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                Genie's POV

I gasped at the ring of my cellphone, I'd been playing around on my guitar to occupy myself. I checked the screen of my phone that was on my bed beside me, the caller ID read 'Ryan💗💞' and I clicked on the green button.

"Hello? Babe?" I said into the phone, placing my guitar gently on the floor.

"Hey beautiful " he sighed. I plopped on my stomach and smiled, although I saw him once in a while he made my heart skip a beat just by thinking of him. The sweet pet names he gave me and our ability to tell each other everything made me happy, and loved our relationship even more.

"How you doing stranger?" I laughed, pulling a piece of my bottom lip between my teeth.

"I'm, uh, I'm doing okay" he said "uh, you?" By the way he was speaking I knew that something was off.

"I'm doing great" I ruffled my bright red hair, then moved the strands of hair that fell in front of my face.

"Genie, is there anyway you meet me so that we can have a chat?" He said, he sounded nervous, I could hear footsteps, like he was pacing the room.

"Um, sure, w-where are you? Where do you want to meet?" I sat up, a little more concerned now.

"Well I'm in L. A at the moment, had to attend something urgent, um, meet me at the store by Walt Disney Concert Hall?" He asked.

"Uh yeah, sure, I'll see you there at 7pm" I gulped, something was really wrong.


"I'll see you guys sometime around tomorrow" I stood at the front entrance of the house with a black and white stripped carry on. I'd gotten changed into what I could find ;black ripped skinny, black and white Kurt Cobain shirt and a red flannel tied around my waist. I ruffled my hair for the 5th time in the one minute I was at door.

"It's gonna be fine love" May smiled at me then pulled me into a hug, she was a lot shorter than me so it wasn't all that awkward considering I had a carry on in one hand.

"I'm sure it is" I scoffed nervously
"It's not like he's gonna break up with you or anything " Michael shrugged which made May nudge him in the stomach, hard.

"Cause he'd be an idiot if did that, you're a wonderful girl Genie, he'd be a fool to lose you" Ashton smiled widely at me.

"Thanks Ashton" I sent him a smile in return. "Alright, to Los Angeles I go" I sighed as I turned and walked out the house.


                Ashton's POV

I was worried about Genie, she seemed so frightened when she left. I decided to take my mind off of it by doing what I do best, banging things. I headed to the practice room where our instruments were kept. I walked in to see May straddling a bass and Calum leaning over her from behind, his fingers over hers as he guided her through the main chords. From the looks of it, it wasn't just an innocent bass lesson.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know you guys were in here" I apologized as both their heads snapped up when I walked in.

"It's okay, the lesson was done anyways" she shook her head and pulled the strap over her head quickly.

"W-wait" Calum called her back but she was already out the door, and it was only for a few seconds but I could see how flustered she was.

"Uh, hey" he looked back at me, his face as red as a cherry. "I'm gonna...go" he pointed towards the door and walked out.

"Oookaay" I sighed then walked over to my drum set, I sat on the seat and picked up my the oh so familiar drum sticks and played around on the high hat and crash cymbals and the played the beat to 'American idiot' then switched off to one of earlier songs 'she looks so perfect', I kept playing the beats to different songs and I was so lost into it that I almost didn't hear my phone ring.

I looked at the screen that and the caller was, Genie? I dropped my sticks and quickly picked up the phone.

"Hello? Genie are you alright? Nothing happened right?" I stopped as soon as I heard her sniffle. "Genie?" I said hopefully she didn't end the call.

"Ashton" she sniffled, she was fucking crying, oh my lord she was crying, I swear I'll kill that bastard!

"I'm here" I said softly "I'm here"

"Can you um, is it any bother to you, can you come get me?" She whispered into the phone. I didn't bother to question it, I ran out of the room and went to my bedroom to grab my car keys, it would take hours to get there by car, God I need to be there now!

"Hey, hey Genie" I spoke into the phone "I'll be there as fast as I can, w-where are you?" I ran my hand through my curls.

"At the Walt Disney Concert Hall" she said between sobs.

"I'll be there, I promise you I'll be there, I'm gonna hang up now, but I'll be there" I hung up the phone and dialed someone for help in getting the quickest flight to L. A


Genie's POV

I walked around the Hall to stretch out my legs and clear out my head. I'd been crying all night and I couldn't drive back to the house. I wanted to call one of the girls but Ashton was the first person I thought of for some reason.

It had been 3 hours since I met with Ryan and all I wanted at the moment was to stuff my face with all sorts of food that wasn't oh so healthy. I didn't expect Ashton or anyone to be here in less than 4 hours but I wanted someone to pick me up as soon as they could.

My phone rang and Ashton's name popped up on the screen, I picked it up.

"I'm here" he panted as though he'd been running "I'm here, where are you Genie?"

"I'll meet you at the entrance" I hung up and circled back to the entrance of the Hall. He was standing there, looking around worriedly. His curls seemed wilder if that were possible, he had on a multi-coloured button down shirt, black skinny and black boots. He had a fedora in his hand and would cover his face with it ever so often before sneaking a peak.

"How'd you get here so fucking fast?" I folded my arms.

"Perks of being a celebrity and having celebrity friends, private jet" he smiled at me. "You okay? You sounded..off on the phone, come here" he pulled me into a hug, rubbing circles in the back of my head as an attempt to sooth me.

"Can we go somewhere else, or home? My car's parked in the lot" I said after the hug ended.

"Sure, of course" he nodded and we walked out of the hall towards the parking lot. We tried to avoid paparazzi and fans who wanted autographs.

"Where do you wanna go?" He looked at me as he slid into the drivers seat and I the passengers.

"Anywhere honestly, I need to clear my head" I sighed and slumped into the seat.

"Of course, but you'll have to tell me what happened, whenever you're comfortable that is" he said as he started up my dark blue 2010 Jeep Wrangler sport.

"Sure thing, but for now please drive" I groaned.

A/N: what happened between Ryan and Genie? What'd he tell her?

Find out on the next episode of 'Try Hard'.
Thanks for reading and please keep reading, and I'll update as soon as I can.

Please vote if you liked it, it'd been a lot to me.~M

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