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I wanna see suicide squad so badly, like super excited for it but I don't know if my parents will be all for that XD. for someone who rarely does anything, this summer I have stuff planned.....finally! hope you have stuff planned this summer

Earphones are best when listening and reading, I don't know it just makes it better 😋

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Calum's POV

She's been acting a little off since this morning and I don't really think it's because of the fact that she was leaving in less than 12 hours, no it was something else. she seemed fidgety, almost nervous, she avoided any kind of physical contact between us, and when we did touch she seemed distant....what was going on?

"wow, no matter how many times I come here it still takes my breath away'' I sighed as I leaned on the hood of my car. May was sitting cross legged on the hood, sipping from a bottle of ginger ale. There it was, that look on her face, she was distant, deep in thought. I took a hold of her hand and she turned to look at me, her mind back to where we were.

''what did you say?'' she shook her head, then rotated her shoulder blades.

''Are you okay baby?'' I asked her, my eyes studying her, studying her body language and her reaction to anything I said.

''uh, yeah, yup I'm...I'm fine, just bloody dandy'' she nodded, a tight smile plastered on her lips, yeah she wasn't a really good liar.

''Maybelle, what's wrong?'' I asked again, if there was something wrong then I needed to know, I wanted to help her out however way I can.

''I'm gonna miss you a lot Cal, I know I have to leave but I'm gonna miss you'' she smiled sadly at me ''whatever happens, I love you''

''Is that what you were worried about?''
''yeah, yeah it is'' she sighed

I pulled her into a hug, not wanting to let go of her, ever. She smelt like her body wash..piña colada, also with a hint of sweat from the California heat. She held onto me tighter than I held onto her, like she was afraid of letting go of me, her hands grabbed a fistful of my shirt, and if I didn't know any better I would have thought that she was crying. I ran my fingers through her hair and placed a kiss on her hair line.

''I love you more'' I whispered to her. we stayed like that for quite some time, letting the cool evening breeze move through us, the ruffling of surrounding trees be the sound track of the moment, I didn't mind it at all.

'' you wanna know what I could really go for at the moment?'' I asked her, regretting breaking up the lovable, emotional moment.

''I'm not available at the moment, please try again later'' she chuckled.

''get you mind out of the gutters woman, I'm talking about fries and a shake'' I smiled, she laughed and buried her face in my shirt again.

''what? it's gotten to be a new addiction of mine....other than music, and you'' I stood up straight as she pulled away from me.

''That's cute'' she got down from the car, grabbing her bottle of ginger ale with her, then climbed into the passenger seat. I looked at her, disappointment clearly obvious on my face. ''did you want me to drive?' she laughed, I loved it when she laughed.

''well yeah, I drove all the way here, so you get to drive us to the nearest 'Mickey D's' '' I pouted.

''you're such a baby I swear'' she took off her seat belt and climbed to the drivers side, not bothering to get out of the car and walking to the other side. That made me chuckle.

'' well I'm paying so...'' I shrugged, I got into the passengers side and buckled up ''lets go''

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I ordered a number 5, a strawberry milkshake, and a large fry, but she didn't order anything.

'' come on, eat something'' I handed her a fry, she shook her head and smiled

''I'm not hungry Cal'' smiling sadly she picked up a fry, dipped it in the shake and held it in front of my mouth, I opened it up and she placed it in.

''Why? you love fries and shakes''

'' yes I do, but not right at the moment, I feel queasy'' she shrugged, I nodded, she did look sick, I didn't bring that up cause it seemed like she didn't want to talk about it.

''oh okay'' I nodded again, I turned around in time to see someone take a picture of the both of us, then another person, then another person. ''lets go, c'mon'' I packed up the food and requested for a bag to put it in then left.

As soon as we left I checked my twitter and instagram and it wasn't too long before I got tagged in pictures of May and I together....just great, it's only a matter time till she sees them and only a matter time till John sees them. I sighed and she turned to look at me.

''what's wrong?'' she asked me

''Eyes on the road please'' I let out a light laugh.

''Calum...'' she looked at the road but that didn't mean she was done with me.

''It's nothing, I promise'' I turned the dial on the radio, changing the station, the music that was previously playing was not to my liking, sorry not that big a fan of country music.

''wait, let this one play'' she said, I did as she requested, I let the song ''House Of Gold'' by twenty one pilots play.

''....I will make you, queen of everything you see
I'll put you on the map, I'll cure of disease '' she sang along, a calmness to her tune, it was a beautiful thing to just sit, watch and listen to.

