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(They are such idiots that it kills me.. But the raspberry thing though, like Hood no, you're not allowed to torture people.... Again volume off of silent or earphones in, enjoy my super long-ish chapter)


Ariel's POV

We had all gathered into Genie's room. She was taking a shower while May, Lucy and I were scattered in her room.
I stared intently at the worn down supernatural poster hanging above her bed, as I waited for the beep that signalled that I'd gotten a text.

"So what do you think I should do Ariel?" May asked from where sat on Genie's queen sized bed covered with a mint green duvet. She had her leg folded underneath her and her hands supporting it.

"What?" I stared at her in confusion, this was basically what happened, I barely heard a thing they said cause my mind was on texting my boyfriend, Ben. Because of this whole band thing and creating music we were constantly on the road and I barely got to see him, I'd wait for his texts, calls, anything. Though little they were I appreciated them, I mean yeah, yeah, so fucking what that they were like less than two sentences a whole day? He's my boyfriend. And God I miss him!

"I said that I have no idea what's up with Calum and I, like does he like me? Are we ever gonna be something? It's driving me mental mate! Like one minute I'm head over heals for this lad and the next I'm not sure if I can trust him, I mean he does have a streak of hurting me when I least expect it, what do I do?"  She pouted and titled her head back.

"And like I told her, there's a sure fire way, kiss him and you'll know" Lucy gently tapped May's shoulder. She was flipping through her latest Deadpool comic that she stashed somewhere.

"What do you mean?" I sat up, adjusting myself on the lone couch I was sitting in.

"There's gonna be a spark, there's always a spark! You just know, I don't know how to explain it, you get all tingly, there's a very intense moment, there's a moment, and you know" Lucy said after she placed down the comic book beside her on the bed.

I thought about what she said for a moment, about the whole 'feeling a spark' bullshit, I mean it was a romantic thought but come on, that never happens.

"Ariel knows what I'm talking about, right Ari? I mean that's how you and Ben's first kiss must have been like" Lucy looked at me which made May look at me as well, like she was waiting for an agreement.

"Look we're only 17, alright? The whole idea of love and being inlove, I don't know man, it's strange to me and very unfamiliar. Ben and I are just dating, we kissed, we happened, we're still happening, and if I happen to fall madly In love with him then I'd be glad to" I sighed after giving them an answer.

"What? There's no spark between you and him yet?" Lucy looked as though someone just told her that her puppy was soon gonna die.

"Is there a spark between you and Luke?" I retaliated.
"Yes there is, from the moment we saw each other, held hands and kissed, there's always been a spark" she folded her legs and scrunched her brows.

"Alright ladies who's ready to get ready-" Genie walked into the room then stopped as though she interrupted something. "Did I miss anything?"

"I was just telling them about the spark and can you believe that Ari and Ben never had a spark?" Lucy said clearly exasperated.

"What? That's like the most important thing, feeling a connection between the two of you. I never felt the spark with Ryan and I hate that Ignored it, please don't ignore it, you gonna regret it" she shook her head then dabbed the end strands of her wet hair between a small towel.

"It's not a big deal guys" I sighed and threw my hands up in annoyance.

"The biggest deal love" Genie made her way to her closet to pick out something to wear.

"You hang out with May way too much love" I laughed.

"May, there needs to be a spark for you to be sure" Lucy turned her attention back to May who didn't even seem to be paying attention for her mind was else where.

"May you here?" I snapped my fingers in front of her face as she batted her lashes and looked up at me who was now standing in front of her.

"Yeah, yeah, spark, I got to go, there's someone I need to speak to" She quickly got up from the bed and made a beeline to the door. She looked so out of it, which confused us all. I almost jumped out of my skin as my phone vibrates in my palm, there was a text message from Ben.

Bae 💕💓: have fun tonight

Okay so maybe that's the only response I got from my two paragraphs length text I sent him, raving about how nervous I was about the interview and also how excited I was, but hey he texted back, and I hoped he was happy for me.

TRY HARD//C.HOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz