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Calum's POV
"So we're all gonna go the buffet to celebrate, you coming?" Luke half heartedly asked me as his full attention was on his phone.
"Uh no, you guys go and have fun" I snuggled deeper into the blanket wrapped around me.
"Well okay, but don't say I never invited you mate" he called from the door.

I got up to turn the TV on, I poured myself some coco puffs and sat down in the couch, picking the remote to surf the channels.
"Boring, nope, watched it, watched it, gross, Oooh puppy" I set down the remote as I kept on watching some movie I had no idea what it was about but it had puppies in it so can't be that bad.

I was starting to get tired of sitting down so I decided that I was in need of a shower. Setting the bowl I previously used back into the sink I went into the bathroom. I ran the bath water and played some of Red Hot Chili peppers greatest hits as I waited for the water to heat up. I poured the bubble bath into the water and carefully stripped. I could feel my shoulders relax as I sat in the warm bath.
"This feels great, at least it's something no one can mess up for me" I sighed, moving my head along to the beat.

May's POV
I was in the middle of coming up with a new shirt design, did Ashton REALLY need me to get his bandana? I mean it's something he should have taken with him. Well since he said I could join them for Brunch after I couldn't complain, I mean FREE food. Besides, I'd just go in, grab it from where he said he kept it, lock up and leave, seemed pretty simple.

I looked under the rug where he said the key would be and opened the door. The place looked clean, well as clean as a place where 4 goof balls lived in could be. The air smelt oddly of bubblegum, weird.
I walked around the place looking for where Ashton told me it'd be, the place was crazy huge. Carefully following the directions he gave me I soon found myself in what seemed to be his practice room, two drum sets at opposite ends of the wall. Drum sticks here and there. Posters of legendary drummers hung from the wall. I couldn't help but stare at it in awe. I felt tempted to rock out a bit but I came here for one and one thing only. I quickly grabbed the red and white bandana that laid on a black Leather couch next to the door frame.

As I walked around the house I slowly came to a realization...I was lost. I walked for what seemed like hours and still wasn't close to being at the exit.

I looked into every possible room hoping for it to be the way out. What was I gonna tell them when they got back? I got lost in their house? Sounded stupid. I mean- wait was that music I heard?
I walked towards the direction of the sound, as I stood in front of a cherrywood door the song seemed to be louder, which meant it came from behind it. I slowly opened it, in fear that I might be interrupting someone.

"Why's there music playing in a bathroo-" I gasped as turned around, glaring at me with wide eyes was someone who seemed like he was starting to hate me.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Calum yelled which made me flinch slightly.

"Bugger! I'm sorry, soooo sorry" I apologized turning to leave but not before I knocked a bottle of body wash to the ground causing it to spill, in turn causing me to fall.
"God and she's clumsy too" Calum sighed in frustration.

"You're such an ass" I yelled at him.
" I'm sorry, I'm not the one who walked into someone's bath" He yelled back "and get out"
"I'm leaving!" I huffed, getting up from where I fell and rushed out the door. I could feel the tears burning my eyes. That was one of the most humiliating thing ever!

Calum's POV
"Shit!" I cussed as I rinsed myself off. I tied a towel around my waist and walked out to look for her. What was she doing here? And she just had to see me taking a fucking bubble bath. Seriously where did she go?
"What are you doing?"I asked her causing her to jump, she closed the door she was peeking into.

"None of your bloody business" she scoffed at me. Rude! "Excuse me" she walked away.
I followed her into the kitchen where she searched around frantically for something.

"What are you doing?" I asked her again, she looked up at me in sort of panicky way which made me nervous.
"I'm looking for something to help with my shirt" she said which brought my attention to her white shirt with the emoji that flipped people off on it, it was soaking wet, probably from when she fell.

"Oh, come here" I said pulling her by the arm and in the direction of my room.
"Where are you taking me? Hey let go will ya?" She tried wriggling her arm free unsuccessfully.
"Here" I tossed my Red Hot Chili Peppers shirt at her since it was the first thing I could find.

"I'm not wearing your shirt " she folded her arms.
"Fine! Then enjoy your freshly soaked Tee" I scoffed at her. Sighing she ripped her soaked shirt off her body before I could even say a word.
"Um, what do you think you're doing now?" I couldn't help but stare.

"Oh shoot! Right! Turn around please " she groaned inwardly, covering her chest with her hands. Wait why is she acting all embarrassed all of a sudden? She was the one who took off her shirt not me. Then it dawned on me that I too was shirtless in nothing but a towel around my waist. Before I could turn around someone walked in.

"Oh Hey Cal can you check to see if May's-" Ashton started then took in the scene before him."I'll excuse you two" he had a sly grin on his face as he walked out.

"Oh shit" I groaned
"Bloody hell" she sighed, slipping her head into the shirt and walked out.

So yeah. AWKWARD!But it will get better I promise. Thanks for reading.
Keep reading, I'll update soon ~M

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