Chapter 31- The Sad Girl Act

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Emily's POV

I sighed as I turned away from Riley's room, walking down the hall. She had been in there without leaving once for 4 days now. She was still in the same clothes, she hadn't even attempted to brush her hair, and most of the time she just sat watching the rain fall outside her window. It's been raining ever since Riley decided to stay in there. The thunder sounded again as I walked down the stairs. "How's she doing?" Giselle asked me.
"Not good. She noticed I was there, but pretended I wasn't." I responded.
"God. What do you think made her that upset?" Giselle asked. Then we heard a phone buzz. I saw Riley's phone vibrating on the coffee table, and picked it up, revealing the texts she'd gotten over the last 4 days.
Unknown- must suck to have a boyfriend on the A-team huh? -A
Unknown- have I finally cracked you? -A
Unknown- wanna replay of the moment? -A
A video was attached to that one, that showed Riley talking to a hooded figure, than the figure pulled down their hood to reveal James. They conversed again, and Riley turned to leave, before turning back to him and slapping him hard. So that's where James got the bruise.
Unknown- he's missing you know. Do you even care? -A
Giselle stood up and started reading the texts over my shoulder. Riley hadn't opened anything. Not one single text. I scrolled through the couple texts she got from me or the others, and came to the most recent text.
Unknown- if he ever really cared about you he wouldn't have done that. Now he's left you playing the sad girl act. -A
I looked over at Giselle as we finish reading the texts. "We can't show these to Riley." I told her. "But we have to tell the others." I finished.

Beth's POV

I knocked on the door, and Emily opened it, revealing her and Giselle pulling coats on. "Sorry Beth, but we were just about to leave." She told me. I pulled on a fake smile, fooling her.
"That's alright. I came to see Riley." I said. Emily's face changed to a confused expression.
"Oh. Ok. She's upstairs." Emily said as I smiled, walking inside.
"Have fun." I called after them as they left. I pulled off my coat, and started my way upstairs. I walked to Riley's room, and stopped outside. She saw my reflection in the window, but payed no attention to me. "Hi Riley. How are you doing?" I asked, pretending she was conversing with me. Finally she said something, which almost surprised me.
"What do you want Beth?" She asked, turning away from the window to make eye contact with me.
"You haven't been at the studio lately." I said, fixing my skirt and focussing most of my attention on it. "You should come. There's a big surprise for you there." I said, smiling deviously.

I'm basically updating whenever, because I wrote a little too much, and I have 17 unpublished parts, so... Yeah. I have many ideas for new books, so I decided to give you 2 descriptions, and you can vote in the comments for which one you'd like posted next. I'll count the votes, and publish the new book tomorrow or Wednesday.
#1: One decision can change your entire life.
One decision changed my entire life.
And he made it for me.
Riley's run into a couple problems lately, she likes both Alfie and James, they both like her back, and now she's given birth. On top of that, she had twins. But, who's the father? And how did she get in this situation?

#2: "Mommy, where's Riley?" I asked.
"Sweetie, Riley's not here. She went away." My mom replied.
"Why?" I questioned.
"Because, she's imaginary. And you're a big girl now, so you can't have imaginary friends." She explained.
"But she's not imaginary. She's my sister." I protested.
"Emily! She's not your sister, she's made up. She doesn't exist. Understand?" Mom said sternly.
"Yes." I answered.
Emily had an imaginary friend when she was little, one that seemed so real to her. But what if her imaginary friend isn't what she remembers?

Go vote for your favourite now!

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