Chapter 39- Riley's Back

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Mystery POV

"I knew I couldn't trust Riley! I knew she'd find James and leave us! And that's what she did! But you said to get her on board. She knows I'm behind it, partly anyway, she'll go to the police! I'm gonna get arrested!" Beth ranted, pacing back and forth.
"Relax." I said, getting her to stop. "We have her right where we want her." I added, a smile creeping onto my face.


Riley's POV

Alex and Beth were talking together in Squeezed. "Wow. Two losers together. It can't be that easy for me." Michelle said, sitting beside me. Beth looked over at where me and Michelle were sitting. Her glasses sat low on her nose and her hair was in its usual 2 ponytails. She needed a more grownup style for clothing, but I think her parents didn't want her to grow up that fast.
"Maybe you should leave them alone. What did they do to you?" I asked Michelle.
"If you're going to start defending them, maybe you should be their friend instead. Remember all I've done for you Riley." She said crossly, walking away.
I was looking at the same scene in front of me. Beth and Alex talking in Culture Shock. If only he knew what Beth was doing in her spare time. "Riley you're back!" I heard a voice behind me say excitedly. I turned as Emily wrapped her arms around me in a hug. "There's rehearsals in 10 minutes. Cmon!" She said over excitedly.


Riley- I missed you at rehearsals today😔
I sent the text, and got a response quickly after.
James- it would've been very eventful if I had showed up. Especially since everyone thinks I'm dead😵
I sighed, looking at his text.
Riley- why can't we just tell everyone you're alive?
It took James longer to respond to this text, probably because I know that he wished we could tell everyone as well.
James- it's complicated. Sorry babe😉
Riley- DO NOT CALL ME BABE!!!! Gtg. Good night💤
James- night. Love you baby girl😘
I smiled at his text, before turning my phone off and putting it beside my bed. I turned the light out, and got comfortable as I drifted off to sleep.
I looked around the circus confused. "Where am I?" I called. No one answered. People walked past me, not even noticing I was there. Children, adults, seniors. Then I saw them. A troupe was walking by the cotton candy booth. I started to make my way towards them, but the crowd started to get denser, and I was beginning to get pushed around. I was getting pushed off to the side by people, unable to get to A troupe. I suddenly got pushed into a fun house. I turned in a circle, stopping to look in the mirror. The reflection was mine, but it wasn't me. In the mirror was me in a black hoodie with black leather gloves. Shocked, and I quickly exited the fun house, but when I get out, A troupe was no where to be seen.
"Riley." I heard Beth say as I turned to look at her. "Don't worry Riley. Your friends may not forgive you, but you did the right thing." Confused, I looked over where she was looking, to see Michelle's body floating in the dunk tank.
I jolted upright, breathing heavy. As if I'm not terrified of Michelle being dead already, now I'm psychologically blaming myself. Fantastic.

Please note the sarcasm in the last two sentences. Hope you enjoyed☺️ I also wanted to let you know I'm going away tomorrow for a week, so I'll be busy, but I'll try and update as often as I can. Also, make sure to check out my new books Nonexistent and The Fairytale Knapper. Thanks, Xx

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