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Sorry for the late updates it's just that I have Track and it's hectic AF 😅

I woke up to a splitting headache, I groaned as I held my head, eyes squinting as I tried to see past the bright rays of sunlight. Right next to me where Calum should be was a rumpled up white bed sheet and an indent in the pillow case. I could hear the faint sound of "We don't have to dance" By Andy Black coming from the bathroom and I could tell instantly who it was.

"...We don't have to make friends, we don't have to dance" Calum sang along, the tap turned on then off before he opened the door, revealing himself shirtless and in briefs. It is WAY too early for this I thought to myself, seriously how can the first thought that pop into my mind be something so inappropriate whenever I see him.

"Oh you were listening?" He chuckled scratching his damp hair "just having a sing, you listening to me sing in the bathroom?" He smiled at me, he looked so squishy, his eyes squinting as his smile grew wider.

"Shut up I just bloody woke up" I threw a pillow at him, aiming it his head and with success it struck.

"You sleep well love?" He mocked my accent which resulted to another pillow being chucked at his head but this time he ducked.

"Not really, I've got a headache" I whined, turning my head side to side and groaned as my neck cricked.

"You look a mess, go take a shower" he shook his head at me, I reached for another pillow but he simply got to it quicker than I did. "No more you pillow chucking witch, that surprisingly hurts you know" he pouted.

"I'm sure it did you weakling" I nodded and patted his hair, it smelt good, he smelt good, kinda tropical, pineapple and coconut mixed with a hint of strawberry.

I slid to the edge of the bed and got up, stretching my arms in the process while a yawn escaped my mouth. I scratched my head before pulling it up in a messy bun.

"Come downstairs once you're through, I'm making breakfast" he winked before leaving the room, leaving me to stand there in awe and silence.


I had freshen up and changed into much better clothes. My hair up in a pony tail, grey jean shorts on and light grey tank top with a black sports bra on, I was wearing indoor comfy slippers cause I didn't plan on leaving the house at the moment seeing as it was still early in the day. I rubbed on a second layer of lotion, letting it scent me up instead of just spraying on perfume, I mean killing two birds with one stone here.

I was drawn to the kitchen by laughter and the wonderful smell of bacon and pancakes.
"Hey sweetheart" both Calum and my father said at the same time. I froze at the doorway... Oh shit. My dad turned to look at Calum with a shocked look on his face but Calum just coughed dramatically to cover up, yeah nice save dumbass, I smiled and hugged my dad to lessen the awkwardness.

"Good morning dad" I smiled up at him, he kissed my forehead and tucked a lose strand of hair behind my ear.

"It's so colourful, it's so not you, still beautiful and bold, I like it" he nodded in approval. I smiled again, releasing myself from his embrace to sit down on the chair by the counter.

"Hey" I smiled at Calum whose face was a bright red. My dad cleared his throat before announcing that he'll be up in his study, he gave Calum a look before exiting.
"Pancakes?" Calum winced as I smiled at him.

"You fucked up bad" I nodded as I popped a strip of bacon in my mouth.

"Maybelle language!" Brighton walked in just in time "ooh something smells lovely" he nodded, joining me by the counter.

"Ooh pancakes!" Jake said in excitement, sneaking a freshly made round golden pancake.

"Can you shut up? It's way too early for this bullshit" Harry walked in sluggishly, he still had on his pajamas and looked about ready to fall asleep any minute. He scratched his hair that usually took its natural curly state in the morning, before he did anything to it that is.

"Morning Har-bear" George ruffled Harry's hair , laughing as Harry grumbled something that resembled 'fuck off'.

"You're all too bloody chipper for my liking" Harry scrunched his nose "it's morning, moooo-oorniiing" he stretched the out the word for emphasis. "Grumpy hour, coffee hour, shut up hour" he checked off on his hand.

"Yeah Harry is not a morning person" I said to Calum who just nodded in response. He flipped a pancake on the frying pan and slid it on a plate in front of Harry.

"Good morning Harry" Calum smiled at him, Harry half smiled before he scarfed down the pancake.

"Look he likes you" George said to Calum, laughing as he ruffled Harry's hair once more.

"Stop that George" Jake warned George, his head raised off of the newspaper he was reading, typical Krum boys. I looked at all of them,just like Jake, Brighton also had his head buried in a newspaper, George had a comic book beside him, or what he calls a 'graphic novel', yeah right like Deadpool can be categorized as a novel. Harry had a book next to him, it was kind of a tradition, we always had something to read while we ate.

"Donald Trump is still serious about this presidency bull crap? Thought he'd quit already" Brighton sighed, propping his reading glasses farther up his nose, which made him seem a lot older than he was.

"He who shall not be named" Jake corrected. Yeah, my family is not so big on Donald Trump becoming president of this here America.

"Later on this afternoon, we're all heading down to the hospital to see mum" Brighton said after 5 minutes of silence. He folded up his newspaper and placed it down next to him, taking a sip of his daily cappuccino.

"Um, I-I can't" I said softly.
"Same, I have football practice anyway, big game tomorrow " George shook his head.

"I um, have to bury my turtle" Harry sighed solemnly.
"You don't have a turtle " Jake looked at him confusion.
"You're a turtle" Harry retaliated.

"We are all going to the hospital later this afternoon, end of discussion" Brighton got up and walked out.

From the guilty looks on my siblings faces, it seems like Jake and George had put off visiting my mum in the hospital for quite some time, to be honest I don't know what my reaction would be when I see her, how I'd react.

"I'm here if you need me okay?" Calum looked me in the eye "I'm just one call away" he had my hand in his and gave it a tight squeeze for reassurance.

"Okay, okay" I nodded. I stood outside the door of the room my mother was admitted in. My siblings were all in there and I was out here, it didn't seem right.

"Go in May, go see your mother" Calum smiled at me, I found comfort in his eyes, I found comfort in his smile, I found comfort in him.

I took my hand out his, hating the empty feeling. Taking a deep breathe, I opened the door to see my mum siting on a hospital bed cross legged, her hair was up in a pony tail and her eyes, although tired, were lit in excitement. She was in a blue and white hospital gown and white slippers.

"Baby" she smiled at me, a tear trickling down her eye as she saw me.
"Mummy" I ran to her, wrapping my arm around her, holding her tight as I cried.

"You didn't t have to come all the way from California sweetheart" she sobbed.

"Yes, yes I did" I nodded, I sniffled and sniffled. We both laughed, she held my face in her hands to inspect it before laying a kiss on my cheek.

"You look lovely sweetheart, love what you did with the hair" she laughed which made me laugh despite the fact that we were mid tears.

It had been more than 30 minutes since May went in to see her mother and I patiently waited in the lobby, a magazine over my face so as not to be recognised by a fan.

I was almost asleep when my phone dinged with a text message.

Luke: hey mate, how's it going?
Calum: I don't know yet
Luke: sad news tho, you have to be here in about two days time, no l8r, we have a show :((
Calum: oh shit
Luke: soz mate, I can't exactly help there. Well bye
Calum: bye :(

Damn it! I can't leave May all alone during a time like this, she'd need me. And I can't leave without figuring out that Josh character. What the hell am I gonna do?

A/N: I'm so sorry that the chapter is shorter and that the story is taking forever to get to the point, sorry for the filler chapters. And also sorry for the late update.

Thanks for reading though, you all are amazing beans, I'll try my best to update whenever I can, also keep reading and vote if you like it, it'll mean a lot to me ❤️

Also check out my other story if you haven't, it's called "THE LIST" and while you're at it, check out "KEEP ME HIDDEN" by  PANDAperson555 its by a great friend of mine and also vote if you like it.

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