Chapter 10- This All Happened Before

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Emily's POV

My heart was pounding as I walked into Ms. Kate's office. I held my phone tightly to my chest as I walked over to her desk. I sat in the chair, across from it, and sat silently. Ms. Kate looked up, and put down her pen, stopping what she was doing. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as she put her papers away, and folded her hands on her desk. "Emily, is everything alright? You seem a bit off." She said to me. I shook my head. Her face softened, her eyes holding worry. "What is it? What's happening? You're normally so focussed, and on top of things." She told me as I listened.
"Ms. Kate, I've been getting these really horrible text messages." I told her. Her face stiffened again as I said that, and she looked unimpressed.
"Ms. Kate. I've been getting these really horrible text messages." I told her, trying to conceal my smile.
"Show me." She instructed. I unlocked my phone and handed it to her, smiling as she read the fake texts from Eldon. "Oh my. Come with me." She instructed. I stood up, following her, keeping the sad act up, but inside jumping for joy. I was finally going to get rid of Eldon. All he's done is annoy me everyday of my life anyways. Michelle's plan was brilliant. She was a mastermind. "Eldon!" Ms. Kate called as we approached J troupe. He looked up I surprise, meeting her angry gaze. He came over to us as Michelle and Stephanie giggled. Riley looked at me with a frown, mad I had followed through with the plan. I just brushed that off. "What is with these horrible messages?" Kate asked Eldon seriously.
"I didn't send those Ms. Kate!" He argued loudly.
"If you didn't send these texts, than who did?!" She snapped at him.
"I saw Stephanie and Michelle with his phone the other day." James piped up. If looks could kill, James would be on the floor, struggling for breath from the look I shot him. Ms. Kate looked at us disapprovingly.
"Girls. My office. Now." She said, turning and walking out.
"I see." Ms. Kate said, regarding what I had just told her. "Emily I thought you learned your lesson by now." She told me, seeming mad.
"Ms. Kate. I swear, I'm actually getting horrible texts. And I don't know who they're from. But whoever they are, they want me to do something horrible. And I just can't. I had to come to you, even though they told me not to. They know everything I do, every move I make. Please just believe me." I pleaded, feeling my heart drop as tears filled my eyes, rolling down my cheeks. Ms. Kate softened again, seeing how sincere I was.
"Pass me your phone." She said, holding her hand out. I opened up the texts, and handed it to her. She scrolled through them, reading, as her face turned to a mixture of shock and fear.

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