Chapter 5- Single or Mingled

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Riley's POV

The doorbell and rang, and I stood up, walking over to the door. I opened it and saw the pizza delivery guy. He was around my age, with dark curls framing his face, and blue eyes. You could also see his muscles through his shirt, because it was kinda tight on him. "You ordered pizza?" He asked.
"Yep." I said. "How much?" I asked, opening my wallet.
"27.60." He answered. I nodded, pulling out the cash. I handed it to him, and he smiled, handing over the pizza. "You're Riley right?" He asked me. I looked up at him, a little creeped out.
"Yeah. How'd you know?" I asked him, as I placed the pizza on the porch so I wasn't holding it as we talked.
"I think we have English together. You go to Bayview, and have Mrs.Smith, right?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said, feeling relieved that we went to school together and he wasn't some stalker.
"I'm Ethan." He said, holding out his hand to shake.
"Oh my god! We sat beside each other last year in biology!" I exclaimed. "I'm so sorry. I've been a little off today." I explained.
"It's alright. I knew how close you were with that Michelle girl." He said, as I accepting his hand, shaking it.
"Yeah. But that's totally not an excuse. I'm sorry." I told him, feeling flustered.
"It's alright." He said smiling at me. "A cute girl like you shouldn't get so flustered." He told me, pushing a stray piece of my hair behind my ear. My eyes watched his hand as he did. "It'll cause wrinkles." He said, tracing the creases in my forehead that appeared because of my eyebrows being so close together in worry as he touched me. "I gotta go. I have more pizzas to deliver. But I hope I get the chance to talk to you in English." He said, pulling away from me.
"Maybe." I said as I watched him walk to the car, and get in. I picked up the pizzas, and went back inside, to see the girls staring at me in confusion. "What is it?" I asked, placing the pizza boxes on the dining room table.
"How is it, that a totally hot guy comes to your door delivering pizza, flirts with you, and tells you that you even go to the same school, and yet Riley still blows him off?" Tiffany says, making eye contact with Emily. So when I said Emily doesn't like me and James alone together, it's kinda because we never told anyone we were together. It looks bad, but he was the player of the studio, and everyone would try to make me break up with him so that I wouldn't get hurt, but we've been together 8 months and are in love. I know he's not playing me.
"Maybe I don't need a guy to be happy." I said opening the pizza box.
"But Ri, you haven't dated anyone since Derek." Emily said to me.
"Why did you break up with him anyways?" Chloe asked. I sighed. That was another secret Michelle was keeping safe for me.

I do realize that this whole story has been in Riley's point of view, but I swear there's a reason to it. Soon I'll have other points of view as well.

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