone over 5'6" tend to turn into Giants.

"..but the public can't get wind of it, the press can't know about us, I mean, you all already know about us but, no one else can. She's 17, and I'm 20" Luke sighed which made us all groan at the reference, he looked puzzled at what made us react in that way till it hit him " Ohhhh, no pun intended, but yeah, it's not exactly something the fans would be too happy about, especially the managers" a look of sadness washed over him and I could see him get paler by the thought of it.

"Oh" Lucy slumped into her seat like a deflated balloon.

"But I swear, as soon as you turn 18 I'm not hesitating to tell the world about us, I'll tweet it till my fingers bleed I'll do it. I'll bringing us up during Interviews, anything to tell the world your mine, I'll do it" he took her hand in his and rubbed gentle circles on her knuckles to ease her disappointment.

"Awwwww, so sweet, I'm almost getting a toothache by just watching you two" Michael cooed.

"Shut up Michael " Calum rolled his eyes at him. "So what do you want us to do for your birthday if you don't want something grand?" He turned to look at me.

"Order in pizza and Chinese take out while we all watch a movie on Netflix, or binge watch a show. Really I want something as simple as that, no party, no booze, no strippers" I shook my head then sent Lucy a glare at the last part.

"Sounds good" Ariel nodded "Im up for it".

"I'll go order the pizza" Michael walked up and headed to the kitchen  where we we kept the menus from different restaurants and pizza parlours.

"Don't buy the whole shop Mikey!" Luke called to him, though Michael replied with an audible grunt.

"And I'll give you your present later" Calum whispered softly in my ear. My heart raced at those words, my breath hitched in my throat and I had to bite my bottom lip to keep from making a sound of any sort.


It was early evening and we were all starting to get really worried about the whereabouts of Ashton and Genie. We weren't all that bothered about it earlier on because we knew that she was with Ashton but we hadn't received a call or text from either of them and it scared me to say the least.

"They're probably gallivanting out there,and can't be fagged to make a simple phone call" I paced up and down the kitchen, my cell phone in my hand in case someone called "Bloody hell! I swear I'm gonna box her ears when she gets back! She's gone barmy hasn't she?" I panted, I was ranting I knew that but finding a way to stop was the issue.

"May, slow down, your British is showing" Lucy said to me from behind the counter.

"Belt up" I glared at her, she held her hands up in defeat, a word she was so used to cause I used it on the girls a couple of times when I wanted them to keep shut.

"Hey, hey" Calum slowly pulled me away from the others that were now in the kitchen worriedly staring at their phones, except for Michael who was busy stuffing his face with pizza, people deal in different ways I guess.

"You sound cute when you're all worked up" he grinned, he held onto my hand to keep me calm which surprisingly worked.

"I'm worried Calum" I shook my head "Genie would  one, never miss my birthday, and second , not call when she knew she wasn't going to be home" I sighed in exhaustion.

"Guess I'll have to postpone your birthday gift" he smiled at me.
"Not the time Hood" I said in all seriousness.

"How bout a match? A game of football?" He raised his eyebrow at me. How could he be thinking of gallivanting when there was a serious situation at hand?

"Genie and Ashton could be missing, kidnapped or worse, killed and you want to play football?" I scoffed, I couldn't believe him.

"You're way too stressed out for a 17 year old" he shook his head in disbelief. "One game of FIFA, come on, anything to get your mind off of worrying I'll fucking do it. As much as I love the accent, I hate the worry behind it" he sighed, cupping his hands under my chin and using his thumbs he massaged my jawline, which compared to his was like comparing a butter knife to a samurai sword.

"Fine! One game, and that's it" I groaned. I followed him into the Den that had the Xbox 1 set up and connected to the flat screen TV.

"Get ready to go down" he winked at me as he inserted the disk into the console.

A/N: what's better than chocolate pretzel dipped in Nutella? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Well except for the many types of junk food that exists but Meh..

Thanks for reading and I hope you keep reading, I'll update as soon as I can.

And if you liked it please vote, it'd mean a whole bunch. ~M

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