Chapter 14- Visitors, Dreams, and The Unknown

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Riley's POV

I was struggling to see his face. The face of the person that did this to me. He spoke to me, although I can't remember much of it clearly. His voice was low, raspy, and deep. I knew it was a man, but I didn't know who. I felt my mind drift off to that night again.
I heard the door open, and threw the last couple things into my dance bag. "Emily?" I called, expecting to see her preppy self walk into the kitchen, saying she forgot something and missed her extra rehearsal time to come and get it. Although I heard no response. "Hello?" I called out once again. Nothing. I heard heavy footsteps, and backed up to the counter, randomly grabbing at the drawers, before pulling out a large knife, and turning to see the figure enter.
He had spoken to me in a familiar voice. One I had hated, but I couldn't remember it. When I spoke to the police, they said someone had to have a motive, and if I knew anyone who might. I lied to them, said I didn't, but now I was rethinking my decision. I still didn't know who it was, I mean a lot of people had motive, just not enough to kill me. All of could think of, when I thought about the dark figure, was his deep blue eyes, and dark hair. But that wasn't enough to get anyone arrested. I looked down at the chipped nail polish on my nails, working at chipping some more off my thumb. I heard the door to my hospital room open, but didn't look up, assuming it was one of the nurses coming to check my vitals. "Riley?" A voice said, causing me to look up. "Are you up for visitors?" Emily asked me.
"Sure." I said, sitting up better. Emily pushed the door open, and Stephanie, Chloe, Giselle, Tiffany, Thalia, and James entered slowly. James and I made eye contact, before his eyes darted to the bandage on my forehead, his eyes showing concern. I shook my head. James and I had mastered secret communication with each other when we started dating, seeing as no one knew we were together. Chloe walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me in a hug, which I returned. I thought about what Emily had told me earlier, about all the texts and everything. "Watch out." I whispered in Chloe's ear, not loud enough for anyone else to hear. Chloe pulled away and nodded, before sitting in a chair beside me.


She put a soothing hand on my shoulder. "Derek did this to you?" Michelle asked me, looking concerned. I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat.
"Please don't tell Emily!" I begged, whipping my head up to look at her.
"Your secrets safe with me." She said softly. I nodded, trying to hold back tears. I couldn't believe this happened. I heard footsteps, and saw Derek approaching. "Leave her alone!" Michelle yelled at him. Unlike what actually happened though, she aimed a punch and missed him. He swung at her and knocked her to the ground, before stepping towards me.
I sat upright, shrieking. It was only a dream. That never really happened. Or at least the last part didn't. "Ri are you ok?" Emily asked me. I nodded, trying to calm my breathing.
"Just a nightmare." I told her, looking down.

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