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후속 주셔서 감사합니다.....thanks for the follow and read people❤️

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May's POV
My heart was racing at a stupendous pace, perspiration still lingering on forehead, my hair a bit damp from sweat. This was my second time having sex with someone , only this time it was different from the first.

I clutched my blanket over my bare chest, breathing heavily. My eyes were glued to my ceiling, the previous event between Calum and I left me lost for words and I didn't know if I could face him just yet.

It didn't hurt like the first time and although he was a bit rough, he was also gentle. Thank goodness for thick walls or we'd have my family banging on my bedroom door, hell thank goodness for the fact that the rooms were far away from each other.

"Hey" he said softly as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I took a deep breathe before turning to face him.
"Hey" I managed to say, a crooked smile for Forming it's way on my lips.

"You okay?" He asked, eyes searching my face for any sign of discomfort or pain.

I moved in closer to him, tracing my index finger from his jaw down to his bare chest before placing a kiss on his collarbone.

"I'm fine Calum" I smiled up at him, he smiled back.

I looked at him for a while, took in this beautiful image of Calum Hood. His hair damp as well from sweat, his chest moving up and down quickly from his heavy breathing, his chest glistened from the sweat and it sort of made him glow. His cheesy smile plastered on his face, the corner of his eyes crinkling as he smiled, it only made me want to jump his bones some more.

"Hey, you sure you're on the pill?" He asked cautiously.

"Yes Calum, I've been on it for two to three years now, although it prevents pregnancy, it's also great for periods" I laughed as his face crinkled a bit at the word.

"There's 0% chance of me getting a baby love, no worry" I reassured him. He pulled me in closer, wrapping the both of us underneath the blanket.

"Thank you" I whispered after a minute of sheer silence, I got a kiss on the temple in reply.

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"Get there safely, call me when you get there okay?" I said to him, we were at the airport. I wanted to kiss him goodbye but I couldn't cause of the people there, what If someone took a picture?

"Yes babe, and also please come back quickly, I've got something to ask you" he looked down at his shoes.

His flight number was called out meaning he had to leave, my brothers were all there, they each shook his hand.

"Hey" he smiled at me "see you in California, and watch the concert please, it's important" I nodded an agreement before he turned to leave.

I heard a crowd of girls screaming his name as he left, I smiled, for some reason I smiled.

"Hey it's May!" I heard a girl scream then a crowd of girls followed suit before I was bombarded for autograph requests.

Calum's POV
It was hot as usual in California, we were getting ready for the concert and it seemed even more suffocatingly hot. Everything was set in place and there were already people piled into the arena.

"You ready mate?" Luke patted my back.
"No matter how much we do this, I still get butterflies in my stomach" I laughed.

"Hey, butterflies are good, it means that you still love performing" Ashton smiled.

I grabbed my black and white bass with the smiley face and placed my ear piece properly before heading to where I was supposed to be.

I could hear Ashton getting the fans going, Luke went up on stage, then Mikey, then me.

"How you feeling tonight California?" Luke cheered, the crowd screamed, of course they did, such a charmer.

"When I say Cali, you say Fornia" Mikey called out "Cali" the crowd replied "Fornia!" It went on for quite a while with the rest of us playing along to the tune on our instruments.

We played a couple of songs, She looks so perfect, heartbreak girl, unpredictable, voodoo doll, the only reason, and more.

"One last song for tonight, yeah sorry we'd like to stay and perform some more but unfortunately we can't" Ashton apologised.

"So this is one of our old songs, I don't know if you guys remember it, well I dedicate it to a special girl out there, and I really hope she's watching" I smiled, the instruments started off.

"Can I have a minute
I've gotta tell you something
I heard that someone likes you
Might be nothing but he's right in front of you..."

"..I think you know
But you just don't know
That he's right in front of you.."

"..talking to him nearly everyday
He really likes all the games that you play
He told me to tell you to see what you'd say
Before he jumps in and he asks for that date.."

"I've got a friend who's crazy about you
I've got a friend who can't live without you
I've got this friend and I wish I could see
How it would end if you knew it was me.."

"Something I have to tell you, he plays a bass guitar
He thinks you'd like him better if he had a car
But right now he's right in front of you.."

We kept on playing and I poured out my feelings through those lyrics hoping she'd get the hint that I was trying to ask her out.

*. *. *. *.

The show was over and I was waiting for her to ring me.

"Good job out there guys" crew members came in and out to tell us that.

"Wow, can't believe you did that Calum" Luke laughed before gulping down a bottle of water.

"What do you think she'll say?" Ashton asked as he shook off sweat from his hair.

"Of course she should say yes, you didn't have us change the last song and perform an old song without any practice for no reason" Michael shrugged.

"She still hasn't called yet" I sighed
"Then call her, dumb ass!" Michael hit me with a wet towel.

I hesitated a moment out of intense nervousness before calling her up.

"Hey" she said softly after picking up
"So um, did you, did you watch it?" I paced the room, hand scratching the back of my head nervously.

"Yeah, I did" she replied, a few seconds passed "was the song for me?" She asked.

"Yeah" I sighed
"Calum Thomas Hood, did you just ask me out indirectly via concert?" She asked, her voice dripping with amusement.

"Yes?" I said meekly
"Wimp! Of course I'll go out with you" she laughed, I laughed. Wait...she said yes.

"She said yes" I whispered to the boys that were all surrounding me, waiting for my answer.

"Yes!" They all cheered, they seemed more ecstatic than I did.

"Are the lads there?" She laughed shyly
"Yeah, say hi, I'm putting you on speaker" I said, I switched it to speaker and placed my phone on the wooden center table.

"Hey May!" They chorused
"Hey guys" she laughed again "bloody amazing concert!"

"When are you coming back?" Michael pouted.
"My mum's getting discharged later tonight so I'll be there by tomorrow "

"Ohhh, well get here safe in law" Ashton giggled which resulted to a smack to the back of his head, by me. "Hey! That hurts! May control your boyfriend, he's gone crazy" Ashton whined, she laughed.

"Well I'll talk to you guys later, I have to pack up my things" I took the phone off speaker so I could talk to her privately, if that was possible.

"Hey" I chuckled, she did the same "hey"
"Well I'll be at the airport to pick you up"
"I'll see you then, bye"
"Bye" we both hung up.
I couldn't help but grin like an idiot when the call disconnected, she said yes!

"Guess we've got a date to plan, ready mates?" Ashton clapped his hands together.

A/N: I know it's a short chapter and all, I apologize but trust me it gets good * insert devilish grin*

Thanks for reading and please keep reading, and also please vote if you liked it. And again comments are appreciated, opinions and feedbacks mean a lot.

I'll update as soon as I possibly can✌🏽️

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