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Nothing to say so I'm just gonna say hai there, hope your day has been great and you are fucking amazing☺️


May's POV

My bags were packed and I let a sigh escape my lips. I had already broken the news to my band mates and Calum's, and they were in shock, mostly cause Calum and his mates had no idea my mum was pregnant and my band mates were shocked that she lost the baby. Lucy had cried her eyes out the entire night, I suspected that it was her time of the month considering she rarely cried unless aunt flow visited, that and we had similar time periods.

"I'm coming with you" Calum held onto my hand to stop me from zipping up my carryon. He was persistent about coming with me back home to Manchester, New Hampshire. I found it Funny how we moved from Manchester in England to Manchester in the United States, guess my parents wanted to be in a familiar sounding place.

"You don't have to Calum" I pulled my hand away from his and proceeded to zip up my carryon.

"I'm coming with you May,end of the fucking discussion" he crossed his arms, furrowing his brows, his jaw protruding, evidence that he was gritting his teeth, Something that I had learnt he did when he was unsure of whatever he said.

"Calum" I said softly, cupping his chin in my hand, gently caressing it with my thumb "do you really wanna come?" I looked him in the eyes.

"Yes babe, I really do" he nodded, his features softening as he settled into my touch. "Then you're coming home with me I guess" I smiled up at him.


                      Calum's POV
It was a long plane ride to New Hampshire and I could say that it felt weird when we got off the plane, but I was so used to it that I didn't even notice the cramp in my leg and neck, and the bags under my eye from lack of sleep. 

As soon as we stepped off the plane and into the airport, we were crowded by fans seeking our autographs. May had her head low and black, gold rimmed sunshades on. She covered her eyes from the flashes of people's phones and also cameras from paparazzis. I cautiously led her around the crowd of people, avoiding the flash myself.

"Can I have your autograph?" I heard here and there "oh my gosh you're beautiful!" "It's Calum!" I had no idea how they knew that I was going to be here, seriously it was a last minute plan and there were so many people waiting for us.

"Uh sure thing love" May smiled at a fan, she took a picture with her and signed the shirt she was wearing, which had a "9XO" logo on it. There were a few gasps and squeals from girls who she took pictures with, I waited for her, smiling and waving at fans who wanted my autograph and pictures as well, courteous enough to agree to some of them.

"I love your hair!" A girl squealed, admiring May's hair, same here I thought. She had it up in a messy bun, showing off the shaved pattern at the back of her head, it was cool.

"I love the colours!" Another girl gushed. I smiled as May smiled back at the compliment, I could tell she didn't know what to say, she always acted a little weird whenever she got complimented. I stood there, my arms and palms starting to hurt from the weight of my bags and hers in my hand.

"Let's go" she pulled me by the string of my hoodie, a chorus of 'awws' from the girls surrounding us.
"You're dating right?" Someone asked but we kept on walking not bothering to give a reply.


                     May's POV
It was a good 16 minutes from the airport to my house. I walked up to the door of my beige coloured suburban house and nervously rang the doorbell. My mum was an interior decorator and her job provided a crap ton of money and not to mention my father being the boss of his own architecture firm.

Calum placed our bags by my side and rubbed squeezed my shoulder reassuringly. I rang the doorbell again and when no one opened I reached for the key hiding underneath the flowerpot. I opened the door and stepped in, then turned back and helped Calum bring both bags in, mainly cause I was too scared to walk into a room full of gloom and doom.

"I got this May, go greet your family" he chuckled lightly catching onto what I was doing. I straightened myself out and nodded, I heard the door close which meant that Calum did so after bringing the luggages in.

"I'm home!" I yelled as I walked into the foyer that contained the grand staircase that led upstairs.

"Maybelle we're upstairs love!" I heard my older brother, Brighton or as we call him, Bright, mainly because he was the smartest child in the family. He was   21 years old and he was studying computer engineering in the university, nerd.

"Maybelle? Aww" Calum cooed which resulted to me giving him the stink eye to shut him up. "Where do I put these? And damn is this house large!" He looked up at the chandelier hanging above our head.

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