Chapter 27- In a Black Hoodie

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Riley's POV

"I can't wait to see their faces!" Giselle exclaimed as we all giggled.
"It'll be so funny, just like when we convinced them James was getting arrested." Tiffany said, as she tossed the pillow she was clutching to Chloe.
"What time are they coming?" She asked as tossed the pillow to me.
"In 20 minutes." I said, tossing the pillow around Tiff to Emily.
"Their faces will be priceless." She laughed, throwing the pillow around me and Tiff to Stephanie.
"We should start setting up." Steph said, placing the pillow back on her bed. We nodded and headed downstairs to the basement to set up. This was going to be good.


"Ri, what're you doing? This smell is killing me." James said as he walked into Stephanie's kitchen.
"Is that a good thing?" I asked him, stirring the pot of tomato sauce in front of me.
"Yeah. It smells amazing baby." James said as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. I smiled, and put down the spoon, leaning into him. I closed my eyes, relaxing for what felt like the first time in months. It's seemed perfect. Too good to be true, that this was really happening, I was relaxing, and then I got stressed again. A scream came from upstairs. I pulled away from James, almost sighing, before he ran upstairs. I followed slowly behind him, and when I got to the top, I saw all of A troupe in the hallway.
"Emily! Emily are you okay?" Hunter asked as he banged on Stephanie's bedroom door, where Emily had been looking for a sweater. I pushed through everyone to the door, and turned the handle, walking in.

Hunter's POV

Emily sat on the floor in the middle of the room, shaking slightly, her hair messed up, her phone sitting on the floor in front of her. Riley tentatively picked up the cell phone, as I walked over and kneeled beside Emily, wrapping my arms around her. I saw Riley open a text from a blocked number, and hit play on the video sent to Emily. It showed everyone sitting downstairs, talking and laughing. "I'm going to go get my sweater." Emily said, and began walking upstairs. The video showed her entering Steph's room, and shuffling through her bag for a sweater. The camera got closer to her, but blacked out suddenly. Then we heard her scream.
"What's happened?" I asked her.
"There was some person behind me. In a black hoodie. They tried to strangle me." She said quietly. Silence filled the room. I watched Hunter pull her close to him, as I looked down at the ground.
"What's with all this bad stuff happening to you guys?" Thalia asked as we kept staring at the ground.

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