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      May's POV
"How bout this?" Genie asked as she strummed to the melody of the song we were composing.

"No, it's need to have more emotion, more oomph! You feel me lad?" I sighed leaning back into the bean bag I sat on. I loved the fact that I could decorate the room however way I wanted even if I was a resident for merely 2 months.

I had my beige guitar rested by my bed, 90s band posters hung here and there on the wall. White lights lined above my bed. The room was a light blue colour which I loved and I always made sure it was neat, well that's till mates visited my room, then it turned out to be a complete mess.

"Okay what about this then?" Lucy strummed a different tune.

"Girls no. Look I appreciate the effort, but I'll figure it out on my own, no worries" I laughed.

"Alright whatever you say" Ariel smiled, putting down her bass she turned to look at me.
"So..May, how's things with Calum?"

"With who?" I asked nearly dropping the book and pen in my hand.

"Calum" Lucy laughed at my reaction "you do like him don't you?"

"What? No! No I do not!" I scoffed folding my arms.
"Oh my gosh, she does!" Genie squealed.
"Shut up, he sleeps next door you know and I don't okay?" I shrugged, although the weird feeling I had in my gut each time I heard his name said other wise.

"Mm, okay, liar" Ariel smiled.
"So, later today I'm going to a concert in L.A, anyone interested?" Lucy asked as she fiddled with her acoustic guitar.

"I can't, I'm going on a date to San Diego with Ryan later today" Genie blushed.

"Same here, I can't make it, I got a date with my boyfriend, I promised him the whole day" Ariel smiled.

"May?" Lucy looked at me
"I also can't make it, I really need to get this song down, I'm sorry" I sent her an apologetic look.

"Fiine, I'll ask someone else" Lucy groaned.


"Hey guys" Genie smiled at the four lads that were spread across the couch in the parlour. They had their attention on a cartoon that played on the telly.

"Hi " Michael waved weakly, his eyes still glued to the television.
"Hey" Luke's head snapped up and instantly his eyes found Lucy's.

"Hey" she smiled, blushed then stared at the ground.
"What's up?" Ashton asked as he looked up at us

"Well I've got extra tickets to a concert in L. A, anyone interested?" Lucy asked with hope in her eyes.

"I'm sorry I can't make it, I'm going to a comic con convention later today" Michael shrugged apologetically.

"I can't make it either, I've got a meeting with Feldy today" Ashton sighed then ran his hand through his dirty blonde curls.

" I can't, sorry, busy today and all" Calum said not bothering to sound sorry at all, his eyes still in the television.

"Um, I-I'll go, with you, if you want me to" Luke said softly, his eyes trained on the intricate design of the black and white rug on the ground.

"Really?!? Thank you!" Lucy lit up with so much joy.

"Wow, everyone seems to busy and all today" Genie laughed as she followed Ariel into the kitchen.


       Calum's POV
"Bye guys" Lucy smiled and waved at May and I, the last ones left in the house, as she and Luke walked out the front door.

"Bye Lucy, have fun" May smiled at her, I couldn't help but stare, she looked pretty when she smiled, and it was rare for her to smile around me.

"Ugh" she groaned as she turned around to look at me.
"What?" I asked, not really sure what is done that time.

"Why are you the one I'm stuck here with?" She groaned once more.

"Same question I'm asking myself midget " I scoffed.

"Whatever" she crossed her arms which caused her boobs to seem bigger, not that I wanted to stare or anything but she was wearing a tank top, for the first time since I've met her and I couldn't help it. She turned around and walked away, her hips swaying to a beat that only she heard, GOD it was mesmerising.

I went into my room and gently closed the door behind me, I pulled out the notebook that I wrote song ideas in and an acoustic guitar I kept next to my black and white bass by my wardrobe.

I've been trying to come up with a song for the album we were working on and I just couldn't, I had writers block and it pissed me off. I strummed a melody but it didn't sound right, I tried putting meaningful words together but nothing. At the moment all I needed was a miracle.

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