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(Red haired Michael is my aesthetic, I mean look at him! Fucking badassery going on !!Okay back to the story now)

Michael's POV

It's been 3 days since May found out that Calum spilt her secret and I swear you could cut the tension with a fucking butter knife. They had one more month with each other as housemates and no way in hell was I letting them spend it like this. I had to get May to talk to Calum, settle this once and for all, but I had to also lighten the mood.

"So anyone up for Starbucks?" I asked as we were all lounged in the sitting room either on our phones or at certain moments whenever we heard something interesting happening, we'd look up to watch the program playing on the TV.

"Sure, I'm bored anyways" Genie sighed and got up from where she was seating, followed by Ashton.

"Yeah let's do this I guess" Lucy shrugged and pulled Luke up by the arm, or tried to anyway.

"Yeah, its been a while since we've all been out together" Ariel smiled up at me, she tucked a piece of her chestnut brown hair behind her ear which made her look younger than she was.

"Sure I guess" May said in a 'whatever' tone, looking bored.

"Calum you have to come" I urged him to say yes.
"Fine, I'll come, sheesh" he rolled his eyes and in the next 2 minutes we were out the door headed to the nearest Starbucks, which wasn't quite as near.


We had placed out orders and was sitting in a booth. I had purposely made it so that May and Calum were sitting together.

"Great weather huh?" I tried to strike up a conversation but to no avail.

"Here you go" a dirty blonde haired lady placed our orders on the table.

"Thanks, Hannah" Ashton tried reading her name tag, then smiled up at her warmly.

"Oh my gosh, you're 5 seconds of summer and Nine Times Over!" She smiled trying her hardest to bite back a squeal.

"Uh yeah we are" Luke nodded as he slipped his arm off Lucy's shoulder. I could tell that it pained him that he couldn't be open about their relationship.

"You're cute together" she said to no one in particular. I nodded slowly.

"Want an autograph? Or photo or anything?" Calum asked her, she nodded frantically and soon we were all taking a group picture with her and each signing a napkin for her, talk about lucky.

"Really? An autograph? A photo?" May asked Calum in annoyance.

"What? What did i do wrong this time?" His tone matching hers.

"Oh nothing! Nothing at all" she shrugged and took a long sip of her drink.

"No! You know what? No! We need to fucking talk! Come with me" he dragged her by the arm, taking their drinks with them and led her out of the cafè.

"Uh oh" Ashton pulled the corner of his bottom lip between his teeth. "There's only two ways that that's going to end, they either have hot make up sex or they get violent with each other and we have to either bail them out of jail or retrieve Calum's body from the hospital"

"Please let it not be the latter" Lucy prayed.

"Oh come on guys, I didn't need the idea of them, you know, doing the deed, in my head" Genie shuddered.

"Yeah that's weird it's May , she's like our mum so it's just...weird, come on-" Ariel cut off when her eyes landed on something or someone behind us, I automatically turned around to see what got her so shocked.

I saw a group of college girls who looked like they belonged to a sorority, and a guy. Oh! He had light blue hair and a pierced lip and a couple of tattoos covering his left arm. He seemed around her age or maybe a bit older, he looked like he once played in a band in his parents garage. He caught a glimpse of Ariel and headed towards our direction.

"Guess we better go" I chuckled but it was too late, he was already at our table.

"Baby?" Ariel smiled widely at him, she got up and hugged him, he had his arms around her waist a lot longer than they needed to be.

"This is um- this is B-Ben" she said when they broke off their hug and also the kiss that came afterwards. "My boyfriend" she held onto his arm.

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