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May's POV
It was 9 in the morning and my bags were all packed. I stood patiently in the airport waiting for my flight number to be called.

"Goodluck sweetie, and also have fun" my mum tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, something everyone seems to love doing it seems.

"I will, you sure you don't mind being here, I'm still not sure-"

"Maybelle I'm fine, we've had this discussion already and I told you, I want to see you off" my mother was keen on coming to the airport with me, her argument being that the hospital was too stuffy and she needed fresh air.

"Alright, alright, I just worry about you is all mum" I smiled.

"I know that you do, but don't, I'm fine" but how could she be? She had cancer, she may be all better now, but she had cancer.

"Don't put additional stress on yourself alright?" I smiled at her.
"With your brothers around that's gonna be bloody impossible sweetie" she laughed.

"Hey!" Harry who was on his phone whined "we're not THAT bad"

My flight number was called and I turned to face the Krum bunch. We all came in for a group hug.

"Make loads of money" Harry laughed
"Shut up squirt!" Jake punched him in the arm, then turned to me "but yeah, make lots of money" he nodded.

"Have fun Maybelle" George hugged me then handed me my small carry on.

"Bye love, call when you get there" My father simply said.

"I will, and bye" I waved at them before heading to the gate.

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"Where are you?" Calum asked me over the phone. My flight had arrived and I was waiting for him.

"I'm by the dunkin donuts entrance"
"Oh I see you" he hung up and I waited and waited.

I felt someone's hand wrap around my eyes and I could feel my body get tense, fear taking over.

"Guess who?" I relaxed at his voice, thank goodness it wasn't a kidnapper.

"Calum I know it's you" I laughed before turning to face him.

"Hey" he said softly, a smile etched on his lips, his hands wrapped around my waist.
"Hey" I replied, i wanted to kiss him but I couldn't, and I hated it. I moved out of his embrace and reached for my bags before the crowd noticed what was happening.

"I'll help" he grabbed the heavier bag as well as the carry on and left me with nothing. "They're  waiting in the car"

"They?" I turned to look at him "who?"

"The boys and girls" he smiled "your band mates?" He laughed.

As soon as we walked out the door there was a crowd of people screaming, cameras flashing here and there.

We were escorted by what seemed to be a hired security. I stuck close to Calum throughout the commotion.

Once we got to the car the noise was no different than the one outside. Michael cheering, greetings here and there, questions thrown at me from each and everyone one of them.

"Hey! Hey! She just got back, let her be please" Calum stopped them.

"Oooh, Calum protecting his girl I see"
"Shut up Michael!" Calum looked away.

"Well we outta here" Ashton nodded and started the car, without hesitation he peeled out of the parking lot.

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"Babe!" Lucy hugged me once more once we were in my room. My band mates and I were all gathered in my bedroom.

"How's mom?" She asked "she's okay right?"
"She got back from the hospital alright?" Genie asked.
"There's no bad news I suppose?" Ariel added.

"Ladies, ladies!" I clapped my hands to get their attention.
"I just arrived and I'm tired, but to answer your questions, she's fine, no there's no bad news, yes she got back from the hospital okay"

"That's a relief" Genie nodded
"So anything interesting happen while I was out?" I was folding off my clothes and putting my stuff away. I looked at the faces of my friends once I got no reply, they all had their guilty faces on.

"What happened?" I stopped to ask again, this time with caution.

"In what order should we tell you?" Ariel said timidly.

"I really don't care" I sat on the bed to brace myself.

"Ariel and Michael are dating" Lucy said, I gasped.
"So are Ashton and Genie" double gasp.

"When did that happen?" I was a bit shocked truth be told. "Blow me!" I exclaimed  "anything else?"

"Well we need to wrap up the album by the end of the week and prepare for tour, other than that nothing" Genie shrugged.

"Cor blimey!" I shook my head, I pointed and they laughed.

"Calm down Brit, I know it's a bit of a shock, it was a bit of a shock when I found out too" Lucy wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"This is great!" I squealed, I really was happy.

"So....how was New Hampshire ?" Ariel asked, even if she didn't say it, I knew what she was asking about.

"It was alright, I guess" well mood killed.
"Did Calum meet ...you know who?" Lucy looked at me.

"Yeah he did, but he doesn't know about what he did, or how he treated me so don't bring it up"  I looked at Lucy "or tell him"

"I won't, who knows what he'll do if he found out that Josh was a jackass to you when he found out you were...you know" she looked away.

"Total sleezebag, I mean who slut shames their girlfriend when they find out something like that?" Ariel shook her head.

"And worse sleeps with her brother's girlfriend" Genie added.

"Stop it, hush up, what if someone hears?" I blinked back tears, I reminded myself that I had forgiven and forgotten and had moved on with my life.

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                  Calum's POV
We had all arrived at the house and I was so glad that she was back. I volunteered to make dinner that evening out of excitement. Pasta and my special tomato sauce.

"Guys dinner's ready" I informed my band mates.

"Ok, I'll go call the girls" Luke got up from the couch.

"No I'll do it!" I quickly said, they all turned to look at me in surprise.

"Mmhm, I'm sure you will" Michael laughed.

I rolled up the sleeves of my grey shirt and headed to the hallway. I knocked on Lucy's door but got no response, I knocked again before realising that they all probably went into May's room, so I headed there.

I got there but the door was slightly open, I was just about to knock when I heard them talking.

"Did Calum meet...you know?" It was Lucy, why was she talking about me?

"Yeah he did, but he doesn't know what he did, or how he treated me, so don't bring it up....or tell him" who was May talking about? What happened per say?

"I won't, who knows what he'll know if he found out that Josh was a jackass to you when he found out you were...you know" what? Wait what?

"Total sleezebag, I mean who slut shames their girlfriend when find out something like that?"

"And worse sleeps with her brother's girlfriend" That asshole!

"Stop it, hush up, what if someone hears?" He what? Why would she keep something like that from me?

I was about to turn and leave but I accidentally nudged the door a little and it opened up. All eyes turned to look at me but the only ones I was focused on was May's.

A/N: Josh dun dun duuuun!! * cue dramatic gasp*

Thanks again for reading and getting this to 1k reads, please continue reading and also vote if you liked it. Comments are appreciated cause I'd love to read your øpinions and thoughts.

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