Chapter 20- Telling Steph and Alter-Egos

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Riley's POV

I turned into the driveway, before putting the car in park, and removing my keys, getting out. As I did, I saw Alex get out of his car as well. I stood frozen, staring across the street at him. After what he had just told me, I wasn't sure if I could trust anything he said again. He looked up and saw me staring, before looking down again, and walking into his house. I finally snapped out of my trance, and walked up the driveway, and into the house.

Emily's POV

"Wait! So Riley, as in daddy's princess, never-gotten-in-trouble-in-my-life Riley, you're telling me she was pregnant?!" Steph asked. I didn't know what to do about the abortion on Riley's hospital records, so I had called her to come over, hoping to get help on what to do.
"Yeah. But keep your voice down. Riley could-" I then got interrupted by a yell from downstairs.
"I'm home!" Riley called.
"Be home any second." I said, finishing my earlier sentence. "Upstairs!" I yelled to Riley. "You can't say anything when she comes in!" I warned Steph in a hushed voice.
"Alright." She said, her hands up in surrender.
"What's, going on in here?" I heard Riley say behind me, and turned to see her standing in the doorway, a confused expression on her face as she looked at Stephanie with her hands up.
"Nothing. Don't worry about it." I said quickly, pushing Steph's hands down.
"Ok." Riley said awkwardly. "Where's mom and dad?" Riley asked, changing the subject.
"They went food shopping." I replied. Ri nodded.
"Hey Ri." Stephanie said, immediately grabbing my attention. My head snapped to face her, worried about what she might say. "Have you ever done something and not told us? And if you did, what was it?" She asked. Riley's eyes widened slightly, but before she had any time to say anything, I was speaking.
"That's it! Steph, out!" I ordered, pointing to the door.
"Alright, fine. Don't answer that." Steph said, hands up in surrender again. That's when I realized that telling Stephanie was a mistake.


Riley's POV

I sighed as I walked into the kitchen, one arm holding a bunch of homework, a laundry basket in the other, and the home phone ringing. I placed the homework on the island, and walked over to the counter to pick the cordless phone up off the charger, and answer it. "Hello?" I said into the phone as I walked around the island to the table, and placed the basket of laundry onto it.
"Is this Ellie Taylor?" I heard a males voice say from the other end of the phone.
"Uh-" I said, hesitating for a split second, before answering. "Yes. Yes it is." I finally said.

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