Chapter 3- Good Girls Don't Get Caught

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Riley's POV

We arrived at my house not long after the elderly lady scenario, and we're now upstairs in my room, talking. I smiled over at James. "I love you." I told him.
"I love you too." He replied. I leaned over and connected my lips to his. I closed my eyes, and focused all my attention on him and I. His hand moved to my cheek, touching it lightly, as though it was delicate China. I was used to being treated this way, as if I might shatter into a million pieces. I was always the youngest in everything. A troupe, b troupe, j troupe, baby ballet. Sometimes people mistaken age for confidence and maturity though. But I had my own secrets.
His hand moved from my back to arm, pulling the strap of my bra down my arm.
I pulled away slightly from the memory. James opened his eyes and looked at me, our lips only inches apart. "Something wrong?" He asked worried. I smiled and shook my head, connecting our lips again and closing my eyes.
His lips left mine and trailed kisses to my neck, over my shoulder, and down to the strap that hung loosely on my upper arm.
We continued to kiss passionately, leaning closer and closer to my bed, until I was pushed gently on my back by James, never once disconnecting our lips.
I pulled his lips away from my arm, and smiled at him, my eyes glowing from the lamp behind him, that was the only source of light. "You're so beautiful Ri. I love you. I couldn't imagine my life without you." He told me, staring into my eyes. My cheeks tinted pink, and I leaned in to meet his lips again.
James delicately placed kisses on my neck, before moving to the little parts of my chest that weren't covered by my shirt. His hands found their way under shirt, and he slowly lifted it off me and over my head, before I returned my lips to his.
He pulled away from me, and removed his shirt, so that now, thanks to his previous actions, we were both without a shirt. He pushed me down as we continued kissing, him above me. My fingers traced the muscles on his chest, as he played with the ends of my hair.
I reached under James's shirt, and placed my fingertips on his abs, feeling his sculpted muscles.
"You don't have to do this." He whispered in my ear, returning to kissing my neck.
"I want to do this." I told him, pulling him in for another kiss, letting our tongues intertwine. We continued kissing as the last articles of clothing were removed by us.
I pulled away to pull James's shirt off. He smiled at me. "I love you Ri." He told me again.
"I love you too." I whispered as he reached behind me to my bra clasp.

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