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Riley's POV

We giggled as Michelle checked out her reflection in the mirror. "You look way hot." Giselle told her, and she turned to look at another angle.
"Like a firecracker." Stephanie giggled, as Michelle smiled.
"You're right." Michelle said deviously. "And I plan to use that to my advantage."
"What're you talking about?" Chloe laughed, staring at Michelle.
"Ladies." Michelle said, turning around to face us. "Tonight, we are heading to the spot." She smiled.
"But, it's like 11:45." I said. I didn't want to head to the spot at this time, I mean, it's the woods. There's probably going to be some sort of murderer there or something.
"So?" Michelle asked snippily, staring me dead in the eyes.
"I just don't think-" I started to say, before Emily cut me off.
"Ri, it'll be fine. And if one of us returns home without a head, you can tell us 'I told you so'." Emily told me.
"Yeah. I guess you're right." I said quietly, looking down at my hands as the other girls starting laughing again. Michelle looked in the mirror, pulled some of her curls over her shoulders, fixing her already perfect hair, before turning back to us.
"Let's go." She told us, rubbing her lipgloss-coated together, and smiling. I stared at my hands as she flung open her door, and headed down the stairs. Emily followed almost immediately, being because she wanted to prove she was the bravest, and not afraid of anything. I think she secretly wants to replace Michelle. Steph was a tiny bit behind, followed by Tiffany, and the other girls, before I stood up from my spot on Michelle's bed, and headed downstairs to meet the rest of them. It must've been a interesting scene for Michelle's neighbours to watch. I mean, 7 young teenage girls walking into a forest by themselves in the middle of the night, dressed in Gucci and Prada. We walked silently through the twists and turns of the forest, before arriving at the spot. I pulled my phone out of my bag to check the time. 12:13. I put my phone back in my bag, thoughts swirling around my head. "See Ri, all of seven of us are safe. There was nothing to worry about." Michelle joked, looking at me. The other girls giggled slightly, but I just turned away, a bad feeling settled in my stomach. I rubbed my arm anxiously, almost waiting for something to happen. I looked around at the forest surrounding the clearing we stood in, making out the shapes of trees and stumps. The other girls kept speaking, until I turned to see Stephanie, staring into the woods, panic on her face.
"What was that?!" She asked, sounding terrified.
"It was probably just the wind." Michelle said in a duh tone, obviously annoyed with me, and now Steph thinking about her idea badly.
"Just listen." Steph persisted. We were quiet for less than 5 seconds, before we head a snapping noise.
"That's is not the wind!" I said, looking at Michelle, who was the only one that didn't wear a face of terror.
"One of us is probably standing on a twig!" She snapped, narrowing her eyes at me.
"It came from over there." Giselle said, pointing into the forest.
"Honestly!" Michelle snapped again, beginning to walk in the direction that Giselle pointed.
"Where are you going?" Chloe asked, as though Michelle was heading straight for a volcano.
"To prove there is nothing to worry about. Stay here!" Michelle said sternly, as she walked into the forest, disappearing. The snaps became louder as seconds pasted. We heard a loud sound erupt, and the other girls all looked at each other.
"Run!" Tiffany said, as they all turned to bolt.
"But Michelle said to stay here." I told them.
"Riley, do you want to die tonight?" Emily snapped at me, turning around to look me in the eyes as the other girls stood there waiting.
"No." I answered.
"Then come on! Michelle will get over it!" Emily said quickly, turning again as we all started to run towards Michelle's house. The last thing I heard, before entering the noisy intersection, was a loud, high-pitched, blood-curdling scream come from deep within the forest.

This is definitely the longest chapter I have ever written. About 300 more words than normal. I hope you enjoy my new book, although the chapters most likely won't be as long. Tell me what you think!
Kirsten xoxo

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