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            Calum's POV

I walked into the brightly lit office, it smelled of cinnamon which I always found enticing. The room was spacious and had an office desk with chairs, on the chair by the window sat John Feldman. He smiled as soon as I walked in.

"Have a seat Calum" he smiled at me, then clapped his hands "alright genius what do you have for me?"

"I'm sure you'll love it" I smiled nervously.
"Oh? I already love it and I haven't heard it yet" he laughed.

" here" I handed him the recording of the song on the flash drive.
"Okay, I'll listen to it and if it's a hit then we'll work on it with the rest of the boys" he smiled his warm smile, then ran his hand through his Snow White hair.

"Alright then, I'll be leaving" I sent him a tight smile, then got up and left.


"No, no, noooooooo!" Lucy jumped and threw her hands up in frustration.

"Can't he clearly see that the net was at the other end? And stop holding your hockey stick like that!" She groaned. She sat on the leather couch next to a confused Luke who kept on popping bits of popcorn in his mouth as he watched her, he seemed to find her more entertaining than the game going on, on the television.

"Do NOT make me regret wearing this!" She exhaled in anger, tugging at the collar of her Bruins sweatshirt.

"It's just a game Lu, chill out" Genie laughed as she walked into the parlour from the kitchen with another bowl of popcorn in her arm. She was followed by Ariel and Michael.

"It's NOT just a game, it's the game of the season!!" She snapped at Genie who merely shrugged, obviously used to Lucy's passion for hockey.

"Uh hey guys" I smiled weakly, trying to inform them that I'd gotten in.

"Oh hey Cal" Michael nodded at me then sat down next to Ariel who was watching something else on her phone.

"Um, w-where's May?" I said in a it's-not-big-deal kind of way.

"In her room? I think" Michael said then turned his attention to Ariel's phone, engrossed in what they were watching.

"Wait, where's Ashton?" I looked around, searching for the guy with the curly hair.

"I think he's with May, said something about helping be able to hit it better or something, I don't fucking know" Genie sighed then turned back to the television.

"He's with May? Oh" I said in a deflated tone then headed to my room.

"I'll be in my room if you need me" I called but I got no response whatsoever. Okayy I thought to myself then walked into my bedroom.

I wasn't trying to spy, I really wasn't but I couldn't help but try to listen in on what May and Ashton were doing in her room.

"Yes that's good" I heard her say, was that a moan? What was going on?
"You like that?" Ashton laughed. What the fuck was he doing with her?

"Mmmhmm, how bout this? Am I doing it right? Kind of my first time trying this" she said softly. If he lays a hand on her or make her do something she's not supposed to I swear I'll... I'll, I don't know what I'll do but he sure won't like it.

"You're doing great I promise, try it a little rougher this time" Ashton chuckled. What the hell? What am I going to do? If they were already that far along how do I stop them? Wait why do I even care who she has sex with? It's not like I like her like that.

"Yes!" She exclaimed with excitement
"That's much better-" she cut off,I couldn't take it anymore, the thought of them screwing each other like bunnies and hearing it, it was too much, I had to put an end to this...for my peace and quiet.

I got up from my bed and stormed out of my room, fumes practically coming out my ears. I didn't bother knocking cause I wasn't thinking straight, I couldn't let him do anymore harm to her.

" GET AWAY FROM HER-" I said as I barged into her room, I was cut short by the sight in front of me. May was sitting on an electric drum by the corner of her room and Ashton hovered over her with drumsticks in his hands. They both looked confused as to what I was doing.

"What's going on here?" I asked awkwardly, folding my arms as I cleared my throat.

"Um Ashton was teaching me how to play an electric drum" she cocked her head to the side as she furrowed her brows.

"Yeah, what'd you think we were doing?" Ashton laughed.

"Nothing, n-nothing at all" I shrugged "well I'll get going, May when you're done can I speak with you?"

"Um sure thing lad" she smiled sweetly at me. I walked out of the room with my face a new shade of red, my hands tucked in my back pocket.

I closed my bedroom door tightly behind me and fell to the ground, covering my head in lap from the shame. What was wrong with me?

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