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Hey there, how you doing? Good? Great!

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                    May's POV
I sighed as I sat on my bed, groaning I buried my head into a pillow. What's more embarrassing than your music producer finding you sorta naked in bed with someone else? Oh yeah that's right, literally forbidding you from ever seeing him right in front of him...and his band mates!

I thought everything was going so great, I mean I'd just learnt to finally be comfortable with a guy and now I've gotta say bye to him.

I was contemplating what to do and decided to not worry about it for the day and just watch the interview.

I picked up the remote and turned the TV on, flipping through channels till I got to the one that aired their interview.

I sat cross legged on the bed and tied my hair up in a messy bun.

I watched the show, laughing at funny parts, cheering when I had to, nodding at their talks of tours and albums. But I Also couldn't help but notice that Calum wasn't too into it. What could he be possibly be thinking?

I froze when the interviewer asked about Calum's relationship with me. What was he going to say? Was he going to admit that we were an item? My heart sank when he denied it, I mean I understand him not wanting people to know but the way he said it made me feel like he meant it.

"Oh" was the only sound that escaped my lips before I reached for the remote and turned off the TV.

There was a knock on the door and before I could answer my band mates were all piling in.

"Heyy" Genie said slowly before sitting down next to me, arms draped around my shoulder.

"We saw the interview, you okay babe?" Lucy sat opposite Genie on my other side.

"Yeah I'm fine" I nodded, I swear I wasn't going to cry.

"You sure May?" Ariel asked, sitting on the rug, legs crossed as she faced me.

"Mhm, besides he's right, never will he ever date me, he can't, and also why would he?" I shrugged nonchalantly.

"May, babe, he does care about you" Lucy sighed.

"I get John being pissed and all but he never told Calum to say that" there was a crack in my voice.

"Oh, sweetheart" Genie pulled me in, stroking my hair as I broke down sobbing.

"He should have stopped us sooner before....." I stopped.

"Before what?" Ariel asked, her face propped on her hands.

"Before I started falling for Calum" I sniffled, "I'm screwed aren't I ?"

"You're inlove with him?" Lucy asked in surprise.

"What am I gonna do mate? This is the first time I've ever admitted to ever loving someone" I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"I don't know, I really don't know" she shook her head.

"Come eat something, you need energy" Genie kept stroking my hair.

"Wow, someone's taken my job as mum" I laughed, I got up and followed them out. Yeah I probably have lost my mind.

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It was late at night and the boys were back, making a bit of ruckus in the process. Lucy had made supper that night and we were all waiting in the dining area.

"Hurry up we're all really hungry" Ariel groaned as she clutched her stomach.

"Alright alright" Luke laughed.

They sat down in what seemed to be assigned positions, leaving Calum to sit next to me.

"Hey" he said to me softly, I didn't reply, just started eating.

"May-" he started but I got up
"I'll be seating be in my room to tonight, excuse me" I walked away with my plate of food.

I heard footsteps following rapidly behind me. I walked into my room and placed the plate on my dresser before proceeding to shut the door but Calum beat me to it, he had his back pressed firmly against the door as if to keep me from escaping.

"May, please talk to me" he whined

"I don't want to, alright?" I sat down on my bed, fixing my hair up in another failed attempt at a messy bun.

"Look I'm so sorry about what happened" he sighed

"And the interview? You're sorry about that too I suppose"

"Oh, you watched that? thought that you'd be too upset to watch it"

"Calum I watched it because I care about you and I'm always gonna support you, but what you said Calum..." I stopped, not again, I'm sick and tired of crying because of him.

"May, Feldy's right, he is"


"I can't be with you, go out there and show them what you got, yes, but we can't be together"


"I'm sorry but we're done, it's over"

"Get out" I said softly "Get out!" This time not as gently. I didn't want him to see me so vulnerable, I didn't want him to see me cry.

He didn't say a word, he nodded and left closing the door behind himself, but not a word to explain.

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"So that's it for the album, great work girls" John smiled at us, we were in the studio listening to the finished work and I gotta say it sounded pretty damn good.

"Thank you, and great lyrics May and Genie" Lucy gave us two thumbs up.

"So we've done promo for your tour and starting next week you guys will be up and about touring North America" He clapped his hands. "Now do whatever you can to get word out there, use social media, whatever"

We all nodded and smiled at each other, it was pretty exciting.

"May can I please speak with you privately?" He asked me, I nodded to my friends who were all looking at me then to John, my band mates left the room.

"Look I feel bad about what happened, but you should understand I mean no harm" he scratched his white hair.

"I know" I looked down at my feet, scuffing my all stars into the grey carpet.

"I want you two to be happy, but you've gotta understand"

"I do understand, and I'm all for the tour, one hundred percent" I looked up at him.

"That's great!" He smiled, I smiled weakly before getting up to leave.

Calum wanted me to show everyone what I've got huh? Well that's what I plan to do.

A/N: I know it's a short and shitty chapter and I apologize 😁

Thanks for reading and please keep reading, I'll update as soon as possible.

Also vote if you liked it and comments are appreciated, I really do wanna know your opinions and thoughts towards it.

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