Chapter 24- Tomorrow

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Riley's POV

"I can't dance anyway, so I might as well be useful and pick up the money while you're at dance. Besides, Derek already texted saying he was only free between 2 and 4, and dance runs from 11-5, so it doesn't work out anyways." I explained to Emily. We were talking about who would get the money and when it would be picked up.
"I just don't want you to go alone." Emily said as we turned into our street.
"I know. But Elodie will be there, Elodie's always there actually, but she'll be there." I told her.
"Can we really trust her? Can I really trust her?" Em asked.
"More than Steph." I replied as we entered the house.


I rang the doorbell, and stood back, waiting for the heavy door to be opened. Emily had tried to convince me not to go to Derek's today without her, but it was the middle of dance, and I don't want her to hear the conversation we were about to have anyways, even if she's already heard it. Elodie opened the door, like yesterday, and smiled. "Derek is in his room." She informed me, her soft accent making the basic sentence more complex.
"Thank you Elodie." I replied, entering the house and heading up to Derek's bedroom. I knocked on the open door, and stood in the doorway, waiting for Derek to appear. He soon came out from a door, that led to his closet.
"Riley. I've got the money you asked for." He told me as he buttoned up a nice looking shirt.
"Wow Derek, a t-shirt with no holes, you didn't have to dress up for me you know." I told him sarcastically. He rolled his eyes, unamused.
"Sit." He said, motioning to a chair with his head. "We have conditions to look over." He added. I sat down in a red velvet chair in the corner, and he joined me as he finished doing up the last couple buttons on his shirt.
"How's your fathers charity going?" I asked, making conversation.
"Good. He's sent $40,000,000 in the past year to Africa." Derek explained. "I'm actually going to a fundraiser after we talk."
"Cool. Is my name down for the Christmas fundraiser again this year?" I questioned.
"Top of the list, like the 2 previous years." He answered.
"Good. I like being able to give back to those kids, especially during Christmas time because I feel like I helped bring them a happier Christmas." I said.
"You've definitely helped." Derek responded. "Anyways, back on topic. I knew what he was going to ask me. It was what I didn't say out loud yesterday in front of Emily, even if she knew.

"Short timeline. I'm sure I'll come up with something to repay you for that." He said, as he scribbled on papers on the table beside him with a fancy pen, and turned it, pushing it towards me. I glanced back, noticing Em couldn't read it, before gazing over the paper.
Baby's dad
It read. I sighed, 'I don't want to have to explain it.' I thought. "Deal." I said instead.

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