Chapter 7- Friendly Conversations

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Riley's POV

"Ri, are you sure it was him?" Emily asked me, pacing back and forth. Alex Rogers being back proved to be important, because now all the girls were awake and worried.
"Yes. I saw him get out of the car, and his mom seemed so happy to see him. Who else could it possibly be?" I asked them.
"I don't know. Maybe his father." Emily said. I knew she just didn't want to admit he was back. She feels like we owe him for taking the fall for us, and we kind of do.
"I swear it was him." I persisted.
"Do you think he'll join The Next Step again?" Tiffany asked.
"I guess we find out tomorrow." Giselle said, looking at her hands.
"Yeah. But for now we should get all the sleep we can, because if he's back, tomorrow's going to be a pretty hectic day." Chloe said. We all nodded, agreeing with her. Stephanie turned out the light and we all climbed into bed, but not without an argument between me and Emily first about who sleeps on the couch. I always say she should because she's older, and has already hurt her back once, but she always persists that I should because an air mattress would be better for her. It normally ends with Stephanie throwing her pillow at us, and saying she's taking the couch because we keep arguing.

*the next day*

I was walking down the driveway to get the paper, when I saw Alex crossing the street and coming my way. I quickened my pace to the end of the driveway, and turned to go in the house, when he spoke. "Riley wait!" He called. I bit my lip, knowing I couldn't ignore him, and turned around.
"Hi Alex. You're back." I said.
"I think I know that." He said, laughing a little. I laughed too.
"Yeah. I guess you do." I said. It was quiet for a second, before I broke the silence. "Thanks." I told him.
"For?" He asked confused.
"Taking the fall. For all of us. You didn't have to, you know." I said to him.
"It's alright. Besides, if I hadn't you'd be in a ditch doing community service, and I don't wanna see that. Trust me, Michelle in a ditch picking up garbage and complaining. That's more torture than my great aunt and uncle." He joked. I went quiet, looking to the side. "Did I say something wrong?" He asked. I shook my head.
"No. I gotta go. See you later." I told him, turning and walking back up my driveway and into the house.

Emily's POV

I was in the kitchen, talking with the girls, when Riley returned with the newspaper. "Hey, what took you so long?" Tiffany asked.
"I was right. Alex is back. But he wasn't mad. He said it was better than seeing us collecting garbage in 6 inch heels." Riley told us.
"Well. It's good he's not mad. I don't want to owe that guy any favours." Giselle said, looking at all of us. I nodded when my phone buzzed. I picked it up to reveal a text message.
Unknown- Don't let your baby sister get too close. I'd hate to see innocent blood spill.
I hid my shock, and terror as I put my phone back in my pocket, pretending that never happened.

Alright, so who thought Riley would get the messages? If you did, comment 'snowman' so I know how unexpected that was.

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