Chapter 28- Pranks and The A-Team

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Emily's POV

I watched as all the boys headed to the basement with flashlights. I had explained seeing the figure run down there, and now they were going to check it out. I looked at the other girls, before nodding, and walking for the other staircase.

Eldon's POV

We were looking around the dark basement, not turning the light on so whoever was down here wouldn't know we were here. A rattle came from a closet, and I glanced at the other guys, before we made our way to the closet. "Open it." West said.
"I don't wanna do it." I told him. "You do it."
"No way, you do it." West told Hunter.
"Eh heh, he does it." Hunter said, pushing James into the closet door. He turned around and shot us a look.
"Wimps." He muttered, before grasping the handle, and opening the door. A black hooded figure ran past us, pushing us down, before they ran out the door. Then suddenly we heard laughter, and the basement light got flicked on. The girls came into view, laughing their heads off.
"We got you so good." Amanda said, as I frowned. I can't believe they pranked us! We definitely need to get them back for this. Then suddenly, we heard running feet, and Charlie appeared in a black hoodie. So that's who it was.
"Hey. Sorry the prank didn't work. I didn't mean to be late." He said, causing all the girls to stop laughing. I started laughing with the boys.
"Seriously. You already got us. You don't need to pretend Charlie didn't just run out of here." West said, sounding annoyed they're were trying to prank us again.
"I was never down here." Charlie said, causing our laughter to cease. The girls looked at each other with wide eyes. If Charlie wasn't down here, then someone actually broke into Stephanie's house! Almost as if in cue, the lights flicked out, and I swear there was some thunder and horror music in the background. Then, the sound of 6 different ringtones sounding, all at the same time. The lights clapped back on, and I saw Riley, Emily, Chloe, Tiffany, Stephanie, and Giselle checking their phones. So they all got the texts. It's weird though, for them all to get texts at the same time.

Tiffany's POV

I read the text on my phone, that I knew the others got as well. Or, at least the others that are involved with this person.
Unknown- we're back lovelies. And btw, you can call us the A-team, and soon, the new A troupe. -A
"Does it say 'we're'?" Riley mouthed. I nodded. There's more than one of them. I caught Riley glance at James, who had his head down, probably still mad we pranked him. However, I was freaking out too much to notice. A, I guess that's what we call them, was in Stephanie's house! And we didn't even know!

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