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(Make sure your volume is not on silent to hear the video)


             Luke's POV

It was 7am and I was still in my sleep wear, my hair was a total mess and I scratched my bare stomach as I got up from my bed. I'd always slept without a shirt on because of the heat, hated the way the shirt stuck to my body and evidence of sweat on every corner of it. I quickly grabbed a light red shirt and strolled into my bathroom.

My eyes went wide at the monstrosity in front of me, I looked like an extra to some low budget horror movie. I quickly ran water and splashed it on my face, rubbing any traces of sleep from my face, grabbing the hand towel hanging on the rack beside the sink I dabbed the water away.

I felt so nervous, just thinking about asking Lucy out, it made my heart race, I couldn't see myself doing it. Sure we'd gone to places together when the others didn't know, we went to the park, to a concert, to a hockey game, which was pretty fun, and roller blading, but we never went on an official date.

"Hey Lucy, can I, um, can speak with you, privately?" I asked her as she walked into the Living room where my mates and I were playing a video game, she seemed to be looking for someone.

"Uh sure, of course" she nodded to me then said a silent hello to the boys behind me, I could feel them watching us as we left.

I led her to the corridor between the kitchen and living room. I straightened myself and rubbed my hands together nervously.

"What is it?" She folded her arms and leaned against the wall.
"Um, it's not a big deal, just wondering if, you, were uh, free later today" I shrugged.

"Why?" She eyed me suspiciously.
"Um, there's a showing later on in the cinema and I was wondering if you'd love to join me" I replied awkwardly.

"Cinema? You sound like May when she wants us to go to the movies with her" she laughed then stopped "wait, are you asking me out?" She looked at me expectantly.

"If I say that I am will you say yes?" I nearly whined the question.
"Yes, of course" she nodded "um, what time do you want me to be ready?"

"7pm if it's fine by you" I smiled confidently.
"See you at 7 Luke" she smiled and walked away. Wait! She said yes, oh my lord of the rings she said yes!!

I pumped my fists in the air as I stood there in the hallway. Then I walked back to the living room, a smug smile plastered on my face.
"She said yes!" I smiled as I sat next to Michael who patted my back proudly.


          Calum's POV

"So the plan is what exactly?" Ashton shook his head at Michael who rubbed his chin in pretentious thinking.

"Clear the house of everyone except May and Calum" Michael shrugged "simple".

"Okay how do you propose we do that genius?" I scoffed crossing my legs on the couch.

"Well we already got Lucy and Luke outta here later tonight, so we just need to get the rest of the people outta here" the blue haired boy shrugged.

"How do we do that then?" Luke laughed.
"Drug them and drag their bodies out?" Michael smiled excitedly.
"Try something less illegal and more moral" I scrunched my brows.

"How bout we just tell them" Ashton sighed in exasperation.
"Boring but will do" Michael nodded.


                    May's POV
I had a tub of cookies and cream ice cream in my lap and my braids in a bun. My thick framed glasses hung comfortably on my nose as I watched one of best mate freak out about what she wore.

"You look gorgeous shut up!" I said from where I sat on her cushy bed. Lucy paced the room nervously, looking  at the 6th outfit she'd tried on that evening in the mirror. She had on black skinny jeans, black and white crop top, her hair was curled loosely, and her make up was already on, natural yet bold,courtesy of moi.

"It's perfect, and I'm sure he'll love you no matter how you look" Ariel smiled at her.

"I don't know, I mean, I really want to look pretty and I'm not" she slumped her shoulders.

"Shut up, I swear if you weren't our lead guitarist I'd have signed you up for modeling" I told her, pushing my slipping glasses back up the bridge of my nose.

"True" Genie and Ariel both agreed.
"Shut up" she laughed looking at herself once more in her body length mirror.


"Wait you're ALL leaving me?" I whined as I watched three of my friends walk out the door with Ashton, Luke and Michael.

"Come on you're not alone, you've got Calum" Genie patted my shoulder gently.

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