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My work this summer is both stressful and entertaining....you see I get fed alot. I think this picture's title summaries this chapter😂
Also listen to "Don't let me down" by the chain smokers while you read this, I don't know it just mesmerizes me.

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May's POV
I had just come out of the shower and I could still feel the perspiration begin to form on my forehead. I tied my towel around my chest and tied my wet hair up, though that didn't stop it from dripping down the side of my face and unto my chest.

"I can't believe we're leaving tomorrow" I heard Lucy sigh as she flipped through one of my Drums magazine, yes she looked hella bored reading it.

"Same, it was starting to feel like a home away from home ya know?" Genie folded her hands on her stomach as she laid down on her back on my bed.

"Yeah I feel ya " I nodded, rummaging through my stuff that isn't yet packed up for clothes and knickers.

"And you just got things fixed with Calum" Ariel pouted.

"What about you guy's relationships?" I asked, slipping on a lace panties underneath my towel.

"Yeah, we'll break up, he understands how it is" Genie shrugged "didn't expect it to last anyways, I mean Ashton is fucking awesome and I'm not right for him"

"Shut up Genie, you two are perfect together and you know it" Lucy tapped her thigh lightly.

"I know" Genie fake wailed.
"Same here though, it's an understandable situation, we're going separate ways" Ariel smiled sadly.

"Who says we have to break up?" Lucy put down the magazine.

"So you two aren't gonna break up?" I asked her in surprise, clipping my bra on over the towel before turning it face front and taking off the towel, causing it to pool around my ankle.

"I don't want us to, he doesn't want us to either, so why break up?" She shrugged.

I found a black pair of ripped shorts and a white tank top and slipped those on.

"It's going to be different and difficult though. It's a long distance relationship" Genie cautiously warned her.

"I know, and we can handle it" Lucy smirked.

"Please help me finish packing, I suck at it" I pleaded, not wanting to talk about breakups right after I just fixed things with Calum.

"Alright alright we'll help" Ariel smiled, they all got up and started folding clothes into my bag and putting some of my stuff where they belonged. It took 30 minutes to figure out the clothes alone, I swear it's like the amount of clothes I had was more than the ones I brought here, how did that happen?

"Do you ever use this?" Genie threw an eyeliner bottle at me, it was empty.
"Um...nope" I threw it in the trash.

"How 'bout this?" Lucy handed me an ugly green nail polish bottle.

"Ew no, I don't know why I still have that anyways" I threw that in the trash.

"Does this have a pair?" Ariel tossed me a clear earring that was missing it's pair.

"Trash" I threw it away.
"Whoa what's this?" Lucy chuckled, she was inspecting a bottle. "and why is it expired?"

"Wait what?" I got up and walked over to where she was sitting to look at the bottle...shit!

"Are those birth control pills?" Genie asked.

"Shit" I said out loud "oh fuck!"

"It's fine May, it's not like you've had sex without em" Ariel laughed.

"They're expired genius" Lucy groaned.
"I think I'm gonna be sick" I clutched my stomach and headed to the bathroom, I wasn't fucking around I really felt sick. I threw up in the toilet, repeatedly.

"Babe are you okay?" Lucy rushed in, holding my hair up for me. I was just about to reply when I turned back to the bowl and threw whatever I had for supper up.

"You need to get a stick" Genie said and I knew what she meant, she wanted me to get a pregnancy test...fucking dandy.

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My band mates and I were just about to head out when we were stopped by Ashton.

"Where are you all headed this fine morning?" He smiled then proceeded to placing a short kiss on Genie's lips.

"Dog clinic"
"Wait what?" Michael looked more puzzled than Ashton did and so did Luke and Calum who were sitting in the living room playing video games.

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