
54 5 3

Deeply apologize for late updates, I have finals and they suck balls.

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Calum's POV
"Congratulations!" May squealed as she smiled up at me.
"On?" I probably looked surprised, and a tad bit confused.

"You're one lucky fella, you get to spend a whole day with me,congrats lad" she patted my bare arm that poked through the sleeves of the shirt I was wearing with the cut off sleeves.

"Oh please, when i get a sold out tour, then you can congratulate me, till then don't'' i bopped her nose lightly before going back to my phone.

"Come on, you're gonna be here all day and I wanna show you my neighbourhood" she whined.

"Alright, alright" I held up my hand in defeat "I'll bite" I rolled my eyes at her as she smiled.

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"It's fucking hot!" I complained as May pulled the car into the parking lot of some building.

"Quit your whining and get out of the car'' she rolled her eyes before shutting off the ignition.

"Where are we anyways?" I looked at the run down, old building that had paint peeling off the surface.

"Somewhere special to me" she simply said and got out the drivers seat.

We walked up to the front door, she jingled the door knob and surprisingly the door swung open easily.

The first thing you notice when you walk in would probably be the big ass poster that hung on a wall in multiple colours, it read "Revival" whatever that meant.

The inside of the house was no better than the outside, chipped paint,wood here and there. Although it was obviously in need of a makeover, it wasn't all bad, like someone took their time to tidy it. The strange thing about it was that it was empty. Like literally empty, no furniture, nothing.

"Where are we ?" I repeated the question.
"My old practice area, some bands use garages but we used here, rented it off with the money we combined from our jobs" she looked around the empty house, a smile on the corner of her lips.

"Revival?" I nodded towards the poster.

"It was an oath we made after the..incident, um, since the band started off as a way to get my mind off what happened, we promised that if we ever make it big, we'll call one of tours, the "revival tour"' she chuckled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her pierced ear. "I know it sounds weird."

I walked up to her, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me, She held onto my arm with her hands.
"It's not weird" I whispered into the crook of her neck.
"So how much did this place cost?"
"$300 a month, cheapest we could find regardless of its condition"

"Nice art work" I was referring to the mural on the wall opposite the window in what was supposed to be the living room, there were so many arts painted on it, words written too,it took up the whole space.

"Uh, thanks, it was kind of a way to get the creative juices flowing, contributed to my song writing process" she looked down at her nails that were painted in clear nail polish.

"Whoa! You did this?" I let go of her so I could turn her around and inspect her properly.

"Why? I don't seem artsy?" She laughed.
"No it's just..wow, what the hell are you bad at?" I was honestly curious.

"Shut up Hood" she punched me in the chest, it didn't hurt one bit but I had to exaggerate a little bit.

For a few minutes we stood there staring at each other in blissful silence, it was a perfect moment, oh how I wanted to kiss her, tell her how I felt about her...

"Your phone's ringing" she said, I shook my head and she repeated herself.

"Oh, oh right" I chuckled awkwardly before reaching in my back pocket for my phone...it was Ashton.

''sorry, i have to take this, i think it's band related'' i apologised.

''it's fine go ahead'' she nodded, i answered the call.

''hey Ash, what's up?'' i asked, it had better be band related, and important.

'' hey Calum, am i interrupting anything?'' Ashton asked, i could hear someone squeal in the background and someone telling someone to stop it, probably Lucy and Luke.

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