Chapter 44- Riley's Gone

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Eldon's POV

I entered the courtroom for my second day of trial. I looked around. No one from A troupe was here, my family weren't even here, but they weren't here yesterday, so why would they come today. I was surprised however, when I looked around and didn't see Riley. A pang of sadness hit me as I thought that she probably thought I did kill James, and then decided I wasn't worth it. She was the only one who was sticking up for me, and now she isn't.


Emily's POV

Riley wasn't at dance. She wasn't at home. She wasn't in culture shock. Wasn't at a friends house. I couldn't find her. Her phone was left at home, her laptop beside it on the couch. Her room hadn't been touched, there wasn't even a note saying she was going somewhere. I didn't know where she was, but it wasn't like her to just leave without saying something. I haven't seen her since yesterday. I was starting to get worried. Michelle's kidnapper was still out there, it isn't safe, even though nothing's happened for a year. Suddenly, my phone buzzed.
Unknown- Eldon was let out of jail last night for capacity reasons. -A
My heart dropped in my chest. Eldon kidnapped Riley! Only one thought was on my mind as I walked out the door. Why was A helping me?

Eldon's POV

It had been a couple hours since the second day of my trial. I was looking really guilty. I was probably going to jail for 40 years. The jury had pretty much made up their mind already, I heard one of them saying so, so why did I have to keep going to trial for 2 more weeks? It was going to be the same outcome, only everyone will be mad about having to come for so long when I'm so guilty, so I will go to jail even sooner, and maybe longer. I was pulled from my thoughts when an officer turned the key on the lock of my cell. "You have a visitor." They spoke. I felt a sliver of happiness. It could be Riley, apologizing for not coming today, saying she had something to do. But I knew better. I knew it was probably my lawyer, here to tell me something like 'if you change to plead guilty, you'll have less jail time and they'll be nicer to you' or something around those lines, so when I entered the room to see Emily sitting there, I was very surprised. The officer left, closing the door behind him.
"Where's Riley?" Emily asked immediately. She seemed angry, by the way she spoke so sternly.
"What're you talking about?" I asked her confused.
"I know you were released from jail last night, and you came and kidnapped Riley." She told me.
"I wasn't released last night for any reason, I was here. And why would I kidnap someone that's trying to help me?!" I asked her. She looked at me, dumbfounded. "Wait, are you saying Riley's gone?"

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