Chapter 4- Girls Sleepover

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Riley's POV

I was laying on the couch downstairs watching tv. James had left only about half an hour ago, but Em hadn't arrived home yet, so I was just watching Castle in my sweats, waiting for her to come through the front door. I heard the door open, and Emily's voice call through the house. "Ri? You here?" She asked.
"Yeah. In the living room." I called over my shoulder to her. I heard footsteps draw closer, and saw her sit beside my feet on the end of the couch.
"Have you just been watching tv this whole time?" She asked me. I nodded.
"Yeah." I lied. "I just had to get away from everybody for a while." I said, playing with the drawstring of my sweater. That was partially true. I did have to get away from the atmosphere of the studio, but not necessarily everybody.
"You didn't do anything else? You just watched Castle?" She asked me, sounding as though she didn't believe me.
"Yep." I lied. Emily didn't know James and I slept together, actually no one other than us did. She didn't like us being alone together, let alone sleeping together. So it's just better to say we weren't alone together at all. Skip the lecture every time.
"Ri, are you feeling ok?" Emily asked concerned. Normally I'd be doing something, cooking or baking, practicing dance in the basement, jogging, reading, the list goes on, so obviously when I'm just watching tv she gets a bit concerned. I looked down, still playing with the strings.
"Yeah. It's just. Today has been-" I said, cutting myself off.
"I know." Emily said softly. "We've all felt it." She finished looking down at her lap. "Girls sleepover. What do you think?" She asked, raising her head to make eye contact and sounding cheerier. "Have fun to get our minds off today?" She questioned.
"Sounds like a good idea." I told her, nodding my head. She smiled.
"I'll text them, can you call the pizza place? Get 2 medium pizzas, pepperoni and cheese." She told me. I nodded and walked into the kitchen to pick up the cordless phone. I ordered the pizzas, and opened my phone to see that the girls all said they could come tonight. I entered the living room again, seeing Emily push the couch away from the tv, far enough so that we could set up enough air mattresses for everybody, with one person on the couch. I cleared things off the coffee table, and moved it as well. "What time will the pizza be delivered?" Em asked.
"Half an hour." I told her.
"What do we have for soda?" She asked me, walking towards the kitchen.
"Coke, Sprite, and carbonated water." I told her before she could reach the kitchen. She turned and looked at me with an eyebrow raised, like 'why have you memorized the pop in our fridge?' "I just checked." I told her, rolling my eyes.

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