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My summer has been both interesting and boring all at once...how's your summer so far?

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                  Calum's POV
It was suffocatingly hot, I could see the heat wave as I walked to my car. Shielding my eyes, even if I had sun shades on, I walked a little faster, hoping to get there before being crowded with fans.

My band mates and I had just finished up rehearsals for the day, preparing for our world tour.

I had to talk to May before we went our separate ways the next week. I didn't want her resenting me, I just wanted the best for her.

I dialed her number but it went straight to voice mail, the fourth time that hour.
I've sent her so many text messages and voice messages but got no reply.

Parking my car in the drive way of the house, I sighed and shut of the ignition.

I walked in expecting the usual chaotic environment but it was strangely quiet and calm. Michael walked in to the siting room with a slice of pizza and a bottle of beer.

"Where's everyone?" Even if I didn't specifically ask about her, he knew what I meant.

"The girls went out for rehearsals for their tour, they're leaving next week so they have to get everything together" he took a swig of his drink.

"Oh" I nodded, I was running out of time, 5 days till she leaves, I was really running out of time.

"I'm gonna order pizza, want anything?" Michael asked, I was about to reply but was interrupted by Luke.

"Meat lovers please" he smiled
"I was asking Calum, dickhead" Michael took another swig of his beer.

"Anything's fine by me" I nodded and walked away, heading to my room. 5 days...

*. *. *. *.

The girls arrived late at night and by the looks of it, May was drunk off her ass. How she even got a hold of alcohol I don't know.

"Help me with her please" Lucy pleaded as she tried pulling a drunk May to her room.

"What happened?" Ashton asked, his facial expression the same as everyone else's....shocked.

"I don't know, she just...I don't know man" Lucy whined "just help me"

I took May off of Lucy and carried her bridal style to her room, this would have been sweet and romantic if she wasn't smelling of strong alcohol and we were still together.

Placing her gently on her bed, I proceeded to take off her shoes and tuck her in.

"Hey" she slurred, a goofy grin on her lips.
"Hi" I smiled back, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"You're pretty" she laughed then stopped.
"You're pretty too" I laughed as well.

"Then why don't you want me anymore?" She asked, her eyelids clearly droopy but not quite sleepy yet.

"I do baby, I do, but, I'm doing this for you" I sighed, I got up from where I was sitting beside her.

"Calum?" She looked at me
"Yeah?" I turned to look at her
" I love you" then she drifted to sleep

"I love you more" I turned off the light and closed her door quietly. Hopefully she wakes up not remembering this, I don't want me holding her back by those mere words.

A/N: I know it's a really short chapter but I had to update.

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Comments are welcomed, opinions are valued ~M

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