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Please read the author's note at the end of the story it's reaally important and is significant to the next chapter☺️

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Calum's POV

It had been 6 weeks since our tour started, we were in England. We had already finished touring Asia and it was so amazing, pretty sure Michael had more of a blast than the rest of us though. The girls were somewhere in New Hampshire, their home, though they were still touring. As the weeks went by we were moving further away from each other, miles apart. The first few weeks of our tours we Skyped each other all day and into the night, we couldn't stop texting each other, but as the weeks worn on the calls and texts decreased, we were both busy people I understood that but that didn't make me miss her any less.

''Hey Cal you ready?'' Ashton called me from the door way of the tour bus, I grabbed my phone and slipped it in my back pocket.

''let's go'' I nodded and he smiled at me, we headed to the arena, greeting fans that were gathered outside on the way in.

''oh my gosh!'' I heard Michael gasp from somewhere in the dressing room ''we can't tell him this.... right?'' he sighed.

'' Calum will find out eventually Mikey'' Luke said, I walked in to find a magazine in Michael's hand and a guilty look on both their faces.

''what's up? what will I find out eventually?'' I asked nervously, when Michael hid the magazine behind his back then I knew it had something to do with an article.

''let me see'' I told him sternly ''Michael Gordon Clifford! give it to me!'' I lunged at him, he held the magazine up high though that was a total waste of effort seeing as I was taller than him. I grabbed it easily from his hand and sat on the couch by the wall.

''don't do it Calum'' Luke sighed, running his hand through his hair he stood beside Mikey. I looked at the magazine cover and there was a picture of the girls, May 's picture bigger than the others, the heading read ''Nine Times Over: A Bump In The Road'' in large yellow letters and a smaller sub heading that read ''a possible new member of the group, baby on the way?'' I could feel the wind being knocked out of me as I re-read the cover, I quickly flipped through the magazine to the page where the article was.

''New Possible Member?

we've had our suspicions for quite a few weeks about whether the drummer of our up and coming girl band Nine Times Over was on her way to becoming a young mother, their shows from the first few weeks of the tour one could tell that she was out of it, pictures show her throwing up or rushing to the bathroom every once in a while, morning sickness MAYbe? while this is still a conspiracy, we'll find out sooner than later tonight while we interview them so tune in to find out'' I read out loud, my head spinning as I dropped the magazine on the coffee table.

''wait May's pregnant?'' Ashton took off his snapback and shook out his hair, I ran my hands down my face.

''She didn't tell me, why didn't she tell me?'' I tried to speak '' I have to call her'' I pulled out my phone and dialed her number, it rang but she didn't pick up, I tried calling again but she didn't pick up.

'' she's not answering my calls'' I dropped my phone next to me and sat back, my head tilted backwards, how could she not tell me?

''The show's tonight, we'll watch it just to be sure, it could be wrong I mean they did say it was just a theory, mere suspicions'' Luke tried reassuring me but I knew the truth, if it was false she would have contacted me to tell me to not mind the story, I would be able to get a hold of her. How could this happen? when did we ever-

''Oh shit'' I punched the throw pillow right next to me '' she's pregnant mates, alright? she's freaking pregnant and she didn't tell me, why wouldn't she tell me about the kid, OUR kid?'' I ran my hands down my face again, folding them together under my chin.

''How do you know she's pregnant? it's not like you both had unprotected se-'' Michael started then looked right at me ''wait did you?''

''One time, in New Hampshire, she said she was on the pill and I didn't have, ya know, with me at the moment'' I said ''she was SO sure she was on the pill and that she'd never get pregnant'' I groaned ''I need to talk to her guys, I need to talk to her'' I shook my head.

'' Calum we're on tour, she's miles away, and besides we have to go perform in 5 minutes'' Luke checked his watch. Ashton tossed me a bottle of water before opening one for himself, I needed a cold beer, not water but I took it anyways.

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My band mates and I tuned in to watch the interview, all on the edge of our seats with every word that came out of May's mouth.

TRY HARD//C.HOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora