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Well prom has come and gone, hope that the people who went to prom had fun...cause now I gotta focus on mathematics MCAS cause the English MCAS was not enough😩

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"Oh" was all I could muster when Calum told me that he was needed back in California for a concert. Their manager had this bright idea of doing a pre-tour concert to kick start their actual concert that was soon approaching.

"I'm gonna stay with you" Calum pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arms around my shoulders as he spun me so that he was facing my back.

"It's fine Cal, you have to be there, your fans are depending on you" I sighed, rubbing his arms and tracing his tattoos.

"I'll go for the rehearsals but know for sure that I'll stop by once in a while" he kissed my temple. I smiled at the gesture. Damn this boy had me catching all sorts of feelings for him and I don't know if I can call him mine yet.

"Do whatever the hell you want, but make sure you attend your own concert Calum" I giggled before pulling away from his embrace.

I stared at the wall clock in my bedroom that read 9:30 pm, it had been 4 hours since I went to the hospital to see my mum.

"I can't believe your dad let you share a room with a boy" Calum flopped on my bed, the pillows and bed sheet going up in the process.

"Not the first time" I said softly but unfortunately he heard.

"Your dad let you have boys in your room?" He looked at me wide eyed.

"Not exactly, open door policy" I shrugged before making my way to sit next to him.

"Um, the door is kinda NOT open right now, as in I could do whatever.." He moved closer me, placing a hand on my thigh "...the hell.." He moved closer, hands inching further upward "...I want, and no one would know" how dare he tease me?

"Calum" I breathed his name, my breath hitching in my throat. I had fluffy pajama shorts on and a light grey baseball tee. His hand easily found the lining of my panties which made me gasp.

"Hood, don't tease me right now" I tried speaking though I kept breathing hard.

"Say it again, but this time add Mister to it" he smirked.

"Quit it before it's too late Calum" I wrapped  my hand around his wrist. My eyes were glued to the veins in his arm that were protruding. I squirmed at the dirty thoughts of the things his hands could do to me  that wormed it's way to my mind.

"Is it hot in here or what?" I fanned my face with my other hand. "I'll go crack a window and air here out" I began to stand up but he held my hand with his, I gulped then turned to face him, that son of a gun had a smirk plastered on face.

"Say it" he insisted, his grip loosened as I sat back down. My face flushed at what he wanted from me. "You know you want to"

"Mr. Hood" I whispered, my head down, eyes glued to my chipped Galaxy nail polish.

"A little louder this time" he moved closer, I could hear the amusement in his voice.

"Mr. Hood" I looked up in time to see his head tilted back a bit, eyes close and  bottom lips drawn between his teeth.

I crawled closer to him, this time so close that we were a mere inch apart.
"Can you...." I began but stopped, I was too embarrassed to ask but I wanted to.

"Go ahead, what is it?" He lifted my chin up with his thumb and index finger so that I'd be looking up at him.

"Can you...touch me?" I looked away "or not, it's fine, forget I asked" I added quickly when he didn't reply after 4 seconds.

"Only if you promise to be a little quiet" he grinned.

A/N: I know it's a short chapter and I deeply apologies, I'll maybe continue this in the next chapter or no, I don't know.

Thanks for reading and please keep reading, and vote if you liked it cause it'll mean a lot.

Also lads, I wouldn't mind if you commented, I'd like to see/read your opinions or thoughts towards it.

Have a lovely day ~ xoxo

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