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MCAS is the devil! My head hurts and so does my fingers, seriously I see letters even when I close my eyes to dream.


                 Calum's POV

  "Bowling!" Luke nodded enthusiastically, adding to the long ass list of date ideas. We'd been pondering all night in my room while the girls were sleeping so that they wouldn't interrupt the process, that seemed to be unsuccessful.

"Skating, it's romantic and sweet" Michael gasped "or video game date!" He was practically bouncing on his seat with excitement.

"Mate please" I groaned before he added it to the list. I rubbed my temples with my fingers, failing to relieve the headache that had started to surface.

"Dude just take her out to dinner at that Italian restaurant down the road, it's super romantic" Ashton raked his hand through his hair and then fixed the brown speckled glasses that rested above the bridge of his nose.

"Great idea!" I smiled, finally! I wrote it down in capital letters on the list. ITALIAN RESTAURANT.
"It's decided, after 25 suggestions, it's all come down to Italian restaurant" I let out a sigh of relief before rubbing the sleep and tiredness that had began to form on my eyes and eyelids.

"Papa knows best" Ashton shrugged cockily, he pulled out the pencil that he had tucked on the top of his ear.

"Well I gotta go sleep, need the rest, kinda promised Genie I'd show her around San Fransisco" he smiled wearily though I could tell he couldn't wait to 'hang' out with Genie. Over the past couple of days they've been more than friendly with each other, you'd see them laughing about what the other texted, they were going out together more often, and you'd always see them next to each other.

"Yeah I gotta go sleep too, Lucy is taking me to a skating park" Luke stretched his long legs and arms before getting up.

"I have no excuse to leave, I just wanna go" Michael said, getting up, then all three exited my room.

As soon as the door was properly shut I flopped down on my bed, arms spread and eyes wide open. I just hope she says yes. Really hope she says yes was the last thing I thought before drifting off to sleep.


                      May's POV

I was staring at my reflection for the 10th time that morning, was it really me? I ran my hand through my straightened out, multi coloured hair, tracing the shaved pattern at the back of my head, I loved the way it felt, I loved the way it looked, it brought out my face and my cheekbones which I had hidden for years. It accentuated every good quality of my face, my big brown eyes, my pointed nose that had a nose ring stuck through the right part of my nostril, my lips. My lips seemed fuller for some reason.

I admired the way the colours seemed brighter each time the sun rays hit it through my open window. The neon purple seemed brighter, the baby pink seemed pinker if that were possible, the different shades of red and blue mixing together perfectly.

I had taken a long bath when I woke up, I stood in front of the full length mirror that hung on my bedroom door,trying my hardest to pull off the punk rock outfit I was wearing, if you considered it punk rock that is. Jet black combat boots, black ripped skinny, black crop top with the words "Die hard" written in white on the front, black bracelets on both arms, and heavy mascara, really showing off my lashes. I looked like I was dressed for someone's funeral, yeah probably my own.

I laughed for a few seconds at how I looked, all black and then there's a bright neon sign on my head. Tying my hair up in a messy bun I walked out of my room, in hopes of exploring today, maybe find ideas for a new song, inspiration.

"Whoa!" Someone said behind me, stopping me dead in my tracks in the middle of the kitchen.

"Who died?" Luke laughed taking in my appearance before ducking into fridge.

Everyone was gathered in the kitchen eating a French toast and drinking  an orange juice at the side. Ariel and Genie were in their pajamas, Luke and Michael were all dressed up ready to go. Calum was nowhere to be seen, and Lucy was all dressed up as well.

"Is it just me, or did you go from innocent school who will do no harm to spank me daddy in matter of a month?" Michael laughed which made Genie nearly choke on her orange juice, coughing and sputtering.

"Shut up Clifford and drink your juice" I sat down on the empty seat next to Ashton, who had his reading glasses on and eyes scanning the newspaper he had spread out in front of his face. He reminded me of a dad in a weird way, yeah, a hot dad! Luke pushed a plate in my direction and Michael placed two pieces of French toast on the plate, Genie poured me a glass of orange juice and I just sat there, suspicion written all over my face.

