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(Okay warning smut !!!! involved in this chapter!!!and I apologize for the video, cause oh shit! And also listen to "pillow talk" by ZAYN Malik, kinda the sound track for this chapter I guess)


May's POV

Earlier that afternoon

He dragged me by the arm outside and led me to his car, slamming his door shut.
"Where you taking me?" I grunted
"Home, where else? We need to talk" he started the car.

"You mean the house?" I folded my arms.
"Same shit" he said softly as he pulled out of the parking lot.

The car ride was silent as he drove in the direction of the house. He parked into the garage and we walked into the house.

He slammed the door behind him which caused me to roll my eyes and turn to face him ,childish I thought.

"What? Why drag me all the way back here?" I shook my head.

"We don't fucking talk for 3 days and the first thing you say is questioning my actions?" He yelled at me.

"Oh please!" I sat down on the bar stool in front of the counter.

"Talk to me! Yell at me! Something! Anything woman! It's driving me nuts and I feel guilty to the max!" He stood in front of me, slamming his fist on the counter.

"Why? Why the hell did you tell them?" I asked softly.

"I don't know okay? They were just, they were pestering me about whether or not I've asked you out on an official date yet and if we've done it yet and I don't know! I was pissed and I just blurted it out and I'm sorry May" he rubbed his face with his hand then tugged on the ends of his hair.

"I was ranting to them about how I couldn't ask you out cause I was scared that you'd say no and I don't know alright?" He leaned on the counter, eyes avoiding mine.

He wanted to ask me out? Wow! Um, how could I wrap my mind around the fact that HE wanted to ask me out! ME! Wow. I didn't know how to react to that, so I just sat there.

"May?" He looked at me.
"I- I -I don't know Calum, you betrayed my trust, and it hurts, can I ever trust you, Hood?" I lifted my head to look him in the eye.

"Yes I swear you can" he sighed and held onto my hands with his, they were large and comforting. He came closer, now standing between my legs.

Spark huh? I mean I've felt something the last few times we kissed but I never really accounted for spark.

I bunched his shirt in my hands as I held onto his sides and as he leaned in. The kiss was slow, and gentle and it wasn't long before it became heated and passionate. Panting as our heart raced and our breath shortened.

I moaned into the kiss as he lifted me up, straddling my hips on his torso, my legs locking behind him. My hands worked its way to its usual spot, like it marked its territory, he let out a moan as I tugged gently on his chocolate brown hair.

He walked us to his room, the journey there a blur. God it was more than a spark! It was like I got hit with a transformer pole, sending jolts of electricity through every part of my body.

He pinned me roughly against the wall, his lips making its way down my neck, kissing and sucking on spots that made me let out strings of cuss words and a melody of moans.

Calum took his lips off of my neck and looked me in the eye, his hands playing at the hem of my shirt, silently begging for permission. I nodded and just as quickly as I agreed my shirt was off my body and on the ground. I could only thank my stars that I was wearing a lace bra, it was purple covered with black lace that made me show more cleavage than I wished for.

I tilted my head back and groaned as he intimately placed kisses on my chest, his hands working the clasp expertly. Seconds later my bra dropped to the ground and I was left half naked sitting on the hips of Calum Hood. He placed the bud of my left breast in the middle of his thumb and index finger, massaging it gently.

I latched my lips on his to refrain myself from cursing out loud. He placed me gently on his bed, which currently had a black and white stripped blanket, how fast he changes his blanket.

His hands made their way to my black skinny, unbuttoning and then slipping them off. I rubbed my foot on the other rather shyly as he took a moment to stare, his eyes filled with lust and something else.

"Um-" I began saying but was cut short by Calum attaching his plump lips to mine. Sugar Honey Iced Tea! He's a hell of a great kisser.

I was taken by surprise when I felt his hand slip into my knickers that matched my bra, a gasp unintentionally  escaping my lips. He stopped immediately, pulling out of the kiss to look at me, for the second time, asking my permission. I was terrified of whatever he was about to do but I sure as hell wanted to do this. I swallowed my fear and smiled up at him. Chests heaving, our lips returned to their previous location, on each other's.

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