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Hey guys, guess what? It's the end of the road, Try Hard was a very fun story to write and the sequel is gonna be so amazing, please read it when it comes out❤️❤️
Read authors note at the end please😍
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Calum's POV
It had been 3 days since Dave informed me of how I'd be publicly dating an upcoming British singer to increase her fame and it still wasn't settling right with me.

I was in a hotel room somewhere in London and I was alone. I recapped everything that had happened this summer and how or where it all went wrong. My head was hurting from thinking too much, I missed her, I hated what I did.

There was a knock on my door and it took me a while to get up from the bed to answer it.

"Who is it?" I asked, silence, I asked again.
"Room service, what do you think?" Violet. I groaned before opening the door, she walked in like she owned the place.

"We need to talk" she said, perching herself on one of the leather couches.

"Why yes Violet, come on in" I said sarcastically.
"Why don't you wanna date me?" She whined and pouted, I groaned again.

"Because it's not right, and I love someone else" I shrugged, I went to the fridge and grabbed two cold beers. I walked to her and held one beer in front of her, she looked at me for quite a while before reaching for the bottle.

"Oh please, didn't that already end?" She shook her head, I stiffened. I quickly relaxed and sat down across from her, far away from her.

"Look Violet-"
"It can't be so difficult, I mean we've already slept together so would it really be so hard to be in a relationship with me?" She whined some more.

"Having sex and making love are two completely different things, we had sex. May and I, we made love" I took a swig of my beer "you don't go for Walmart brand after trying on Dolce and Gabbana" I sighed. She scrunched her nose at the insult and scoffed.

"At least you can ACT like we're dating right?" She asked.
"And if I don't want to?" I looked at her intently.
"Then they'll be photos of us having hot, sweaty, dirty sex all over the bloody web" she smirked. She wouldn't dare I thought but her smile said other wise.

"You're lying, there are no pictures" I said nervously.
"Oh yes there are" she pulled out a bunch of photographs and threw them on the coffee table in front of me, I quickly bent over and picked them up. She was right, there was even a timestamp on it... Shit!

"Fine! You devious little bitch, 3 months and I never wanna see you ever again" I seethed "now get the fuck out and I hope the door hits you on your way out you devil incarnate" she smiled, got up and grabbed the pictures, shoving them in her purse.

"Nice doing business with you Mr. Hood" she smirked then turned and walked out the door... What the fuck?

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May's POV
It was 8 months into the pregnancy, our tour was long over and I was getting ready to go to England to go live with grandmama and papa while I have my child. I had everything all set, the baby bag all prepared, help from my band mates of course, clothes packed.

"I can't believe this" Lucy said with much disgust in her voice, she held a magazine in her hand.
"What is it?" I asked her, we were all in my parents house in New Hampshire, gathered in the kitchen.

"Oh, um it's nothing, I'm just overreacting over nothing" she laughed nervously. I lunged at her, careful of my baby bump.

"Oh" I said after reading the heading of the article.
"What is it?" Genie asked, the attentions of the rest of my band mates now on me.

"Here, I'll be up in my room if you need me" I handed Genie the magazine. I can't believe Calum, he's already moved on and was dating some British pop singer. Good for him I guess, I mean he's moved on and all, what more was I expecting? For him to love me forever? For him to wait for me? God I was so bloody stupid!

"May!" I heard my band mates call after me as soon as I was up the tedious flight of stairs. I didn't want to turn around, I stood at the top of the stairs, my back facing them.

They quickly ran up the stairs and stood by my side.
"He's moved on" I said, my voice cracking at 'moved on', my eyes bloodshot and tears stain on my cheeks... Fucking hormones.

"May..." Ariel rubbed my arm gently, Genie pulled me in a hug, Lucy stroke my hair.

"I'm leaving for England anyways so yeah" I sniffled, wiping my nose as well.

"You won't tell Calum?" Genie asked me, that was the fourth time that month.
"He's BLOODY moved on Genie! How can I bring this up to him, that I'm staying in England for a year while I give birth to my baby, OUR baby, how?" I cried some more, she held me tighter, whispering words of apologies in my ear.

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