Chapter 13- Sharing the News

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Emily's POV

I took a deep breath, before walking into Riley's room. It was quiet, except for the beeping of the machines they had her hooked up to. I took a moment to process Riley laying in the hospital bed unconscious. It was scary, and sad. I slowly moved closer to her, until I was standing on the right side of the bed, looking at her in silence.

Kate's POV

I walked in the room slowly, making no sound. I looked at Emily watching Riley. I could tell by her expression that it pained her to look at Riley like that. With stitches in her head, and machines providing support, Riley was a scary sight. I looked outside the window at the dark sky, and sighed. Emily had spent a large amount of time arguing with herself over whether or not to go in to see Riley, and after an hour or two, she finally came in. It was getting pretty late though now, and I couldn't cancel rehearsals tomorrow. Not with Nationals fastly approaching. I sighed, and walked over to Emily, touching her arm gently. "I gotta go. Will you be alright?" I asked her. She nodded, only taking her eyes off Riley for a brief second. I smiled at her, and began to walk out. I took one last look back, and saw Emily sit in a chair beside Riley, holding her hand. Tonight was going to be a long night for Emily.

*the next day*

"Ms. Kate." Amanda called during rehearsals. "How come the dance captain isn't even here? I thought she was the best The Next Steps ever had." She pointed out. I sighed.
"Personal reasons." I answered. "Get into your places please!" I called out.
"But how come she didn't have to give her phone in, and how come Riley's isn't even here?" She questioned again.
"She didn't have to give her phone in?" I heard Stephanie say in shock.
"If Emily gets to keep her phone, I want to keep mine." Amanda stated.
"Same." Stephanie said. Other people started responding as well, saying they wanted their phones. I sighed.
"The damage has already been done to her! I'm trying to keep it from happening to any of you as well!" I snapped, annoyed with them a bit.
"What damage?" Giselle asked, sounding confused.
"Ms. Kate, wants going on? We have a right to know. She's our friend." Tiffany said to me. I sighed.
"I need you all to be 100% serious right now." I told them. "Yesterday, Emily came to me saying she was getting these horrible messages." I continued to explain what had happened when we spoke in my office, causing the kids to look panicked and upset.
"What happened next?" James asked. I had just shared about getting the message about the consequences. I sighed.
"Emily went home, and found Riley-" I took a breath before I continued what I was going to say. "Found Riley on the floor. Someone had attempted murder."

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