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                May's POV
The house was eerily quiet, it was 10am and the harsh Ray's of sunlight pouring through my light blue and white curtains was what woke me up. I quickly ripped my blanket off my body and slipped on my fluffy galaxy slippers, I ran out of my room and headed to the parlour.

"Oh hey May" Genie said cheerfully, placing the newspaper in her hand on the kitchen counter when I walked in.

"Hey mates" I chuckled then perched myself on the stool next to Lucy.

"Morning babe, coffee, waffles?" Lucy smiled at me, sliding a plate of golden brown waffles in front of me and mug of freshly brewed coffee.

"Okay, who made this? Cause I know it wasn't any of you" I folded my arm on the counter.

"Calum did, said to make sure you ate something too, so now eat something " Ariel said from where she was standing by the fridge, she rolled up her grey sweatshirt with a 'Blue exorcist ' design on the front, she looked adorable with her oversized matching pajama Bottom and fuzzy grey slippers.

"He made this for me?" I smiled looking down at the stack of waffles in front of me, my face grew hot and I bit my bottom lip to refrain from smiling even more.

"Oooh, she's blushing" Lucy nudged me causing her blonde hair to fall into her face. She'd already gotten changed out of her pajamas and even straightened her hair, she was always the first to get dressed amongst the four of us, how she managed to get up so early surprised me.

She crossed her jet black ripped jeans and folded her arms across her def Leppard shirt, her eyes trained on me.

"You can't deny that you don't like him" she scoffed.
"I don't Lu " I shoved a piece of waffle in my mouth.

"Let her be, or you don't want us dragging up the fact that you and Luke have something going on behind our backs" Genie said from behind the huge newspaper covering her face.

I tried stifling a chuckle and so did Ariel, I almost nearly choked on the piece waffle I was chewing.

"I have NO idea what you're talking about, like what?" Lucy laughed nervously then downed the cup of coffee in front of her.

"Where are the boys?" I looked around, half expecting to see a tall brown haired, brown eyed boy to walk into the kitchen.

"Remember they had to go to the studio to work on the song with John?" Ariel asked moving closer to the counter.

"Oh right" I said disappointedly as I picked at the waffle in the plate. "Cinnamon, nice".

"May, are you sure that you're okay with the boys using your song?" Genie folded up her newspaper and once again placed it down on the light grey marble countertop.

"Yeah I'm sure, it's fine" I shrugged
"Okay, so you got a song for John tomorrow?" Lucy asked, placing her hand on my shoulder gently.

"Invisible is not the only song I've written lads" I laughed awkwardly "I- I have a song, just need tighten up some things and it's good to go" I shrugged.

"Alright then, get cracking"  Genie clapped her hands and rubbed them together.

"Bloody well then" I grabbed my plate and mug and took them to my room.


             Calum's POV

I felt relieved when we had to get back to the house, we'd been working all morning to afternoon and my body ached, my fingers were sore from playing the bass all day and all I wanted was a hot bath.

Ashton closed the door behind us as we walked into the house. I stretched out my arms as I searched around the room for a certain British drummer. I could see Lucy and Genie chatting it up in the sitting room and Ariel watching some sort of cartoon, or was it an anime? But I couldn't find her.

"Hey where's May?" Michael beat me to it as he sat next to Ariel.
"In her room, she's been killing herself over the new song, hasn't come out of there all day" Ariel shook her head "I'm worried about her"

"We all are, she's stressing over this more than she should" Lucy sighed, I didn't stay to listen to the conversation but ran straight to her room. I stopped quickly once I got to the door, what was I gonna do? How could I possibly help her? Would she even trust me to help her?

"May" I called from the door, I straightened my black shirt that read Drop Dead at the breast pocket, before knocking on the door. It took a while but the door later swung open to reveal a rather tired looking girl standing in front of me, her hair was a mess, loosely tied on the top of her head, she was still in her pajamas and slippers and she looked like she could use a massage, or a day off.

"Oh my gosh May" I pulled her into a hug, she didn't even fight back and we stood like that for a while "I'm so sorry" I whispered into her hair.

"It's fine" she said, pulling out of the hug "come in" she motioned for me to come inside and I did, then she shut the door behind her.

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