Chapter 11- Consequences

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Kate's POV

I looked at the messages absolutely appalled. These texts were horrible. Telling Emily to keep her mouth shut, ordering her to steal from the studio, blackmailing her with Riley's wellbeing. "Oh my god." I mumbled to myself. I had never seen anything this serious, or this terrifying, in my entire life. Suddenly, her phone buzzed as a new text came in.
Unknown- I told you not to tell. Now you're stuck facing the consequences.
My heart skipped a beat as I read that. "Emily." I said to her, causing her to look up. "What did this person say the consequences were?" I asked her. Her eyes widened.
"R-Riley." She stuttered out. My eyes shot up, darting around the room. Eldon, James, West, Chloe, Tiffany, Giselle, Stephanie, Hunter, Amanda. Emily's in front of me. But Riley wasn't in sight. I immediately dropped Emily's phone to the table, and picked up the phone on my desk, dialling the 3 numbers everyone knows off by heart. 911. Emily turned her phone to read the message. I could practically see her heart fully stop, as her eyes widened, and she gasped loudly. Someone finally picked up on the other end, saying the usual stuff.
"There's a girl. She's been seriously injured as far as I know. We need immediate services." I said into the phone quickly, trying to stay as calm as possible for Emily.
"Alright Miss. Can we have you address please?" The operator asked. I handed the phone to Emily, mouthing address.
"1126 Prescott Street. Please hurry!" She urged. I looked up to see that a lot of the kids outside my office were now staring at my packed face. The operator said something to Emily, before she hung up. "They're on there way." She said. I nodded.
"You head home. I'm going to cancel dance and met you at the hospital." I told her. Emily nodded, before running to her cubby and grabbing her things, as I rushed out of my office.
"Kate what's going on?" Phoebe asked me seriously, stopping me just past the cubbies.
"I don't have time to explain. It's serious though. If we waste time we could loose a dancer. And not because they quit." I told her quietly. "I need you to pack up. I'm cancelling rehearsals." I told her. She nodded and headed into the office. "Guys!" I said getting all their attention almost instantly.
"Ms. Kate. What was going on? You both looked so worried." Giselle said.
"I don't have time to explain. We need to move fast. Give me your phones, because I don't trust you to not look at them. Pack up, and leave. And whatever you do, stay with an adult, or in a public place." I said seriously.
"But Ms. Kate-" Amanda started.
"No! You're all giving me your phones and movingly quickly if you want to stay in this studio. This is not up for debate!" I told them. I had never been this stern and strict in my life, but Riley's life possibly depended on it. The kids all looked at each other, before walking forwards and giving me their phones, grabbing their things, and leaving. I sighed, shoving the phones in my desk, and heading out to my car.

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