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(This video fucks me up cause Calum is sooo fucking cute, and also either use earphones to listen or have your volume off silent)


               Calum's POV

"So that's what happened" Ashton rubbed his palms down his black skinny. We were all seated in the living room to listen to why Ashton and Genie missed May's birthday.

"You had 6 shots?" May asked Genie in shock.
"Is that all you got from that?" Lucy asked from where she was snuggled up against Luke. We all tried to fit in on the two couches opposite the one Ashton and Genie sat on. It was like we were parents interrogating our children that did something they weren't supposed to do.

"At least you got a shirt out of it" Ariel shrugged and tucked a piece of her chestnut coloured hair behind her ear.

Without meaning to Genie straightened out her red and white tee that had 'I'm a sucker for L.A' written on the front of it. She and Ashton had matching Tshirts so I'm guessing he was right about the whole she puking on her shirt story.

"Look May I am super sorry for missing your birthday " she said for the fifth time since we arrived. "And especially since the incident last year, you needed me and-"

"Hey it's alright, I get it, that bloody cheater didn't deserve you anyway babe" May interrupted her and then smiled at her then they both hugged each other.

"Hey I want in on that too" Lucy joined in followed by Ariel.

"What incident?" Michael asked as he tried to sit more comfortably on the arm of the couch.

"Oh my gosh feelings" Luke recoiled in fake disgust.

"Get in here noodle legs" Lucy pulled him, the next I knew we were all hugging in the middle of the living room.

"Wait what incident?" Michael asked again in the middle of the hug.

"Gosh this feels like an episode of Full house, with the hugging" May broke the hug "I'm making toast, anyone want toast for breakfast" it was quite clear that she didn't want to tell the rest of my band about how she got raped last year and I hoped that her friends got the hint as well.

"I do, gotta love toast" I rubbed my belly.
"I'm still lost here, what incident-" Michael started again
"Do we have any vegemites? Cause if we don't then Nutella is fine by me" I followed her into the kitchen.

"I think we're out of both, how bout Blue band?" She tried reaching for the cupboard that had the breakfast supplies.

"Eww, butter on bread?" I made a gagging noise to show emphasis.
"Hey don't knock it till you try it" Ariel said as she walked into the kitchen.

"You lads ready for the interview tonight?" May asked as she pulled out a loaf of bread from the cupboard as well as some butter knives.

"Yes and No, yes because it's our first Ellen interview, no because it's our FIRST Ellen interview" Lucy shook her head while taking deep breaths and then positioned herself on the stool by the counter.

"Yeah same here" Ariel nodded and then sat next to Lucy.

"It's not that nerve racking after the first 5 minutes or so" Michael folded his arms and leaned against the fridge.

"Easy for you to say, you've been on a shit ton of interviews" Ariel said then pulled her phone out of her back pocket.

I walked to the back of the counter to assist May in the breakfast preparations. I spread butter on the bread and she'd pop it in the toaster. Then set on the plates in front of the people who were now sitting on the chairs waiting, some on their phone, some making conversation with each other.

As soon we were done, we made 8 cups of hot chocolate with whipped cream on top with a dash of cinnamon. I carried my cup to the living where May had also escaped to.

"Hey, you alright?" I set my mug on the table and sat next to her, she took a sip of her chocolate, leaving a mustache of whipped cream a over her lips.

"Come here" I laughed and wiped it off with my thumb, which caused her to laugh as well.

"You know" I sighed as she turned to face me "I still haven't given you your birthday gift yet" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Right, you haven't" she said slowly and nodded.
"I promise you whenever the time is right I will" I looked around to check for anyone who might be listening.
"It's going to be another lesson to help you be better prepared in the world of sex" I whispered softly in her ear as I moved in closer to her then She turned her head slowly to look at me. My eyes darted from her honey brown eyes to her plump pink lips then back to her eyes, this process repeated itself for a few seconds before we leaned in to kiss each other, I placed my hand on the small of her back as she placed her hand on my shoulder. We pulled apart as we heard shuffling of feet in our direction.

I could tell she was flustered, she looked down at her cup of chocolate and smiled. When she looked up at me she smiled even wider then looked away.

"Oh? Did we miss something?" Ashton asked as they all piled in, Luke had a mug in his hand, Michael had a piece of toast in his, Ariel had her phone in her hand, is she ever off that phone? Genie had her hands in the back pocket of her jeans and Lucy as well had a mug in her hands.

"N-no, nothing, nothing at all, absolutely nothing" she stammered. Way to be smooth May I shook my head and smiled. "I'm gonna go to my room, and try to not freak about the fact that I have nothing to wear for tonight" she got up quickly before I could tell her that her clothes were gonna be provided for her by the company.

"I'll go with you" Ariel stood up to follow her.
"Same here, I need to clean up, gotta get last night off of me" Genie pulled Lucy, who was reluctant about leaving, by the arm and followed May out of the room.

Once the girls were all out of the room Michael, Luke, and Ashton all moved in closer like they just heard a really juicy gossip.

"May huh?" Luke said as he and Michael sandwiched me in between them so that I couldn't move.

"So you officially asked her out yet?" Ashton raised his brow.
"No, mates, not yet, it's kinda complicated at the moment" I shook my head, and tried to run my hand through my hair but it was difficult considering the fact that I had two giants trapping me down.

"Come on, you like her and she obviously likes you, what's so complicated about that?" Luke shoved into me.

"Wait have you two...done it?" Michael gasped and tapped me repetitively on the arm like a little kid who got told he could have ice cream for breakfast.

"No! Wait..no!" I groaned "I told you it's complicated"

"Come on we're your best mates you can tell us anything"  Ashton moved in closer, he was practically sitting at the edge of his seat.

"It's her story to tell, not mine" I said.
"Is it about the incident? Whatever that is?" Michael asked "wait what's the incident? I want to know"

"I can't tell you!" I struggled to get up but ended up bouncing back in my seat.

"Come on!" Luke pressed on.
"I'm serious! I can't!!" I groaned in annoyance, May confined in me about something so private, I couldn't betray her trust.

"Mate!" Ashton looked at me in shock

"I'm sorry, what the hell do you expect me to say?" I shot up from where I was trapped "that she got raped and I'm trying to take things as slow as she wants it? That I really want to go an official date with her but I'm too scared she'd say no? That I'm scared that her being with me might trigger some old memories that she doesn't like? Tell me mates, is that what you wanted to hear?" I said angrily.

"Woah, May was raped?" Ashton looked at me with so much concern in his eyes.

"I'm , I'm out of here" I stormed out of the room, regretting what I'd just done, I had betrayed her, I told the one secret she entrusted me with. I'm such a fucking asshat. I grabbed my car keys off the kitchen counter and walked out the front door, slamming it shut behind me.

A/N: I know it's a short chapter and I apologise.

Thanks for reading and please keep reading, if you like it please don't hesitate to vote.

And also if that video make you sorta fan girl as hard as I did, thank you, thank you very fucking much <3

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