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(They're beautiful alright?)


Calum's POV
It was a lazy Wednesday afternoon, the sun was high up in the sky. The boys and I were gathered in the living room playing Black Ops 3, and I was losing.

"Ask her out" Ashton said out of nowhere.
"What?" Michael mumbled as he clicked and pressed furiously on the controller.

"Calum, talking to Calum" Ashton said not bothering to look away from the screen. It was the fifth time that week since the week began that they've been dropping hints about me asking May out, I guess now they're not dropping hints.

"Dude!" I muttered as I squinted my eyes at the screen that was bathed in sunlight, momentarily blinding me. I had my tongue sticking out the side of my lips in sheer concentration.

"Well you should" Luke said, half of his attention on the game he was playing, the rest on his phone. My guess was that he was texting Lucy while she and the rest of the girls were out for the day. Said something about new hairstyles or something before walking out the door.

"Alright, alright, I wanna ask her out but" I paused the game which earned a 'mate!' From Michael and a 'hey!' From Ashton.

"I don't know what to do, where to take her, I mean I just want to make it special you know?" I shrugged, I rubbed the tiredness out of eyes as I screwed my fists into my eye lids.

"Just ask her" Luke said while his fingers flew across the screen of his phone.

"I can't just ASK her! It has to be a special ..right after she says yes when I ask her out" I dropped back my head on the couch I was lounged in, my head hurting from the hours of video games we had been playing.

"Well we'll help you with that dude, now unpause the game or I'll kick you in the gonards" Michael sneered at me.

"Gonards?" I laughed at the word
"Balls! Dude! I'll kick you in the balls!" Michael scoffed.

" alright alright " I unpaused the game and instantaneously Michael began shooting left and right expertly.

"Wonder what they're doing?" Ashton said again, this time not as into the game as Michael was.

"My guess is girl stuff, I don't know Ash"I chuckled lightly, trying to get my attention back on the game, we had just finished beating our previous level.

"They're changing their hairstyles " Luke said, his head still buried in his phone.

"Oh that's cool" Ashton nodded, I could tell he was just as curious as I was on how it would turn out, I mean we were all used to their hair being a particular way.


May's POV
We all Let out a sigh of relief as we walked into a building called "Lè Beaux" which I had no idea what it meant, seriously my six years of French in primary school is still yet to pay off.

The air was humid outside and the cool breeze emitting from various air conditioners was just incredible, I could already feel the beads of sweat forming on my forehead and gathering on my eyebrows, gross.

" 'Ello ladies, I'm Eve" we all shook hands with a tall woman in her early 20s, she was slim and very fit, her hair was highlighted and it looked very professional. The various colours of purple complimenting each other nicely, how the deep violet cascaded into the light purple, it was actually mesmerising.

"Pretty hair" Genie said in awe, her eyes practically popping out of its sockets as her jaw dropped.

"I like her" Eve smiled at us as she pointed at Genie who was as mesmerised with Eve's hair as I was, her British accent was it? Thicker each time she spoke, each time it seemed like she was trying to hide it.

"So what are we doing Eve?" I half heartedly smiled, not sure if I wanted to do this. I had never had my hair fixed up by a professional.

"Well the company has paid for all expenses so we're just gonna have fun girls, oh this is brilliant" she squealed, which made Ariel, Lucy and Genie squeal too. "Follow me"

She led us up the stairs and to the third floor, there was a long, brightly lit hallway and at the end of it a door, when we walked in we stared in awe, it indeed was brilliant.

The room had a large window on the other side of it, there were chairs already set out, all sorts of kits laid out, hair dyes and combs and brushes and straighteners and shit that I didn't even know existed. There was large full length mirror that took up the entire wall beside the window, which can be quite trippy. There were three other women there, all very young, though it seemed like one was a year older than the next. All had quite fashionable taste and their hair was to die for.

"Hey there" they chorused, the shortest lady with a curled bob pulled me by the arm gently, to a chair and sat me down. The other two ladies did the same to Lucy and Ariel.

"Hat off please" The bob lady tapped the cap on my head. I had recently taken out my braids and my hair was about as natural as it gets, curly and in a fro, I looked like I stepped out of an 80s catalogue for African Americans. I never liked it, it was a lot of work to maintain and was extremely curly. Always wished my hair turned out like the girls with mixed blood, straight, or even if it was curly it was super pretty. The only good thing about my hair was its length, it reached the top of my waist and looked fabulous when I straightened it, which I almost never do.

"Wow, that a lot of hair" Bob lady smiled. "You're May right?" She rubbed my bare shoulders. I had chosen to wear a baby blue tank top to go with my baby blue jean shorts, a black converse to go with my black and white flannel that was tied around my waist.

I placed the baseball cap on my lap, holding onto it as tightly as possible.

"Yeah" I nodded shyly, I wasn't good at speaking to new people.
"I'm Bella" she pulled at the ends of my hair. Oh how I was tempted to wince in pain but I didn't want to seem like a wuss.

"What'd you want to do with your hair, any idea?" She stood in front of me, hands folded, eyes scanning my face.

"I don't know, I want it out of my face and not be a bother when I play the drums" I simply stated.

"Wanna cut it? Dye it? " she suggested. I always wanted to dye my hair but too afraid to, I could never pull off my hair being dyed. And cut it? Why would I ever??

"Ombré?" I said, more of a question than a suggestion.

"Perfect! Cut it?" She asked again, bloody hell this lady Really wants to cut my hair.

"What did you have in mind?" I was terrified of what she might say.
"Layer it, trim it, straighten it, ombré, oh it's gonna be perfect " Bella said excitedly, which scared me actually.

"Oh great" I said flatly as she went to work, straightening and trimming pieces of my hair, it took me 17 years to grow out that hair and in under a few minutes it was cut down. She shaved the back of my head, designing it a bit, then proceeded to dying it. She pulled out different varieties of colours, loud colours, light red, pink, purple, blue. Oh shit!

A/N: it's more of a filler chapter, I'm stressing out about MCAS and all. But I will update as quickly as I can. It's gonna be great.

Thanks for reading dearies and if you liked it please vote and per usual it will make me super glad if you did.

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