Chapter 42- Guilty Until Proven Innocent

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Because I couldn't update for so long because I was on vacation, I'm giving an extra update. 7 more chapters till this book is finished. Thank you so much for reading and voting. It means a lot. I'm going to be posting a new Jiley book soon. If you want it to be posted sooner, comment so. If I get 5 comments asking me to release it, I'll post the first chapter.
Enjoy! xx

Eldon's POV

"There's a bar of soap, some new socks, underwear, and steps to the dances written on a piece of paper. You need to know the moves for when you're released." Riley said as she looked at everything in the basket that she had brought me. I stared at her through the glass, holding my end of the phone to my ear.
"Why are you even here?" I asked her. I was in jail for killing her boyfriend, that she loved, and she's here giving me care packages and visiting me so I'm not lonely, since neither of my families, blood or dance, will speak to me.
"What do you mean?" She asked, acting as if she didn't know.
"I'm in here because I supposedly killed your boyfriend." I told her. "Why would you want to help me?"
"Because I know you didn't kill him." She said. "I'm solving this, ok? Trust me, if the cops in this city could do their job, Michelle wouldn't be missing, and someone else would be behind bars." Riley told me, fixing a blanket sticking out of the basket. "Besides, I'm gonna get my mom on your case. She's the best lawyer in the city, she'll win your case, and you'll be out so that the real person can be in jail."
"Don't be so hopeful." I muttered, Riley not paying any attention.


Riley's POV

"Mom! Why won't you take the case?!" I exclaimed, frustrated that she turned it down.
"There's too much evidence behind him killing James, not to mention no alibi. At this point, he's guilty until proven innocent!" Mom said, frustrated as well.
"That is so good mom! Did you come up with that yourself?!" I said, beginning to walk upstairs. I heard the front door open, and a familiar voice.
"I'm home!" Ashley, my 20 year old sister that had been at college, called excitedly, before looking at the scene and looks on our faces. "Is something wrong?" She asked. I let out a frustrated sigh, and stomped upstairs, into my room. There was talking and footsteps, before Ashley opened the door to my room. "Hey pookie bear." She said to me.
"I asked you to stop calling me that when I was 8." I said, annoyed that she never listened.
"You should let mom do her job. Just leave it, it'll be fine." Ash said, ignoring me.
"Yeah, because my boyfriend being murdered, and my friend in custody for his murder is alright." I said sarcastically. "Just leave. Please." I added. To my surprise, she actually did, closing my door behind her. There was another knock on my door less than 2 minutes later. "Ashley go away!" I yelled. The door opened to reveal my mom.
"You need to let me do my job." Mom told me. I sighed.
"Mom, I know Ashley's pregnant, but does she have to stay here?!" I asked, mom knowing I somewhat disliked her. Ok, more than somewhat disliking her. Plus they're sharing parenting notes now.
"Did Ashley tell you about that?" Mom inquired. My brows furrowed.
"Mom! Ashley wouldn't tell me if my hair was on fire!" I yelled.
"Then how do you know your sister is pregnant?!" She yelled back.
"I overheard you and dad." I mumbled.
"Riley! Stop spying on people!" Mom said annoyed, before leaving, closing the door behind her.

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