It was like the universe was trying everything in it's powers to make the moment perfect, cause it started raining, not heavy, but not too light, the perfect pitter patter.

She parked the car on the side of the road, we were no longer on the highway, she was driving through streets, completely avoiding the highway. She unbuckled her seatbelt and smiled at me.

''you ready?" she asked, there was mischief in her eyes, they glistened and danced with trouble.

''for?'' I asked cautiously, ''we're not gonna do it in the car while it rains are we? cause I'm cool with it'' I smirked.

''oh my gosh Calum!'' she hit me lightly on the arm ''no, we're going into the rain, get ready to get wet'' she wiggled her eyebrows.

'' The only person I want wet is you, and I'm not talking about splashing in the rain'' I winked at her, she didn't say anything, just laughed and got out of the car. She giggled out loud as the rain hit her, her hands up in the air as though she was collecting the water, her face upwards to the sky, letting the rain pour down on her....God it was a beautiful thing to see.

''come on Cal!'' she squealed, I knew I was later gonna regret it later but for now what the hell right?

I got out of the car and I felt the warm liquid hit my shoulder first then my head and in a matter of seconds I was soaked. I joined her in front of the car, the headlights were turned on, focusing on us like spotlights. She twirled around, a wide smile on her lips, then she turned to look at me. I pushed my wet hair back so that I could see properly, she did the same to hers.

''I love the rain, I hate the thunder'' she yelled over the sound of the rain

''Really? why?''

''Thunder scares me for some reason, and also I hate the sound'' she shrugged, then squealed as she went back to what she was doing. Her clothes were soaked through, her light white tank top now see through, her black shorts jet black from being soaked. She shook her hair, water flying in all directions, I smiled cause I knew that this was gong to become one of my favourite memory of her, the carefree attitude, the smile, everything.

My grey shirt was soaked through as well and so were my cargo shorts that went from beige to a dark brown colour. As I watched her, I couldn't help but go up to her, wrap a hand around her waist and another cupping her cheek, I couldn't help leaning in and kissing her. I enjoyed the warm fuzzy feeling I got inside of me. I held her tight as she went on her tip toes, as she wrapped her arms around my neck, as she pulled me in closer. As the rain poured down on us I held her tight, letting the water mess up our hair, stream down our faces. yeah, definitely my favourite memory of her.

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When the rain finally died down we were halfway back to the house, I was driving this time. we sat there listening to the radio, she was looking out the window, watching water streak down the glass. It reminded me our intimate activity a few days ago, we had taken it to my bathroom, her pressed against the glass, our breath fogging up the glass regardless of the fact that we had cold water pouring down on us.

Shaking my head, I tried to clear my mind of thoughts like that, she was leaving and I may never see her again, things would never be the same. No more shower sex, spontaneous flights to visit her cause I missed her, waking up to her in pajamas, cuddling with her when I had a bad day or when she had a bad day, or having breakfast together.

''wow, it's already 2 in the morning'' she was staring at her phone. We had arrived and I was parking the car in the driveway. '' 6 hours, 6 hours and I'm out'' she sighed and ran her hand through her damp hair, the purple now so dark one would have mistaken it for brown.

''yeah, 6 hours'' I shut off the engine and pressed my head against the car seat, looking up. ''I can't do this, I Can't say goodbye'' I could feel my chest tightening up, I knew I was going to cry, she knew it too by the crack in my voice.

''oh Calum'' she pulled me in, placing my head on her chest, one hand holding onto my cheeks and the other stroking my hair while I sobbed.

'' I don't want to May'' I shuddered, every part of me hurting as I tried to speak. She held me closer, petting me as she let me cry on her chest, a sigh escaped her lips.

There was a tap on the window and I slowly pulled away from her to look at what or who it was, it was Ashton.

"Coming?" He asked, his head jerked towards the entrance of the house.

"Yeah, yeah we are" May smiled at him, she unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car, I did the same.

I walked to her side of the car and held her hand, she looked down at the gesture and then up at me, a wide smile on her lips, sadness in her eyes.

"Let's go in" I nodded and we did.....6 more hours till departure.

A/N: I don't know whether this is too cute or too sad, I'm confused myself.

Thanks for reading and please keep reading, also vote if you liked it, comments and opinions are appreciated, I'd love to know what you think.g

Also please check out and follow the Cashton fan account on instagram : Bromance_1996

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