"What's going on?" I asked slowly, biting into a piece of toast, chewing carefully before swallowing.
"Where's Calum?" I looked around, but no one was answering my questions.

"Lads!" I tapped Ashton on his arm, then nudged Genie gently.
"He's still sleeping May and can't we be nice to you for the sake of being...nice?"  Lucy laughed nervously, okay something was up!

"I'll go wake him up, call him down for breakfast" I began to stand up but got pulled back down by Ashton, a look of shock was evident on my face.
"He is REALLY tired and needs his rest" he shrugged, he straightened out his newspaper by reopening it.

"Alright, well I'll be leaving-" I started saying before I got interrupted by a loud "No!" From Michael.

"Okay" I dragged the O, sipping my orange juice I sat there, a little terrified and curious at once.

"Oh hey guys" I heard Calum say from behind us, I swiveled my chair around to face in. "Who died May?" He chuckled at me.

"Soon gonna be you if you keep laughing" I looked him dead in the eye which shut him right up. He cleared his throat and nodded his head towards  the direction of the parlour.

"Something wrong with your neck there buddy?" Ariel asked Calum, head resting on Michael's shoulder. I got up from my stool and followed him into the living room.

I took in his appearance, although he was all freshened up, one could see the bags underneath his eyes from the tiredness. He pulled at the rumples of his black shirt and ran his hands through his damp hair.

"M-May um, I don't how to say this" he said, taking my hand in his. My heart thudded at the possibility of whatever he was going to say, he sounded so fucking serious and it scared me.

"Come here" I led him to the couch and sat him down, my hands still in his.
"May I have to ask you something" okay I swear my heart was going to pop out of my chest, I could hear the hard beating of my heart.

"Yeah, I'm all ears" I nodded and moved in closer.
"May, will you go out-" immediately my phone rang, interrupting what could have been the perfect-ish moment. I hesitated, hands still tucked in his, before reaching to the back pocket of my trousers for my phone. The caller ID read 'Father'.

I sat back, scrunching my eyebrows in worry, I could feel the beads of sweat that formed on my forehead. My father rarely rings me, he only did in extreme emergencies and if I wanted to talk to him I'd have to ring mum and ask her to put him on the phone.

"I- I really need to take this Calum, we'll continue this later" I patted his thigh, not even bothering to look up at him. My palms were clammy as I answered the phone. He got up and smiled wearily at me before exiting the room.

"Hello? Maybelle darling that you?" I heard my father's deep voice through the phone. I could hear the nervousness in his voice.

"Yes father, what's wrong?" I asked softly, I sat down, I got up, and repeated the process.

"Sweetheart, it's your mother, she's in the hospital, May uh, she, she lost the baby" he choked back a sob. Okay so here's the gist of things, my mum was 4 months pregnant, and I was really looking forward to having a baby sister seeing as I was the only girl in my family of 4 guys, apart from my mum.

But now that was going to be impossible, I can't believe she lost the baby. I felt light headed and my phone slipped out of my hands, landing on the floor with a large thud. My mouth was agape and I stared at the wall with a blank expression. It took me a while to hear the faint 'hellos' coming from my phone. I picked it up and cleared the tears out of my throat.

"I'm here, I'm here, how's she doing?" I asked.
"May sweetheart you need to come home, maybe for a week or so, but please come home" My father pestered.

"I'll come home soon" I nodded, then he hung up. "Bloody hell" I shuddered, I was about to break down into tears before Calum walked back in.

"What happened? What's wrong?" He asked me, his hands shoved in the front pocket of his black trousers.

"I'm going home" I sighed, eyes plastered on the cherrywood floor, my face pale and body already exhausted.

A/N: so we're gonna meet May's family, and Calum almost did it.

So MCAS is done and I wanna cry.

Also check out the teaser of this new book I'm working on called "The List" please check it out and let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading, you guys are the best. If you liked it please vote, it'll mean a lot to me. I'll update as soon as I can.

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