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Soz for the late update, I have school and work and school..


Calum's POV

After long hours of playing Fifa we both passed out on the sofa, I was woken up by the ring of my phone. My body aches from being crouched up on a couch that was half my height since I had to let May sleep on the bigger sofa.

I checked the clock to see that it was 12 in the morning, who could possibly be calling me at 12 in the fucking morning? It was Ashton, it had been a whole day since he made any sort of contact with any of us. I quickly answered the phone.

"Ash? Where are you? What happened? Is Genie alright?" I asked in a hushed tones, careful so as to not wake May up. I slowly sat up in the chair, wiping the sleep from my eyes with one hand while the other held the phone to my ear.

"We're fine, our cellphones died and we'd been driving all day" Ashton answered, I could hear rustling in the background like a bag of chips were being opened. Then a struggle, of something to be Genie "asking" to speak with me.

"Hey Calum" she said, I could practically hear the smile in her voice.
"How's it hanging mate?" I chuckled, my voice still low from the sleep and tiredness.

"Pretty damn good, sorry for waking you up from your sleep, but could please hand this phone to May wherever she is?" She asked, this time her voice filled with worry.

"Um, she's sleeping" I shook my head, I didn't want to be the one to wake her up, I mean she looked so peaceful and all cuddled up with the big throw pillow on the sofa.

"Please Calum, I missed her 17th birthday and I feel bad about it, so can I please to her?" She sighed through the phone, I heard shuffling of feet and a door being closed on the other end of the line, either she walked away from where she was with Ashton or he left the room.

"Sure, I -I'll wake her up" I rotated my shoulder blades to release whatever tension was built in it " but if she starts cussing at me its all your fault". I stretched my arms over my head as I stumbled to wake up a sleeping May, I hesitated for a few seconds then gently tapped her, at first she didn't respond then I tapped her again. She squirmed at first then her eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Mm, shit" she moaned as rubbed her eyes awake. Fuck! I seriously have no idea when I started liking her. "What is it Calum?" She mumbled as she looked up at me with still sleepy eyes.

"Um, uh, p-phone, Genie on the phone for you" I handed her the phone in my hand. God it was way too early for this bullshit! My heart was already racing and she was the one to blame for that.

"Oh my goodness!" Her eyes widened as she shot up and reached for the phone. She cleared her throat before speaking into the phone, running her hand through her braids she paced the room. Her black shirt from last night was rumpled up and she'd occasionally play with the strings hanging loosely from the front of her ash coloured sweatpants. I admired the design in front of her shirt that read "Fuck you or fuck me" In white letters, I found it cool that almost all her Tshirts was designed by her. She must have noticed me staring cause when I looked up at her she had her eyebrows scrunched as she looked at me, a corner of her lips lifted up in a smirk. I shook my head and stared up at the ceiling, though it was already too late to pretend that I wasn't staring, God she must have thought that I was staring at her chest or something, but then can you blame me? She had on a light shirt, that was tad bit see through.

"Please make sure you make it back before the interview tomorrow night. And be safe love" She spoke softly into the phone. I sat back down on the sofa and let out a huge sigh, it would be a little hard for me to go back to sleep now that I've been woken up, it was going to be a long early morning.

"Love you" she smiled then looked at me. I had one hand over the rest of the chair and the other laying on the cushion next to me, my head tilted back and my eyes closed, legs spread apart, one stretched forward and the other curved in, so basically my lazy position.

"Here" she carefully handed me my phone and plopped down next to me, well sort of, she sat on the other end of the sofa, far from me, copying me.

I turned my head to the side to look at her, she had eyes wide open, staring up at the ceiling. Apparently she had the same problem I did. I couldn't help the repetitive glance I stole at her, each time I looked away I wanted to look again.

"Take a picture Hood, it lasts longer" she chuckled then turned to face me, she pulled her legs up and onto the sofa, holding onto the hand that was draped over the chair with the other hand. She looked at me like she was studying me for reasons I wouldn't be able to comprehend.

"You should take your own advice there sweetheart" I smiled at her widely.
"I can't sleep" she shook her head causing her braids to swing in different directions.

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